Customer Account Inquiry
Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Account Inquiry
Accounts Receivable Menu -> Collections -> Log Collection Calls -> Customer Notes/Collection Comments windows -> Notes field button -> Customer Account Inquiry
A customer's account charge history can be reviewed at any time in complete detail.
This program contains all posted information about each customer's account, including UNPAID and PAID invoices, customer payments, transferred payments, and service charges.
A setting in the Company Security Parameters, controls whether unposted invoices are also included in the outstanding document listings.
Any child invoices and payments are included in the parent customer account inquiry, and are identified as child account invoices in the window on the invoice number. They are not displayed separately in the inquiry for the child customer number.
Note: Restricted divisional access security as setup in Divisional Restricted Views does apply to this utility. Only invoices and payments for the operator's access-permitted divisions are displayed in the inquiry and aging.
The prompts to view a customer accounts are:
Type in the customer's number, or type in the first few characters of the customer alpha-key for a matching list of customers, or use the customer look up window as outlined in Accounting Customer Search.
•Type ALL to include all divisions in the report.
•To produce output for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.
•Type SEL to select several divisions or divisions by accounting region to include in the inquiry, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
Check this box to include all sites for the customer in the inquiry.
Uncheck this box to display the inquiry for a specific Site.
Enter the Site # or select either a Global or Customer site from the Site Search window.
This date determines the beginning point for displaying invoices on the screen.
Accept the default starting date to display the entire account on the screen, or enter a preferred starting date.
This date determines the ending point for displaying invoices on the screen.
To display the current account activity, accept today's date, or enter a preferred ending date for the display range.
Invoices or payments posted after the ending date do not display on the screen and are not included in the account Totals.
Aging refers to the grouping of the unpaid invoices according to Current, 31-60, 61-90 and Over 90 days.
Check this box to age the account using the current month end.
Example: If the current month end was February 28th, an invoice issued January 31st would still be aged as 31-60 Days with the rest of January invoices.
Uncheck this box to age the invoices according to actual invoice date instead of month end.
Example: If the current month end was February 28th, an invoice issued January 31st would be aged as Current, as it is really only 3 days old.
Check this box to show only the items currently outstanding. (i.e. outstanding invoices and unapplied payments only).
A setting in the Company Security Parameters, controls whether unposted invoices are also included in the outstanding document listings.
Uncheck this box to show all account activity in the date range (i.e. paid and unpaid).
This option will always exclude unposted invoices.
Note: Once the detail transaction screen for the inquiry is displayed a toggle button is provided at the bottom of the screen to change the display to and from ALL INVOICES or UNPAID ONLY.
Detailed Account Screen:
The customer number, name and primary telephone number display at the top of this paging screen for convenient reference.
The document records are listed by sequence number.
This is the date of the transaction.
•If the value in the T (Type) column is I (Invoice), then the Document Date is the invoice date.
•If T = P (Payment), then the Document Date is the payment date.
•If T = F (Finance Charge), the Document Date is the Finance Charge date.
For invoices, this will be when the invoice is due, and becomes eligible for finance charges per the payment Terms of the invoice.
For payments and finance charges, the due date and the document date will be the same.
Type I = Invoice, the document # is the invoice #
Type P = Payment, the document # is the check/payment#
Type F = Finance Charge/Currency code
A window is provided to drill down to detailed information about the document, as follows:
Document Details:
To view more details on a document, window on the relevant Document # field of the Invoice, Finance Charge, or Payment record.
Window options include:
•The Display Printed Invoice in Customer Account Inquiry flag in the Company Invoice Parameters can be set to either display the invoice in the print format, or to open the Document Details window to display the general Customer Information with drill down to invoice and payment details.
If the option to display the invoice in print format is utilized, the operator can still access the Customer Information in the Document Details window by clicking on the DETAILS button.
Note: The Document Details window is always displayed in an Open Client browser session if Jasper forms are not setup, or when the operator windows on a Payment or Finance Charge type document.
•The window on an Unposted invoice provides direct access to the invoice header information, details, services, and source document where applicable, as outlined in View Document Information.
Unposted invoices are only included on the Outstanding Invoice inquiry if the feature has been activated in Company Security Parameters.
•The Document Details window, provides detailed information about the document, the customer, and payment history.
oDocument# specific details include Document#, Date, Type of document, Currency, Original Amount, Unpaid Balance, Source Type and document number, Site and Division.
If the document was created for a Child Acct, the customer number for the Child is displayed.
If the invoice required approval before posting, the approver name and date of approval are also listed in the invoice header information.
oGeneral Customer Information that is displayed on the screen for a Posted document includes the following information as outlined in Customer Information:
Payables Contacts, Principals of the Company, Phone and Fax numbers, Credit Information, LTD Sales and Rentals, and Comments.
oWindow on the Invoice Information to drill down to the invoice details as outlined in View Document Information.
This option does not apply if the document is a Payment, a Finance Charge or if it is an Invoice that was entered through A/R Invoices.
oWindow on the Receipt Details if this is a payment generated from a Counter Payment to view the Payment transaction number, date, document number, amount and any comments.
Click the PRINT button in the window to reprint the receipt.
oWindow on the Payment Details to view the Payment Details.
oA Fax/Print option is also provided.
▪Click PRINT button from the Document Details window to print the selected Invoice, or to print the source Contract for the invoice.
▪Click FAX button from the Document Details window to fax the selected invoice as outlined in Fax a Single Invoice, or to fax the source Contract as outlined in Fax Contract.
oIn the Comments field window to see the Customer Collection Notes.
Additional notes can be added for the customer.
A flag in the Company Security Parameters can be set to allow access to these comments to changed and/or deleted them.
Conversely this can be set to only allow new comments to be added thus preventing any existing comments from being altered.
Notes with the same date as the DATE LAST CALLED will automatically appear on the Collection Call List.
T - Type
I = Invoice
P = Payment
F = Finance Charge
C - Currency
C = Canadian
U = U.S.
A = Australia
P - Print/Email Invoice
The flag in this column is used to identify invoices that should be emailed or an invoice that requires immediate payment.
•Print/Email Invoice:
Check this box to select any invoices to be printed or emailed in a batch, when the Account Inquiry is exited.
Invoices that have no printable details such as A/R Invoices cannot be selected.
Uncheck this box for invoices that should not be printed in the batch run.
•Request for Payment:
Check this box to select a single invoice and click the EMAIL FOR PAYMENT button at the bottom of this screen to generate an email request for payment through Texada Pay.
Refer to the notes on Generate Email Requesting Payment for an Invoice: at the bottom for more details on this action.
Uncheck this box for invoices that should not be emailed for payment.
Note: Payments, Finance Charges, AR Invoice, Credit Invoices or Invoices with no outstanding amount cannot be selected and if more than one invoice is selected no Payment Request email will be generated.
G/L - General Ledger
Window on this field to view the G/L transactions generated for this invoice as outlined in Posted A/R Details.
The G/L window does not apply to Finance Charges, or Payment transactions, or Open Balance Invoices created from an unapplied Payment amount.
This information is only tracked if the option to Save Posted A/R Details is activated in Support Application Parameters.
The original amount of the invoice, Finance Charge, or payment displays.
Payments and Credit Invoices usually have a negative amount, to indicate a credit against the account.
For an invoice, this is the amount that has been paid on this invoice.
For a payment, this is the amount of the payment that has already been applied to invoices.
This is the amount of discount given to the customer on an invoice.
For a payment, this is the total of discounts given for invoices paid with this check.
For invoices and finance charges, this is the current unpaid amount.
For payments, this is the current unapplied amount (i.e. amount of the check not used up against open invoices or finance charges).
Expanded Detailed Information
Click EXP/CON button or press <F9> to expand the account details to view:
The Billing Name from the invoice displays.
The Ship To Name from the invoice displays.
The Site number from the invoice displays.
The Shipping or Site address displays.
This field displays the Child customer number for the invoice when relevant.
If the invoice was generated from a contract or an order, the corresponding document number displays.
The function name ARCH04 is displayed if this document is a transferred payment generated from Transfer Customer Payments.
If this document is a payment transferred from another customer's account through Transfer Customer Payments, then the original source customer number is displayed.
If this is a transferred payment the source payment number is displayed.
If this is a transferred payment the original payment date is displayed.
The outstanding balance totals display at the bottom of the screen in aging period totals, according to the Age As Of ___ date determined on the original selection screen.
Windows are provide on each of the aging totals to view the documents with dates and amounts included in that Time Period.
The total outstanding Deposits taken for this customer on documents is displayed.
Window on the Deposits field to view the details as outlined in Outstanding Contract, Reservation, Work Order, and Sales Order Deposits.
PRINT/EMAIL INVOICE QUEUE Any invoices previously selected for printing/emailing by a check mark in the 'P' PRINT column, now display in the Invoices to be Printed queue on the screen with the Date, Invoice #, Original Amount, and Balance for each invoice.
Invoices that should not be printed or emailed at this time can be deleted from the queue as required.
With Jasper printing, a single PDF will be created that includes all invoice types and all invoice statuses.
If the Invoices are to be emailed, the "To Email Address" for the customers will default to the first Contact set up to receive 'Invoice' email in the Contact Information for the customer.
If there are no Contacts setup to receive email Invoices, the email address defined in the customer's Internet Information becomes the default.
A printer can be selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Click ACCEPT to print the invoices or CANCEL to abort.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Customer Account Inquiry screen include:
•Print Account Statement:
Click the PRINT button to print out the Account details as they currently appear on the inquiry.
Confirmation is required.
•Generate Email Requesting Payment for an Invoice:
The EMAIL FOR PAYMENT button is only active if the Texada Pay processing is activated and the 'P' column is checked for a single Invoice.
Clicking the EMAIL FOR PAYMENT button then generates an email to the address selected from Contact Email Search with a link to view the invoice in Jasper format.
After viewing the invoice the customer can clicked the NEXT button at the bottom of the Invoice form to make the Payment in a Texada Pay link.
When a TP ePayment is received from the customer for a posted Invoice, it is applied against the Invoice in the Customer's Account and included on the "INVOICE EDIT REPORT " in the next Daily Close 1 from which it is posted to the G/L.
If multiple Invoices have been flagged to Print/Email in the 'P' column or if the customer does not subscribe to Texada Pay a link to the website for more information on this feature is included in the email.
Note: This button is disabled for Zero dollar invoices, Paid invoices Credit invoices and Approval Pending invoices.
•Fax the Account Statement:
Click the FAX button to generate a fax of the customer's Account Statement.
The following information is displayed
The customer number of the customer to be faxed will display.
The customer name will display.
The customer's fax number will display.
Changes can be made to the customer's fax number.
The fax numbers must not have spaces between the numbers, but dashes are ok. If the fax number is long distance, there must be a 1 in front of the fax number. i.e. 1-416-555-1000
Any changes to the customer's fax number can be saved in the Customer Information file according to the Fax and Update Customer Information option provided in the Confirmation window.
The customer's total amount owing will display.
•Email Account Statement:
The EMAIL button is only available if the 'Use Contact Document Emailing' feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration and the Customer has an Active Contact with an email address that is flagged to receive 'Statements'.
Click the EMAIL button to email the account transactions to the customer as they currently appear on the inquiry screen.
The "To Email Address" for the Statement information defaults to the first Contact set up to receive 'Statement' email in the Contact Information for that customer.
Confirmation is required.
•Transaction Display Control:
Once the detail transaction screen for the inquiry is displayed a toggle button is provided to change the display to and from ALL INVOICES or UNPAID ONLY.
This display applies to Invoices, Finance Charges and Payments.
•View Texada Pay Transactions:
Click the TEXADA PAY button to view the Texada Pay Payment Log Inquiry for this Customer account.
•Print Eligible Invoices:
Click the PRINT ALL button to flag all eligible invoices in the Inquiry for this customer to be printed when the operator exits the inquiry program. Specific invoices can be unchecked as required before exiting,
Transactions that will not be flagged to print are P - Payments, F - Finance Charges, some I - Invoices such as Credits or Invoices entered through A/R Invoices.
Once the detail invoice transactions in the inquiry are checked to be printed a toggle button is provided to change the display to and from PRINT ALL or PRINT NONE.
Topic: ARAR05