Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Import Lockbox Payments

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Payments -> Bank-to-Bank Payments -> Import Lockbox Payments

The Lockbox feature is a service that your bank can provide for a fee, to allow customers to make their A/R payments to your firm through the bank.
 The bank collects the payments from the customer with the corresponding invoice numbers that are to be paid, deposits the payments, and then submits an electronic file to your firm to update your software records for the customers in the A/R sub-ledger and to complete the G/L postings.

The electronic file that the banks provides, must be in the following format.
 Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Note: A blank can be used as placeholder for the invoice# or customer# if either is not known.

Field  Character   Field  Contents  Description
       Positions   Size
 1        01        1       "5"     * Record Type
 2      02-04       3     Numeric     Batch Number
 3      05-07       3      "000"      Filler-Zeroes
 4      08-14       7     Numeric   * Lockbox Number
 5      15-20       6     Numeric   * Processing Date - YYMMDD
 6      21-30       10    Numeric     Destination-Id # of receiving company
 7      31-40       10    Numeric     Origin-Id # of originating company
 8      41-80       40    Alphanum    Filler-Blanks

Field  Character   Field  Contents  Description
       Positions   Size
 1        01        1       "6"     * Record Type
 2      02-04       3     Numeric     Batch Number
 3      05-07       3     Numeric     Sequence Number
 4      08-17       10    Numeric   * Check Amount
 5      18-26       9     Numeric   * Check Number
 6      27-46       20    Alphanum    Remitter's Name
 7      47-56       10    Alphanum  * Invoice Number (not mandatory if Customer # supplied)
 8      57-66       10    Alphanum  * Invoice Amount (not mandatory if Customer # supplied)
 9      67-80       14    Alphanum    Filler-Blanks
 10     81-89       9     Alphanum    Customer Number or Alternate Number

Field  Character   Field  Contents  Description
       Positions   Size
 1        01        1       "4"     * Record Type
 2       02-04      3     Numeric     Batch Number
 3       05-07      3     Numeric     Sequence Number
 4        08        1       "6"       Type of Overflow Record
 5       09-10      2     Numeric     Seq # of this record within all Overflow
 6        11        1     Numeric     "Overflow Indicator -
                                           0 = More Overflow Records to follow
                                           9 = Last Overflow Record of series
 7       12-21      10    Alphanum  * Invoice Number
 8       22-31      10    Numeric   * Invoice Amount
 9       32-41      10    Alphanum  * Invoice Number
 10      42-51      10    Numeric   * Invoice Amount
 11      52-61      10    Alphanum  * Invoice Number
 12      62-71      10    Numeric   * Invoice Amount
 13      72-80      9                 Filler-Blanks

Note: Record Type 4 not mandatory if Customer # supplied in Record Type 6

Field  Character   Field  Contents  Description
       Positions   Size
 1        01        1       "7"     * Record Type
 2       02-04      3     Numeric     Batch Number
 3       05-07      3      "000"      Filler-Zeroes
 4       08-14      7     Numeric     Lockbox Number
 5       15-20      6     Numeric     Processing Date-YYMMDD
 6       21-23      3     Numeric     Total number of checks for batch
 7       24-33      10    Numeric     Total dollar amount of checks for batch
 8       34-80      47    Alphanum    Filler-Blanks

Field  Character   Field  Contents  Description
       Positions   Size
 1        01        1       "8"     * Record Type
 2       02-07      6     "000000"    Filler-Zeroes
 3       08-14      7     Numeric     Lockbox Number
 4       15-20      6     Numeric     Processing Date-YYMMDD
 5       21-24      4     Numeric   * Total number of Type "6" Record for Lockbox
 6       25-34      10    Numeric   * Total dollar amount of checks for Lockbox
 7       35-80      46    Alphanum    Filler-Blanks

Note: All numerics will not contain the decimal point.
          i.e. $12.90 would be 1290

     If the value is a negative it will need to use a special character to represent
     that is a negative. } for 0, J for 1, K for 2, L for 3, M for 4, N for 5,
     O for 6, P for 7, Q for 8, R for 9
          i.e. $36.89- would be 368R

Once the electronic data file is received from the bank and saved in the software, Import Lockbox Payments can be used to import the payment information into Texada SRM as follows:


Enter the Batch Code to post, or select it from the drop-down list as setup in A/R Payments Batch Codes.


Enter the method of payment or select it from the drop-down list as setup in Method Of Payment Codes.
 It is important to only include Customers with the same Currency as the payment method also determines the currency of the payments.

Note: A payment method that is setup in Method Of Payment Codes to post to a 'Rewards Dollar Deferred' liability account defined in Default Accounts, cannot be selected for a Lockbox Import.


Select one of the following posting Division options for the payments:

Click 'Customer' to post the payments to the Division assigned to the customer in the Customer Information.
 A "Customer Does Not Have A Valid Division" error will occur if a customer has been assigned a Division that is not flagged in Divisions as a ‘G/L Division’.

Click 'Selected' to post the payments to a specified Division and select the Division.


Enter the Division for posting or select it from the drop-down list as setup in Divisions.
 Only divisions flagged in Divisions as a ‘G/L Division’ are eligible.

Note: This program respects the Operator's Divisional Restricted Views.


Enter the electronic file name to be imported that was supplied by the bank. This defaults to the Filename used in the last run.
 If no path is defined the PRO4DATA directory will be used.
 e.g. lockbox.txt

This file must reside on your server.
 To move the file from your Client workstation to the PRO4DATA directory on the fileserver click the UPLOAD button and proceed as outlined in Select a File to Upload.


Click ACCEPT to accept or CANCEL to abort.


This warning only appears if an earlier Lockbox file has been imported, but processing of it has not yet been completed through Apply Lockbox Payments.
 Only one Lockbox file can be processed at a time.

Type Y (YES) to delete the earlier file and to continue processing the new Lockbox file.
 Type N (NO) to abort the import of the new file, and revert back to the previous file. The new file can be re-imported again later when ready.

Imported Lockbox Errors:

This screen only appears when an error log is generated in the import process.
 Usually it is caused when the program is unable to match the payments to the correct customer using the customer and invoice # to be paid. Such payments cannot be processed and must be entered manually.

On the Error log record, click EXP/CON or press <F9> to view the error reason.
 e.g. "Unable to Determine Customer Number" - This error could occur if the customer number is not recognized.

The payment will have to be entered manually in Customer Payments.
 A window is provided in the Details column to view the invoice numbers and amounts to be paid on each invoice.

Note: All invoices for a customer must match in order to process the run.

Other errors include:

Customer Payment Already Exists

Lockbox Payment Already Exists

Invoice Payment Greater Then Balance

Unable To Get All Payment Detail Information

Error Finding Payment Detail Information

Unable To Determine Customer Number

Payment With No Invoice Number

Check Total Must Be Greater Then Zero

Payment Date Out Of Date Range

Invoice Payments Do Not Match Check Total

Customer Does Not Have A Valid Division

Customer Division Not In Restricted Views

Payment records from the bank with errors cannot be processed automatically.
 Use the hard copy received from the bank to validate the data and make manual entries in Customer Payments to complete the payments from the customers.

On accepting this error screen the option to print the 'Lockbox Error' list is provided.


The uploaded payment information that can be processed displays in the View a Text File window.

Posting Control
 The Bank-to-Bank Payments programs including Import Lockbox Payments, View Lockbox Payments, and Apply Lockbox Payments are designed to be run by one operator at a time.
 If record locking is experienced using these Lockbox programs and no other user is actually using them, refer to Reset Lockbox Payments for instructions on resetting the control flags.

Topic Keyword: ARBP04