Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

File Integrity Check - LINUX

Getting Started Overview Information Guide -> File Integrity Check - LINUX

Most LINUX systems are setup to automatically run the ISCHK and the ISKEYS jobs nightly along with the backup process. Each morning a report should print on the system printer verifying that the files are OK.

If any files are damaged, they will be listed on the report. Call Texada Support immediately for assistance in copying and then rebuilding them. It is important NOT to continue using damaged files.

If any files are nearing their maximum size, they will also be listed on the report. Call Texada Support immediately for assistance in resetting the file size limitations.

The ISCHK program can also be initiated manually whenever required from the "Applications Menu" option number 2 "Check SRM Data Files". Ensure all operators have exited SRM Software, by rebooting the server prior to running the file integrity check program.

Topic Keyword: GS1201