U.S. 1099-Misc Forms From Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Menu -> U.S. 1099-Misc Forms -> U.S. 1099-Misc Form Data
To use this feature, the 1099-Misc Processing must be activated in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters.
This menu option can be used to generate a list of 1099 vendors with paid invoices in a selected date range, in preparation for printing the 1099-Misc forms.
The 1099-Misc forms have been revised in 2020.
The prompts are:
Accept the terminal TTY# default as the file name or manually enter a preferred file name.
This file name is required in the Print/Edit Generated 1099 - Misc Forms utility.
Leave this field blank to include all suppliers that use the 1099-Misc Forms feature as setup in the "Additional Information" window of the Vendor Information, or select a starting Vendor number from the Vendor Search window.
Leave this field blank to print all relevant accounts, or select an ending Vendor from the window.
Accept the default starting date or enter a preferred starting date.
Accept today as the default ending date or enter a preferred ending date.
Click ACCEPT to generate the Print/Edit Generated 1099 - Misc Forms screen to edit the list before printing, or click CANCEL to abort.
The 1099 file reflects the amounts the vendor has paid and can be output to a PDF file for emailing or laser printing.
Topic Keyword: APAP71