Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Printer Set-Up

Getting Started Overview Information Guide -> Printer Set-Up

When the SRM Software is installed, it includes the setup of various Windows and network printers.
 These can be viewed in System-Wide Printers and additional printers can be added.

The printer control codes that apply to these printers can be accessed in Printer Codes.
 For printer type WIN-CRT used by Windows systems, a window on the "Code for Form Size" field controls whether the reports and documents print Letter size (8 1/2 X 11) or A4 size (8.27 X 11.69).

The output type can include, document, web page, PDF, email, specific printer, or even a slip printer, as selected by the client session from the Printer Selection window.

Topic Keyword: GS0801