Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Paging Screens

Getting Started Overview Information Guide -> Paging Screens

A feature of Texada SRM is the Paging Screen.
 A paging screen allows the user to view multiple records at the same time on the monitor.
 The records are viewed similar to a "rolling screen". A good example of a paging screen is Chart Of Accounts.
 Refer to the sample below:

|                                                                       |
|   CHART OF ACCOUNTS                                                   |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|   SEQ#      ACCT#     DESCRIPTION                          TYPE       |
|   ----      -----     -----------                          ----       |
|   0001      1000      BANK                                   A        |
|   0002      1100      CASH - CLEARING                        A        |
|   0003      1130      CASH ON HAND (CASH FLOAT)              A        |
|   0004      1135      PETTY CASH                             A        |
|   0005      1200      ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                    A        |
|   0006      1230      ALLOWANCE FOR DOUBTFUL ACCTS           A        |
|   0007      1240      MERCHANDISE FOR RE-SALE                A        |
|   0008      1250      PARTY MERCHANDISE FOR RE-SALE          A        |
|   0009      1290      PREPAID EXPENSES                       A        |
|   0010      1300      RENTAL EQUIPMENT                       A        |
|   0011      1301      ACCUM. DEPRECIATION - RENTAL EQUIP.    A        |
|                                                                       |


 Moving to the desired field is easiest by using the mouse to click on the field, however SRM software can also be utilized without a mouse by using the keyboard as follows:

Using the keyboard in a paging screen, the Left/Right Arrows move the cursor character by character within the field, and pressing <ENTER> moves from field to field across the record advancing to the right.
 For example, on sequence 0004 pressing <ENTER> moves the cursor first to 1135 Account number and then to PETTY CASH description.

The Up/Down Arrows move the cursor to the next record within the SAME column of the paging screen.
 For example, if the cursor was at the description PETTY CASH, pressing Down Arrow moves the cursor to ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE description.

Any changes made will be accepted without pressing <ENTER>.
 For example, if the description is changed from PETTY CASH to PETTY CASH BOX and then Down Arrow to ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, the change will be accepted without pressing <ENTER>.
 This is the fastest method of making changes within a column.

 Sequence numbers are automatically assigned by the software when information is entered. Generally the sequence number assigned indicates the order that the information was added.

When making changes in a paging screen, there are several ways to move the cursor to the desired sequence number either by mouse or keyboard. Here are a few tips:

Press Up/Down Arrow to move the cursor one record Up/Down at a time.

Press Page Up or Page Down to display the prior/next page.
 (A page is defined by the amount of information that currently displays.)

The scrollbar on the right of the paging screen is enabled if there is more data to be viewed, and can also be used to move up and down through the data records.

In the SEQ field, type in the desired sequence number (without the leading zeroes) and press <ENTER> to immediately move to that record.

Press CTRL_End key combination to reach the last record on the page.

Press CTRL-Home key combination to reach the beginning record.
 The beginning sequence number is defined by the initially start point.

For example, when doing a Customer Lookup ask the software to display customers beginning with K. When in the paging screen, pressing Page Up or CTRL-Home does not display customers prior to K. To see customers prior to K, restart the lookup. To restart the lookup, press ESCAPE or / Cancel key to return to the initial prompt for Alpha (Customer Name).

Note: A Listbox screen lists data records similar to a Paging Screen and is used in utilities such as a search window selection lists where data records need to be displayed with no ability to modify them.
 List boxes do not display any sequence numbers.
 The advantage of a Listbox screen is that records can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading.
 Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.

 To delete a single line within a paging screen, follow these steps:

1.Click on the SEQ field of the line to be deleted.

2.Press the <F7> or click the DELETE button at the bottom of the screen to change to Delete mode.
 Confirmation is required to complete the deletion.

3.Click YES to delete the line selected. The sequence numbers will automatically renumber themselves to fill in the gap.

To delete several lines within a paging screen, follow these steps:

1.Click on the SEQ field of the first line to be deleted.

2.Holding the Shift key, click on the SEQ field of the last line in the series to be deleted.
 All lines between the first line and including the last line will be highlighted.

3.Press the <F7> or click the DELETE button.

4.Confirmation is required.
 Click YES to delete the lines selected.
 All lines between the first line and including the last line will be deleted and the sequence numbers will automatically renumber themselves to fill in the gap.

 To make Additions to information on a paging screen, adding the entries at the bottom is generally acceptable.
 By pressing ADD the software will display the next available sequence number, resulting in adding to the END of existing entries automatically.

To Insert a line within existing information instead of adding it to the end, click on the sequence number below where the new line needs to be inserted to highlight that record.
 Click the INSERT button and enter the new information. This information will be added ahead of information previously assigned to that line.
 Examine the examples below to see this in action.

Step 1:

Statement Layouts
 To insert Account 1130 CASH ON HAND before Account 1135 PETTY CASH, highlight Sequence 0004 and press INSERT, and enter the new account information.

|                           STATEMENT LAYOUTS                             |
|                                                                         |
|  LAYOUT NUMBER            B                                             |
|  DESCRIPTION              BALANCE SHEET                                 |
|  TYPE (B/I/O)             B                                             |
|                                                                         |
|  SEQ#    ACCT#  DESCRIPTION                     SUB  P/A  SKIP   +/-    |
|  ----    -----  -----------                     ---  ---  ----   ---    |
|  0001     LIT   ASSETS                           1    P    1            |
|  0002     LIT   ======                           1    P    1            |
|  0003    1000   BANK                             1    P    1            |
0004_   1135   PETTY CASH                       1    P    1            |
|  0005    1200   ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE              1    P    1            |
|                                                                         |

Step 2:

Account 1130 CASH ON HAND was inserted before Account 1135 PETTY CASH.
The sequence numbers automatically renumber themselves.

|   Change              MAINTAIN STATEMENT LAYOUTS                        |
|                                                                         |
|  LAYOUT NUMBER            B                                             |
|  DESCRIPTION              BALANCE SHEET                                 |
|  TYPE (B/I/O)             B                                             |
|                                                                         |
|  SEQ#    ACCT#  DESCRIPTION                      SUB  P/A  SKIP   +/-   |
|  ----    -----  -----------                      ---  ---  ----   ---   |
|  0001     LIT   ASSETS                            1    P    1           |
|  0002     LIT   ======                            1    P    1           |
|  0003    1000   BANK                              1    P    1           |
|  0004    1130   CASH ON HAND                      1    P    1           |
|  0005    1135   PETTY CASH                        1    P    1           |
|  0006    1200   ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE               1    P    1           |
|                                                                         |

Topic Keyword: GS0502