Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Customer Statements

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Statements -> Customer Statements

Customer statements may be generated at anytime by specifying the customer accounts which to be printed.

Statements are generated for customers with the Print Statements flag set in Customer Information.
 Customers with zero account balances and no unapplied invoices or payments can be skipped.

Laser printing is the supported choice for checks and statements.
 Dot Matrix printing is not supported.

Statement can be output using the "Plain Paper" format in standard text, in Jasper or in Crystal forms, or using the NEBS pre-printed format. The format can be selected during the statement print run.

When to Print the Statements
 The timing of the statement print run is important, since the Statement program is specifically designed to print the CURRENT STATUS of the accounts. This means the monthly statements need to be printed before payments for the next month are entered. Once payments are entered, any invoices paid with those checks will no longer show up on the statements.

Invoices may be posted for the next month, since these invoices would be excluded by the month end cut-off date selected for printing the statements.

Company Mailing Address

oIf your firm manages the A/R from Head Office the Company address from Company Information can be printed on each statement, by printing the statements for all divisions or a selection of multiple divisions, and selecting the option to Print Company Information.

oWhen statements are printed separately by selecting a specific division then the company address that prints comes from Divisions.
 This is useful when A/R payments are handled by each Division to print statements by Divisions with the Division address.

Be sure the following information s correct:

            - COMPANY NAME           - POSTAL/ZIP CODE
            - ADDRESS LINE 1 & 2     - PHONE NUMBER
            - CITY, PROV/STATE       - FAX NUMBER

The Plain Paper Statement Format
 The Plain Paper format is useful for issuing single customer statements, or when waiting for Pre-Printed Statements to arrive from the printer.
 Because this statement prints on ordinary blank paper, it is a low cost approach that is preferred by many firms.

Your company's name and address can be printed at the top, and the customer's address, phone number, and fax, as entered in Customer Information are printed below it.
 Non-Nebs statements respect the PDF Statement font settings that can be defined in the PDF Check and Statement Formatting window.

Note: For rental firms with a company currency A (Australia) in Company Information, the customer address is indented 33mm instead of 18mm to accommodate the Australian window envelopes.

The NEBS Pre-Printed Statement
 This pre-printed statement presents a professional approach. This statement can have your company's name and address pre-printed at the top with your logo, and has a tear-off portion on the right side of the statement for the customer to return. The tear-off portion is especially useful for the customer to indicate which invoices are being paid off when a payment is made.

To order the NEBS statement, see Pre-Printed Forms.
 Two part statement forms are not required, since the detail of the customer's account is maintained indefinitely, including both paid invoices, unpaid invoices, and complete check history.

Note: If Crystal or Jasper reports is activated for Forms Control in Customer Forms then Nebs forms cannot be used for printing Statements.

Forms Control Statements:
 Crystal or Jasper reports can be used to print professional customized laser statements for your firm.
 Jasper forms includes the customer Terms in the header.
 Forms Control statements are printed using the Plain paper option, and to print the logo in the top left corner the company information must be printed.
 Crystal forms uses the statements report program TX_ARAR30.RPT in the Customer Forms Document Mapping window, and Jasper forms uses Statements.

Jasper Logos:
 For Jasper forms, company-wide and divisional logos can be defined in the Company Customer Forms, where any divisional logos printed on the statements match the logos assigned to the customers' divisions as defined in Customer Information.

Jasper PDF Batching:
 To avoid a memory issue building the xml file when a large number of Jasper statements are printed to PDF, the Jasper Statements are automatically printed in batches.
 This means once 12000 detail lines have been printed, the next customer to be printed will be the start of the next batch. If the last customer being printed runs over the 12000 count, then the entire statement would be printed in that batch, and the next statement would be in the next PDF batch.

Statements which are emailed are excluded from the count as they are sent one at a time.
 The Reprint Log lists all statements regardless of any batch breakdown.

Note: If your statements do not create memory size issues, the maximum lines can be adjusted by setting the environment variable TSI_ARAR30_MAXLINES to a lower number.
 e.g. TSI_ARAR30_MAXLINES=8000.
 This should be placed in the [ENVIRONMENT] section of \windows\pro4v7.ini on windows servers, and exported in /etc/scs_init.env on Linux servers.

For more information on the features and flexibility provided by Forms Control refer to Customer Forms.
 Contact Texada Support for more information on setting up Jasper or purchasing the Crystal reports software.

Contact Emailing Statements:
 Jasper statements can also be emailed to the relevant contacts setup for the customer and site in the Contact Information, when the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.
 Any statements not emailed are then printed.

Note: Because Statements are usually across sites, the specific Site selection assigned to a Contact does not apply, and any Contact flagged to receive email Statements will receive all statements for the Customer.

Faxing Statements:
 If your firm prefers to fax the statement to certain customers, the Fax Customer Statements run should always be done prior to printing/emailing the statements for the same date, so only the "un-faxed" statements are printed or emailed avoiding duplicate mailings.

When faxing statements in conjunction with the printed statements, follow the steps listed in Fax Customer Statements Process Flow to ensure that every customer gets a statement, either faxed or printed.

Statements are queued to be faxed to the Fax # defined in Customer Information and if that fax number is modified in the queue before initiating the fax run, the option is provided to update the Fax # field in Customer Information as well.

Printing a Single Statement:
 A copy of the customer's account can generated when viewing the customer's account using Customer Account Inquiry from the window on the Document#.

The single statement prints the information based on the current viewing of the account.
 If the option to Show Outstanding Items Only is selected, then only the current account items will print on the statement. Otherwise, both the paid and unpaid invoices and payments will print on the statement.

Reward Dollars:
 When the Reward Dollar feature is activated, the LTD Reward Dollars Earned and the current Usable Reward Dollars can be printed on the Jasper statement, as this information is exported to XML.
 Reward Dollar Statements can be generated separately from the Reward Dollar Statements option.
 Refer to Reward Program for information on this feature.

The Statement Run:
 The Customer Statements may be printed at any time for one customer or all. Customers that are flagged not to receive statements in Customer Information will be skipped.

Statements can also be faxed directly to certain customers, then the remaining statements for any customers that did not get a faxed statement can be emailed or printed out for mailing. In order to do this, the Aging Date used in the Fax Customer Statements run and the printed Customer Statement run must be the SAME DATE.

The prompts to generate Customer Statements are:


Enter the Month End date.
 This date becomes the Statement Date and determines the ending point for printing invoices for this account.


Aging refers to the grouping of the unpaid invoices by date, such as Current, 31-60, 61-90, and Over 90 days.

Check this box to age the account using the current month end.
 i.e. If the current month end was February 28th, an invoice issued January 31st would be aged as 31-60 Days (with the rest of January invoices).

Uncheck this box to age the invoices according to invoice date.
 i.e. If the month end was Feb 28th, an invoice dated Jan. 31st would be Current.


This parameter can be used to force statements to print for customers that normally do not receive a statement.
 When a number of days is entered in this field, statements will be generated for customers with invoices exceeding this number of days, even though the customer is not flagged to Print Statements in Customer Information.
 Statements will also be generated for the regular customers that are flagged to Print Statements.
 The statements list all outstanding invoices for these customers.

Leave this field blank to generate the statements for only customers flagged to Print Statement in Customer Information.


Select one of the following options:

Select Customer Name to select customers by the Alpha Name key.

Select Customer# to select customers by Customer Number.


Leave this field blank for all customers, or type in the first name or number or lookup the starting customer from the search window, as outlined in Accounting Customer Search.

Note: If the "Customer Selection Method" option Customer Name was selected above, then enter a starting Name in this field.
 Conversely if the "Customer Selection Method" option Customer# was selected, then enter a starting Number in this field.


Leave this field blank for all customers, or type in the last name or number or lookup the ending customer in the search window.


This option does not apply if Crystal or Jasper Forms has been activated in Customer Forms.
 If your firm does not use Forms Control, select one of the following options:

Select Plain Paper to print the statements according to the Plain Paper format.

Select Nebs Form to print the statements according to the NEBS pre-printed statement format.
 Nebs forms cannot be used if Crystal or Jasper printing is active.

For Laser Statement printing, setup the flag in Company Information.


Your company or division name and address can be automatically printed at the top of each statement.

If statements are to be printed for a single specific division then the division address as entered in Divisions is printed.

If statements are being printed for all divisions or a selection of divisions then the company address from Company Information is printed.

Uncheck this box if your forms have your mailing address pre-printed, and the company address is not required.

Check this box if your pre-printed forms do NOT have your mailing address pre-printed. This format is economical and flexible if there are multiple company addresses.
 Select this option to print the logo and company information in the top left corner of the statement.


Use this window to enter up to two lines of 60 characters each, for printing a message on the statements.
 The message will be the same for all customers in this run.


Uncheck this box to skip Customer Accounts which have a credit balance. (i.e. account balance is negative). Most firms do NOT print Credit Balance statements.
 Check this box to include Accounts which have a credit balance.


Type ALL to include all divisions in the report.
 If the option to Print Company Address has been selected, the address from the Company Information is printed, appropriate to a central A/R department.

To print the report for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.
 If the option to Print Company Address has been selected, the address from the specific Division is printed, appropriate to each division handling its own A/R payments.

Type SEL to select several divisions or divisions by customer region to include in the report, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
 If the option to Print Company Address has been selected, the address from the Company Information is printed, appropriate to a central A/R department.


Check this box to include all types.

Uncheck this box to select a specific type.


Enter a Customer type or select one from the drop-down list.


Check this box to include all currencies.

Uncheck this box to select a currency.


Enter a Currency code or select one from the drop-down list.


Uncheck this box to print one statement per customer, that does not breakdown the invoices by Site #.

Check this box to print a separate Statement for each Site # of a customer.
 This lists the invoices per Site separately. The statements will be addressed to the address in the Customer Information file, (i.e. the customer's Head Office), and not to the site addresses.
 A reminder to check if Finance Charge information is current displays.

Note: Contact Emailing of a Statement to only specific Site Contacts does NOT apply.
 Every Contact flagged to receive email Statements for a customer will receive all statements for the Customer, regardless of specific Sites assigned.


This prompt applies if statements are being printed by site.

Check this box to also print a statement for the customer that combines all invoices for the sites. This prints after the statements for each site.
 Uncheck this box if a consolidated statement is not required in addition to the site statements.


Check this box to print a second detail line for each invoice that shows the customer Purchase Order number and the Site number from the invoice.
 This option only applies to Jasper forms and to Plain paper statement output.

Uncheck this box to omit the Purchase Order # and Site # on the statement.

Note: If the statements are output to Crystal forms, the PO and Site will not be printed.


Check this box to include all Salesmen Codes.

Uncheck this box to select a specific Salesman code.


Enter a Salesman code or select one from the drop-down list.


Uncheck this box to skip fully applied payments received this month.

Check this box to print all payments received this month, even if they have already been applied to the invoices.


This pop-up dialogue box only appears if current payments are to be printed.
 A Zero Balance Statement is statement that has unapplied invoices, finance charges, and/or payments, but the debit and credit amounts net out to a zero account balance.

Click NO to skip statements with zero balances owing.
 Click YES to print statements with zero balances. This would show all invoices paid and payments received this month, and would show the account balance as zero.


Check this box to include invoices and payments dated in the current month on the statement, even if they are fully paid.
 Uncheck this box to omit any transactions dated in the current month if they are fully paid.


Check this box if the monthly print statements run is being done in conjunction with the Fax Customer Statements run, so that customers that have already been faxed a statement will be excluded.

Uncheck this box when printing a statement for a single customer, or printing statements for all customers. This ensures that the customers selected will get a statement printed.

Note: The fax flag in the Customer Information is only respected if the faxed Aging Date is the same as the aging date of the Statement run.
 If the aging dates are different then the customer faxed flag is not relevant.


This option is enabled when the email feature is setup in the Use Contact Document Emailing in the Company Email Configuration to automatically email statements to selected customer/site contacts according to the Contact Information flags.

Check this box to generate an email for the statements to the Contacts flagged to receive email Statements.
 Confirmation is required before the emailed statements are generated.

Uncheck this box if the relevant statements do not need to be emailed and they will be printed instead.


A printer can be selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.


Click YES to output the statements using Crystal or Jasper Forms.
 Click NO to output the statements using the Plain Paper format.

Customer Statement Log:
 The statement log is output to the selected printer when the statements are generated, listing each customer number, name, with the site number and name if generated by Print Statements by Site.
 The statement type is listed in the Action column showing Printed, Emailed, or Faxed with the fax number.
 The Customer Statement Log includes a summary line with the total number of statements generated in the run and the total 'Outstanding Balance' of all statements listed.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Customer Statements screen include:

Fax Statements:
 Click the FAX button to generate fax statements for selected customers as outlined in Fax Customer Statements.

Topic Keyword: ARAR30