Contract/Worksheet Tunable Parameters
Many of the features and the functionality of the Counter Worksheet and the Contract can be customized to meet your firm's business practices.
Some of the tunable parameters can be set to apply to your entire company, and some to the parameters can be controlled by specific division.
Company Wide Settings:
In Company Parameters the following parameters should be setup in the Counter Worksheet Parameters window of the Company Contract Parameters:
1.Book Selected Groups/Products:
oThe parameter can be set so that when a product or group is selected, it is immediately booked and immediately shows as unavailable on the bookings inquiry.
oIf this control is not set the product or group on the worksheet is not actually booked until the worksheet is converted to the Contract, Reservation, or Quotation.
2.Prompt Convert On Worksheet Load:
oSet this flag to immediately prompt to complete the document conversion to a contract, when an existing saved counter worksheet is reloaded.
oIf this flag is not set, an existing counter worksheet re-opens at the product detail screen, before prompting to convert it to a contract.
3.Prompt For Services When Saving:
oThis flag can be set to prompt for services whenever a counter worksheet is saved.
oLeave this control off to suppress the services prompt if your firm does not enter services on counter worksheets.
Services can always be added later on the resulting contract, reservation, or quote, if required.
4.Prompt For Deposits When Saving:
oThis flag can be set to prompt for any deposit amounts taken whenever a counter worksheet is saved.
oLeave this control off to suppress this feature if your firm does not take deposits on counter.
5.Multiple D.W.% By Customer:
oThis flag can be set to provide the ability to charge different Damage Waiver rates per customer on different rental documents.
oIf this feature is not activated the division Damage Waiver rate applies, and if there is no percent of rental rate defined for a division, then the company Damage Waiver rate applies.
Additional Company Parameters that control the worksheet functionality include:
1.Rental Rate Override Prompts for All Rates:
This flag can be set in the company wide Company Rate Parameters as follows:
oUncheck this option to omit the prompt and to automatically use the standard method of calculating rates as follows:
When the rate is overridden on a product detail of the worksheet, a ratio of the rate override is used to adjust each rate level proportionately for this product detail on this document.
Base Rates are also adjusted.
No changes are made to any other product detail or to the main product file rates.
oCheck this control option to trigger the prompt to Override All Rates For This Product? when a rate is over-ridden in the worksheet.
The Override options in the worksheet then include:
▪Click YES if the rate override applies to all rental rates.
This is the standard method as explained above.
▪Click NO if the override applies just to that rate level and Base Rate for that product detail.
The new rates for this detail can be viewed in the window on the Each field.
Note: A zero Rental rate amount is acceptable for a rental period, but the zero value must just be re-typed to confirm it in the Unit Price or Each field of the Contract.
2.Default Deposit Date Based On:
This control is set in the Company Contract Parameters and applies to the default date assigned to contract deposits in Counter Worksheet, Contracts, and Contract Deposits.
The default date can always be over-typed, as required.
oWhen the parameter flag is left blank, the deposit date defaults to the contract date when a new contract is entered in Add mode, but defaults to today's date when additional deposits are added in Change mode.
oWhen set to C, the deposit date always defaults to the Contract Date.
oWhen set to D, the deposit date always defaults to Today's Date.
oWhen set to N, No Default date automatically displays, and the clerk must enter the correct date for each deposit.
3.Customer Notes pop-up in rental document header:
This feature applies to Contracts, Reservations, Sales Quotes and Rental Quotes but not to the general Worksheet.
If the 'Open Cust Notes In Doc Entry' parameter is activated in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters and the operator has Security Role Permissions then the Customer Comments and Notes pop-up window is triggered in the document entry.
This pop-up is also triggered if the customer number is changed on one of these document headers.
4.Waiver Controls include the Company Standard Waiver Settings and the Company Alternate Waiver Settings that can be activated in the Company Contract Parameters:
1.The Standard Waiver Calculation includes the following features:
▪Respect Waiver Codes by Customer:
This flag provides the ability to customize waiver charges by customer as defined in Waiver Codes by Customer.
Customer waiver rates over-ride both the company and division rates for the same waiver code.
▪Waiver Codes:
Multiple waiver codes can be assigned default rates at the company level in Company Waiver Code Maintenance.
Any division waiver rates over-ride the company waiver rates based on the same waiver code, and customer rates over-ride both the company and division rates for the same waiver code.
▪Use Damage Waiver Per Item Value Limits:
The feature provides the ability to restrict equipment rental according to equipment value, and to ensure that the customer has sufficient waiver and insurance coverage for the equipment Replacement Cost should it be lost or damaged.
The setup in Company Standard Waiver Settings provides the following:
Separate Minimum values can be set for Cash versus On Account type customers to allow products with a Replacement Cost less than this minimum value to be rented with or without coverage.
Separate Maximums can also be set for Cash versus On Account type customers.
The Maximum for a Cash customer prevents the Cash customer from ever renting a product with a Replacement Cost greater than the maximum.
The Maximum for an Account customer requires the customer to have sufficient valid insurance to cover the difference between this maximum that D.W. covers and the equipment Replacement Cost.
When the equipment Replacement Cost falls between the Minimum and the Maximum, all customers must have sufficient valid insurance coverage or must pay the Damage Waiver.
Note: The equipment value limit is not a cumulative check.
The Replacement Cost on the individual product in is checked independent of other equipment on rent on that document or by that customer.
Conversion Value Check:
When a Worksheet is converted to a rental document the Replacement Cost of the rental products is re-checked for insurance or Damage Waiver coverage, as outlined in Products Requiring Insurance/Damage Waiver Review.
2.The Alternate Waiver Calculation uses either a base value, the pre-discounted rental amount, or the extended rental amount on each product detail line, multiplied by one of two different waiver percent rates defined by the product Group, to determine the DW amount to charge by product on the document.
5.Maximum Number of Search Results:
This setting in the Company Inventory Parameters can be used to set a limit for the number of products to be displayed in equipment lookup searches.
oLeave the flag blank or zero if a limit is not required.
oEnter the maximum number of products to be displayed in the window on product lookup searches.
6.Over-ride Available Location Quantities:
This availability control can be set in the Company Security Parameters to apply to product requirements on contracts and worksheets.
A separate flag is provided in the Company Security Parameters to apply to over-bookings on reservations created from the counter worksheet program.
oLeave this control off to prevent a product quantity from being put on that type of document, if none are available at that location according to the product requirements information.
oSet this flag to allow staff to override product quantities on that type of document, after being warned that insufficient quantities are available.
The Product/Group Bookings Report can be use to report on over-booked products.
Note: Quotes that are created from the counter worksheet program, generate the standard overbooked availability warning but do not prevent the quote from being created.
7.Availability Checking on Kit Items added to a Document:
The Kit/SSL Enforces Document Location Override Restrictions flag in the Company Security Parameters controls whether quantity overbooking is enforced when Kit or Suggested Sales List items are added to a document.
8.Rental Cap Processing:
This feature can be activated in the Company Rate Parameters to allow a maximum rental amount per rental to be set for specific equipment in Rental Inventory.
All customers will be allowed the Rental Cap unless the flag is removed in the Additional Information window in the Customer Information.
In the worksheet, this flag is respected according to the cash customer defined for the division, but the rate is re-calculated if required when the actual customer number is assigned.
To access the Rental Cap information in the document window on the Time Due field in the Each window. This maximum rental can be over-typed if required.
This item will NOT be billed above this maximum Rental Cap and a note will display in the rental calculation window when the cap has been reached.
Note: Rental Cap processing is ignored for all customers, if this company flag is not set.
9.Respect "Days To Bill" On Contracts:
This setting in the Company Billing Parameters controls how the price break is applied over an extended rental, when the operator gives a one-time price break on the contract by setting the Days to Bill lower than the actual rental period.
oLeave this control off if the Days to Bill price break should only apply to short-term contracts.
This ensures that the reduced days charged for the rental period only applies at the Rental Return if the contract has never been cycle billed.
oSet this flag if the Days to Bill price break applies to long-term contracts that are cycle billed, as well as the short-term contracts.
This ensures that the Days to Bill still applies even after a contract is extended beyond the original rental period, and the customer always receives the initial price break for that first rental period identified on the contract.
Note: If the dates are changed, the operator will be prompted whether to recalculate the Days to Bill too.
10.Seasonal Rental Billings:
Seasonal rental periods can be setup by Group to generate a single billing per season at the appropriate seasonal rate.
This would be useful for seasonal rentals such as heaters, where a different charge could apply to the different seasons according to demand and usage.
A maximum of four seasons can be defined in sequence based on the starting date.
This feature is activated when a unique "Rental Rate Code" is defined in the Company Rate Parameters for Seasonal Pricing, along with a Seasonal "Billing Day Code".
Then when a document is created and is assigned the "Seasonal Rental Rate Code" as the Special Rate in the Rental Period window on a document header, all rental products and Groups added to the document default to the "Seasonal Rental Rate Code" and this becomes the only rate added to the document for this product/Group.
If there is no valid rate for the "Seasonal Rental Rate Code", a warning is triggered and the complete rate structure applies for the product or Group billing on this document.
A zero dollar rate on a Seasonal Contract for a Seasonal rental product is not suppressed even if the option to Suppress 0 Rates on Document is activated in the Company Rate Parameters.
Note: To enter a Counter Worksheet for seasonal rentals, the customer information must first be entered to capture the Seasonal Rental Rate Code, before the product details can be entered to allow seasonal rates.
An optional default "Marketing Code" can also be defined in the Company Rate Parameters to print seasonal comments on resulting invoices.
Note: Rental Products on Contracts that are flagged for 'Seasonal Billing' can be put "Off Rent" but zero hours will always be calculated to eliminate conflicts with the seasonal billing calculation.
This includes the "Off Rent" hours generated by Delivery and Pickup Tickets.
11.Post Document Discounts To General Ledger:
This option in the Company Posting Parameters controls how discounts given on sales and rentals are posted to the General Ledger.
oWhen discounts are not posted separately to the G/L, the net product charge (Rate/price less Discount) is posted as a Credit to the product Revenue account.
oWhen discounts are posted separately, the gross product charge is posted as a Credit to the product Revenue account and any discounted amounts are posted as Debits to the Discount Expense account.
Because Standard prices can be different between divisions, any divisional pricing defined in the "Rental Rates & Pricing" parameters on the Operations tab of Configure System Settings in Price Codes and assigned to the Division as the default Price level in the Divisional Rate Parameters, is considered in the calculation as part the original price, prior to any discount given.
Any other special pricing by customer, product, group, class, and circular, is considered to be discount pricing and will post separately to the GL when this post feature is active.
12.Display Insurance Information:
This display option is controlled in the Company Security Parameters as follows:
oSet this flag to cause the customer's insurance information to display automatically after the customer number is entered.
The operator must confirm the insurance information is correct, before proceeding.
If this information is not correct, it can be updated in the Additional Information window in Customer Information.
oLeave this control off to suppress the insurance information window in the worksheet.
13.Allow Override of Rental Rates:
This parameter in the Company Security Parameters controls the ability to over-ride rental rates and rental dollar amounts on rental documents.
When set to prohibit over-rides, any rate adjustments at document entry must be done through the discount process.
To further control an over-ride the operator's Security Role Permissions can be set to either allow or prohibit the operator from over-riding the discount field value.
14.Prompt For Clerk:
This flag controlled in the Company Security Parameters can be set to prompt for the clerk code in the document header.
If this flag is set, a further flag can be set to require the clerk's password to also be entered for verification.
Three attempts to enter the correct password are allowed before the operator is refused access.
15.Log All Sale Margin Overrides Below This Percentage:
This feature can be activated by setting a Margin Percent in the Company Security Parameters.
When a sale price is entered on a document and the margin is less than the defined percent, an audit record is written for Override Type 'MO'- Margin Override.
No Reason code or Password is required, unless the Reason Code and/or Password Security features are also activated.
The Margin Override audit log can be printed from Print Override Report for Type 'MO'.
16.Continue Document On Failed Credit Check:
This option is controlled in the Company Security Parameters and can be set to prevent a customer from continuing to do business if he has exceeded his Credit Limit.
Additional flags can be set to ignore future dated unpaid invoices in the Credit check, and also to allow the customer to go over his credit limit by a percent of his allowed credit.
17.Add Products On Failed Rental Value Limit Check:
This option is also controlled in the Company Security Parameters and can be set to prevent a customer from continuing to rent value controlled equipment, if he has exceeded his Rental Value Limit.
An additional flag can be set to allow the customer to go over his Rental Value Limit by a percent of his allowed limit.
Note: To utilize this feature effectively, the Customer information should be entered on the Counter Worksheet before entering the product details.
18.Display Total Product Weight:
This option is controlled in the Company Inventory Parameters to display the total weight of rental and sales products on the "Totals" screen for the Counter documents.
The weight of any negative quantities is not included in the weight total.
19.Required Site on Document:
A flag in the Additional Information for each customer can be set, forcing the operator to enter a valid site code on each document for this customer, with the exception of Point Of Sale Invoices.
The default value is set in the Company Contract Parameters.
20.Required Document Information:
Certain information can be flagged in the Company Contract Parameters as mandatory fields in document entry, including:
o"Bill to Postal/Zip Code" on document for customer address
o"Ship to Postal/Zip Code" on document for site address
o"Ship to City" on document for site address, as setup in City Tax Codes
o"Salesman Code" on document, as setup in Salesman Codes
o"Name from Check List" on document, as setup for each customer in Customers
Store or Division Controls:
In Division Parameters, setup the following options by division:
1.Additional Pop-Up Information Windows:
Additional Pop-Up Windows can be defined in the "Document Settings" of the Divisional Contract Parameters to be triggered to display and capture specific data when entering contracts and worksheets for this division.
Features and fields that are not activated as pop-ups, can still be accessed on each Contract or Worksheet in the Additional window at the bottom of the document header screen.
2.Counter Worksheet Start With:
The default starting point for the worksheet can be set by division in the "Document Settings" of the Divisional Contract Parameters.
One of the following four options can be entered or chosen from the drop-down list to be the default for this division:
oA to Ask User for the starting point for each specific worksheet
oC to start the worksheet with the Customer information
oD to start the worksheet with the Date/Time Out
oP to start the worksheet with Product entry
3.Deposit Amount:
If the contract or reservation requires a deposit, the Deposit Multiplier % in the Company Contract Parameters can be used to define the percent of the document charge that is required as the deposit.
4.Business Source:
The source information can be captured and a source analysis summary can be printed from Business Source Report.
The flag in the Additional Pop-Up Windows can be set in the "Document Settings" of the Divisional Contract Parameters to always prompt for the optional Business Source as setup in Business Source Codes.
5.Print General Comment for Contracts in this Division:
A division can be flagged to always print a general comment on all contracts from that division, as setup in the Divisional Printing Parameters.
6.Divisional Waiver Controls in the Divisional Contract Parameters:
oCharge Waiver:
This flag sets the default on rental documents whether to charge customers the waiver rate.
oAllow User Access to Waiver%:
This parameter controls whether the operator also has the ability to change the percent rate charged for any waiver code in document entry.
This divisional control is set according to the division of the document, regardless of the operator division.
oWaiver Codes:
Multiple waiver codes can be assigned rates at the division level in the Division Standard Waiver Settings that over-ride the company waiver rates for the same codes.
Customer rates defined in the Waiver Codes by Customer for specific customers, over-ride both the company and division rates for the same waiver code.
7.Print Time in Document Details:
This option can be set in the "General Settings" of the Divisional Printing Parameters.
This parameter controls whether the Time prints along with the Date on each product detail line in rental documents such as Contracts, Invoices, and Off Rentals.
8.# of Days to Display History for Sales Products:
This setting in the divisional "General Settings" of the Divisional Inventory Parameters applies only if the customer information and division have been entered in the worksheet header before the products are entered.
oEnter the number of previous days of sales history to be displayed for this customer for this Sales part, when it is entered on a worksheet.
9.Auto Display History For Sales Products In Docs:
This setting in the "General Settings" of the Divisional Inventory Parameters applies only if the customer information and division have been entered in the worksheet header before the products are entered.
oSet this flag to pop-up a window displaying the customer's posted sales activity when a Sales part is listed on the worksheet, as outlined in Product Sales History.
The number of days of sales history displayed is determined by number of days entered in the previous parameter.
oLeave this option unchecked to suppress the automatic display of the sales history window on the document.
This information can still be viewed on the product detail line on the document by windowing on the Each field, and in the resulting Special Pricing table click on the SALES HISTORY button.
10.Mandatory ID & Reference:
These fields can be flagged as required on documents as set in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.
Options include:
oB to require the ID and Reference for Both On Account and Cash customers
oC to require the ID and Reference for only Cash customers
oN if these fields are Not Mandatory and are always optional
oO to require the ID and Reference for only On Account customers
11.Driver's License Scan:
The Prompt for Driver's License/ID control and processing can be set in the "Customer Settings" of the Divisional Contract Parameters.
For details on this feature refer to Driver's License Scanners and Document Customer Search.
This parameter also controls whether Tab stops on the Driver's License field in the document header if a valid Driver's License is not already saved in Customer Information for the customer, as outlined in Driver's License Search.
This is not mandatory information and can still be left blank if required.
The Tab stop is ignored on this field if this parameter is set NOT to prompt or if a single valid Driver's License is already saved in Customer Information for the customer.
12.Divisional Special Pricing and Time-Based Discounts:
Special Pricing options can be setup in the Divisional Rate Parameters.
A Time-Based Discount is a discount that an operator can apply to a Rental Product on a quote, reservation or contract, for a limited portion of the rental period.
For example, a Time-Based Discount could be applied for the first part of a rental period as an initial Training period.
On contract, reservation, and rental quote only (not Miscellaneous Invoice) if an operator changes the discount percent on any Rental (not Sales) product and the document division has any Time-Based discount override code setup in Time-Based Discounts in the Divisional Rate Parameters then the operator will be prompted for a Reason Code (even if prompt for Reason Codes is off).
A window opens to allow the operator to view and modify the discount values, up to the preset maximum days and discount percent.
Note: The Time-Based discount % value is not displayed in the Expanded product detail line, as it only applies to a portion of the rental period.
Any rental discount percent from the header is displayed.
In Change mode the operator can window on percent to view Time-Based Discount data, or if Time-Based Discount applies, the window opens automatically when the operator moves through line detail.
The quotes and reservations convert the Time-Based Discount information to any resulting documents.
The contract pushes the Time-Based Discount to resulting invoices where the information can be viewed but not changed.
Customer Discount Programs:
Additional discount incentive programs can also be setup in Customer Discount Programs and assigned to preferred customers in Customer Information.
If a customer is not eligible for his Discount Program at the time an invoice is created, a warning will be triggered on the screen after the document header information is completed, to alert the operator.
Rental Product Class Discount Control:
A flag in the Rental Product Class can be set to control whether rental products in a specific class should not be given customer or standard discounts.
This flag is handled differently for Kit items to allow for package pricing as outlined in Kits, and does not apply to Time Based Discounts, or when a split billing invoice is generated.
13.Create Work Order From Create Contract:
Some divisions that always only rent a product such as Scaffolding that requires some service or setup in order to rent, require a new Work Order to be created for each Contract.
This feature would not be useful for standard rental divisions.
This feature can be configured in the Divisional Work Order Parameters.
Miscellaneous Settings:
1.Contract Number:
Normally the contract number is automatically assigned.
The ability to over-type the document number is controlled by the Allow Custom Document# flag for the document type (RSCH) defined in Last Used Transactions.
2.Performance Questions:
A performance check can be setup using Performance Questions to prompt staff to report on your key performance indicators when the document is completed by clicking on the PERFORMANCE button in the Contract Totals screen.
Security and Settings:
1.Over-ride Requiring Passwords:
The Counter Worksheet has the password override processing that prompts for a password if the user overrides the rental rate, rate code, or unit price.
Overbooked items will also require this password.
To setup Company Security Parameters and passwords refer to Module Passwords.
For more information on this security feature refer to System Security Overview.
2.Field Access Control:
Additional role security can be set to restrict certain actions in document entry using field access security as defined for the operator in Security Role Permissions.
This security feature can be used to control the operator's ability to over-ride field values including product description, discount percents, dates/times, quantities, rates, price, and terms.
3.Date Range Control:
The date out will be checked to make sure the date is valid against the date ranges set as acceptable in Date Range Control as follows:
oContracts check module RSCH
oReservations check module RSRH
oQuotes check module RSQH
oWorksheet when started with the date option prior to defining the document type, the module RSWH is checked
Topic Keyword: CTUNE