Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Barcode Scanners

Getting Started Overview Information Guide -> Scanners -> Barcode Scanners

A Barcode Scanner can be used to enter the point of sale tracking numbers for rental and sales products. Barcodes may be used in all of the counter document entry programs such as Contracts, Counter Worksheet, Invoices, Order Entry, Work Orders, etc. and also in Sales Inventory and Rental Inventory. When a scanner reads in the barcode in the product number field, the corresponding product number is substituted on the document.

Multiple barcodes may be entered for each product. These are stored in the Barcode window of each rental and sales product record in Sales Inventory and Rental Inventory.
 Update Barcodes provides quick access to the barcode fields. Existing barcodes can be reviewed, and codes may be added or deleted in this program. If an existing barcode needs to be changed, delete the record and re-add it correctly.

The Product Barcode Listing can be used to generate lists of products having and/or needing barcodes. This report can also be used to help load barcodes into the product records when first installing the barcode feature.

Barcodes can be loaded into the product file manually or by using a scanner.

Barcodes can also be used to read and capture Driver's License information as outlined in Driver's License Scanners, or to identify customers.

Barcodes for Customer identification can also be created by uing the Print Customer# Barcode utility to generate the barcode label for relevant customers.

Refer to the "Barcode Parameters" settings of the Company Inventory Parameters for instructions in defining the barcode printer setup.

Topic Keyword: GS1401