Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Inventory Posting Identification Overview

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Inventory Posting Identification

This option appears on the IC Utilities Menu only when the Post by Inventory by Customer Type feature has been activated in the Support Application Parameters.
 This processing facilitates the posting of revenue and expenses for non-bulk rental equipment, to different revenue and expense G/L accounts by product, according to the type of customer.

When this processing is activated, Posting ID fields appear in Rental Inventory.
 The Posting ID codes, to be assigned to all non-bulk rental equipment, can be setup on the Configure System Settings in the Posting Identifications option with the corresponding G/L accounts and Customer Types in the Accounts window as outlined in Posting by Primary Customer Type.
 Note: Daily Close 2 will require that all non-bulk rental equipment be associated with Posting ID codes in Rental Inventory.

When non-bulk rental equipment is rented or sold, the Current Posting ID is updated.
 An audit trail in Posting ID Changes tracks changes to the Posting ID codes by product.

Then when an invoice renting or selling a non-bulk rental item to a customer having a Customer Type identified in Posting by Primary Customer Type matching the product's Posting ID code, is posted through the Daily Close, the G/L posting accounts are determined by that product's Posting ID.
 If an invoice is generated for a customer having a Customer Type that is NOT identified with a Posting ID code that matches the product's, then the regular G/L posting accounts as setup in Rental Product Classes, are used.

The Posting ID sub-menu options include:

Posting Identification By Product
 Posting Identification By Invoice
 Posting Identification Deletion Inquiry

Topic Keyword: IC03