Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Select Invoices - Computer Checks

Accounts Payable Menu -> A/P Payments -> Select Invoices - Computer Checks

This program can be utilized in a variety of ways:

To issue a computer check to a single vendor.

To issue computer checks for several vendors.

To generate an automatic check run.

To produce an accurate edit list with which to write manual checks; and after writing the checks to quickly enter the check payments against the vendor accounts.

Refer to A/P Daily / Weekly Procedures for a flow chart diagramming the A/P payment process.

Direct A/P Payment feature:
 If the Direct Payment processing has been activated in the Company Information, any vendors identified in Vendor Information as subscribing to direct payment, will NOT be included in the selection list generated here.
 Such vendors must be paid using the Direct Credit Payments process.

Re-Occurring Check Amount by Vendor:
 A maximum check amount can be setup for each vendor in the "Additional Information" window of Vendor Information, so that each time Select Invoices - Computer Checks is run, a check for this re-occurring amount is generated.

Invoices are selected for payment on an oldest first basis. Discounts are respected, and partial invoice amounts are paid where necessary to meet but to not exceed this total amount. If the outstanding amount owed to the vendor does not meet this maximum amount, the check is only generated for the payment due.

Credit invoices are also selected for payment, on an oldest first basis. This means that credit invoices are only selected automatically if they have a due date that falls within the group of oldest selected invoices, before the "re-occurring check total" has been met. Once the check total has been met, a credit invoice is only selected if it is the next invoice by date sequence, and no partial amount is left on the preceding selected invoice.

Void Check Stub:
 Occasionally there will be a large volume of vendor invoices paid with one check, requiring an extra page to list them on the remittance advice.
 In this situation, the next check will be voided.
 The check run will record that the check was voided, and a void record will be written into the Cashed Checks Report.

The prompts for the invoice selection screen are:


Check this box to begin a fresh invoice selection.
 By re-selecting the invoices, a new list of all unpaid invoices is generated. Any previous selections will be discarded, as they would be considered "edits" or "worksheets".
 When the computer checks are printed, it is the latest selection that is used to issue the checks.

Uncheck this box to continue with the previous selection of vendors and invoices.
 i.e. If an operator is selecting invoices for payment and then must leave this program to do another job, he can come back into this program and carry on where he left off by NOT re-selecting the invoices. The selection procedure becomes a "worksheet" or "edit" and does not become finalized until the checks are printed.

The invoice selection may be discarded at anytime before the checks are accepted as finalized, and invoices can be re-selected.

Once the checks have been printed and printing has been accepted, the checks are final, and the selection list translates into the check details on the Check Register.
 The invoice list is then cleared to be ready for a fresh selection


Leave this field blank to include all vendors, or select a starting vendor from the Vendor Search window.

Note: To issue a check to only one Vendor, select the vendor from the window for both the Starting and Ending Vendor.
 By selecting the vendor twice from the window, the exact ALPHA name is displayed, ensuring that no other vendor is chosen, and the building of the selection list is immediate.


Leave this field blank to include all vendors, or select one from the window.


Accept today's date or enter the date for payment. Invoices which are past due and currently due as of the Payment Date will be selected.
 The Payment Date can be different from the check date.
 The check date is assigned when the checks are printed.


Accept the default of one week after the Payment Date, or type in the date when the next A/P payments run is scheduled.
 The closer the Next Payment Date is to the Payment Date, the fewer the number of invoices need to be paid today.
 Conversely, the further away the Next Payment Date, the greater the number of invoices will be overdue and will be selected for payment.

To pay ALL unpaid invoices, date the Next Payment Date far into the future, i.e. 12/31/2999.


Check this box to pay optional invoices (not due yet) with valid discounts.
 The program will select optional invoices with discounts if the Payment Date is before or equal to the Discount Date and the discount expires before the Next Payment Date.
 Note: Optional invoices without discounts will be skipped.

Uncheck this box to ignore all invoices that are not due yet.


Uncheck this box to manually select specific invoices for selected vendors.
 The software displays invoices with Due Dates up to and including the Next Payment Date, but does not flag them to be paid.
 To pay specific invoices, manually select them in the resulting invoice selection list.

Check this box to automatically select eligible invoices for payment.
 The program will select invoices (except ones On Hold) with Due Dates up to and including the Next Payment Date, and display them flagged to be paid.
 In the resulting invoice selection list, invoices can be de-selected manually by unchecking the Pay flag.


Enter the currency, or select it from the window.
 Since checks are issued from one bank account with one currency, invoices should be selected with the same currency for this check run.


Type ALL to include all divisions in the invoice selection.
 This is the default value for a new selection.

To select invoices only from a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.

Type SEL to select several specific divisions or divisions by accounting region to include in the output, as outlined in Division Select By Region.

Note: On the resulting selected invoice paging screen, the Divisions chosen in the SEL window can be viewed by clicking on the Gear icon beside the Division field in the screen header.

The division selection is NOT limited by the Divisional Restricted Views assigned to the operator.

Note: This prompt is disabled when re-accessing an existing list of invoices selected for payment and the previous Division selected for that currency is displayed.


Click the ACCEPT button to accept the selection criteria, or click the CANCEL button to abort.

Note: Vendors with a credit balance total are NOT eligible to be included in the list.
 If an invoice needs to be paid to a Vendor carrying a credit balance total, use Select Invoices - Manual Checks to generate the payment.

Screen Layout for Resulting Selected Invoices - Computer Checks


STARTING VENDOR:  A                          PAYMENT DATE:  06/30/20XX
  ENDING VENDOR:  N                     NEXT PAYMENT DATE:  07/15/20XX

VEND #  C  PAY  NAME                             DISCOUNT       BALANCE
------  -  ---  ----                             --------       -------
   100  C   P   BOMAG                                 .00       5158.52
   130  C   N   HILTI                                 .00           .00
   112  C   Y   JOHNSON TENTS                       34.00       2404.96
   120  C   Y   MAKITA                              87.45       2688.37

                                TOTAL SELECTED FOR PAYMENT:    10251.85



The selected vendors will display in alphabetical order.

C (Currency)

The invoice currency will display. Only invoices with currencies matching the currency from the selection screen will be included.


Options in the PAY column include:

Default N (NO) to Pay (per the initial selection screen) causes vendors in this display to be marked as N (NO) - not ready to pay.

Default Y (YES) to Pay (per the initial selection screen) causes vendors to be selected as either Y (YES) - ready to pay, or P (PARTIAL) - ready to pay except for invoices On Hold.

P (Partial) indicates that some of the invoices for this vendor have already been selected for payment in part or in full.


To view the invoice total for this vendor, press <F9> or click the EXP/CON button. This is useful if the Default to Pay was set to No.
 To return to the previous screen display, press <F9> Expand Key again.

Window on PAY:

This window can be used to drill down to the specific invoices for that vendor.
 Invoices display in date order and are selected for payment using the same principle as the Cash Requirements Report. (the Invoice Due Date is compared with the Payment Date and the Next Payment Date to determine whether the invoice should be flagged as due).

The Invoice, Invoice Date, Due Date, Disc Date and Balance fields are displayed for reference only and cannot be changed.


Check this box to select this invoice for partial or full payment.
 The Amount and Discount values can be adjusted to the correct dollar amounts for this payment.

Uncheck this box if this invoices should not be paid in part or in full at this time.


This field is information only.

P indicates that the invoice is Past Due.
 C indicates that the invoice is Currently Due.
 O indicates that this invoice qualifies as Optional, and is due in future.


This field is information only and is checked if the invoice is On Hold will for payment.
 An invoice On Hold can be selected for payment, and a warning that the invoice is On Hold is triggered, but the invoice is then released for payment.

Expanded Details

Click the EXP/CON button to view the Invoice Date, Original Invoice Amount and the Division of the invoice.


Click ACCEPT to accept the selection, or CANCEL to abort this payment.


The name of the vendor displays.


The sum of the valid discounts on selected invoices displays.


The sum of the net invoice amounts on selected invoices displays.


If DEFAULT TO PAY = NO, then the Net Amount selected will display zero.
 To see the Payable total for the vendors, press <F9> or the EXP/CON button.

Expanded Detail Record

Click EXP/CON to view the following additional information for each invoice:


The sum of all invoices selected for payment will display at the bottom left of the screen.


Click the ACCEPT button to accept and exit, or click the CANCEL button to abort.

CONFIRMATION SCREEN to Process Payments;

Click YES to accept the selection and proceed with the Edit Report and printing the checks.
 Follow the steps on Print Computer Checks.

Note: If checks were voided because of large volumes of invoices being paid, the record will be written into Cashed Checks Report.

Click NO to cancel and exit.
 Upon exiting, the checks from the last edit can be printed later by selecting Print Computer Checks.
 The current selection will be saved as an edit and the same edit list can be re-accessed by choosing Select A/P Invoices - Computer Checks again.

Posting Control
 Locking will occur if an operator did not exit the posting program correctly.
 A Posting Control Information warning will appear on the screen and only operators with Security Role permission to reset the A/P and G/L Checks flag will have access to the RESET button that unlocks the program.
 Whenever the posting control flag for A/P Checks is reset, a record is written to the Delete Log for the Function APCH91A.

Topic Keyword: APAP30