Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Change Customer Currency

Utilities Menu -> Accounts Receivable Utilities -> Change Customer Currency

This is a utility to enter the customer who requires a currency changes. Any invoices that are not for this currency are displayed.
 This Invoice list can be edited by adding and deleting invoices, as required.
 In ADD mode, the prompts are:


Enter the customer number, or select it from the Accounting Customer Search window.


Enter the old currency, that is to be changed.


Enter the New desired currency or selected it from the drop-down box.


The window displays a list of all the invoices with the old currency, displaying the Date, Invoice#, Currency, Original Amount, Amount Paid, Discount Amount and Unpaid Balance.
 Delete any invoice lines that should not be changed, or add any invoice lines that should be included on the list.


Click ACCEPT to accept the changes in preparation for posting, or click CANCEL to abort.

When the list is complete click the POST button to post the changes to the G/L and in the Customer accounts as outlined in Post Customer Currency Changes.

Topic Keyword: ARAR92