Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

File Integrity Check

Getting Started Overview Information Guide -> File Integrity Check

 A utility called ISCHK should be run regularly to check and confirm that all program files and data files on your system are in good shape and are NOT damaged or corrupt.
 Texada Support recommends that ISCHK should be run on a daily basis.
 Damaged and corrupt files can usually be recovered successfully if they are identified and rebuilt immediately. However if you continue to use damaged files, they can quickly become destroyed beyond recovery.

If a system crashes or terminates abnormally, this file check should be performed immediately before continuing.

ISCHK must be run when no other operator is using SRM Software. The best way to achieve this is to re-boot the server and keep everyone out.
 If files are identified as corrupt, do NOT attempt to rebuild them until a copy has been made of each damaged file.
 Call Texada Support for assistance.

 A second file integrity check program ISKEYS, should also be run regularly to check the larger data files to determine when they are approaching their maximum file size. When certain data files reach this maximum, they become unstable and can easily become corrupt.

This utility provides an early warning flag. Do not disregard this warning. Call Texada Support immediately for assistance re-sizing any identified file.

File Integrity Check - LINUX SYSTEMS
Posting Control Information
 Posting Rollback Warning

Topic Keyword: GS12