Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Customer Credit Cards

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Information -> Additional Info window -> Credit Cards -> Customer Credit Cards

This file stores Credit Card or Electronic Check information for the customer.
 The information can be entered manually or scanned and saved in this table when a card is used, or with Texada Pay the card or check information can only be captured using the Capture Card/Check on File utility.
 The Card or Check number is saved with a mask of *****'s or of XXXXX's based on the clearing house software, and only the last few digits of the card or check are retained. US & CA credit cards and US ACH are masked with ***s. NZ & AU credit cards and EFT, plus CA EFT are masked with XXX

The Trx Type with description, the Name on the Card or Check, and the Expiry Date are saved.

When Texada Pay is not activated this card information is saved when the customer uses a credit card to pay for an invoice, a deposit or a payment on account as outlined in Capture Customer Payment Options.
 Credit Card information can be capture manually or by scanners as outlined in Credit Card Scanners.
 When Texada Pay is activated Credit Card or Check information can be capture in the Capture Card/Check on File utility. This feature allows saved cards or checks to be used to pay future charges.

Note: In order to re-use a credit card or check in SRM with Texada Pay the card information must be captured through the Capture Card/Check on File utility.

Expired Cards
 When Texada Pay is not activated the expiry date can be manually updated in this table.
 When Texada Pay is activated the expiry date becomes a display only field and cannot be manually updated. The expiry date is automatically updated when a new replacement card that has been supplied by the issuer is used for a payment in SRM.

Click EXP/CON or press <F9> to expand the record to access:

Comment field:
This comment information can be accessed from the Customer Information only, and cannot be viewed in Customer Information Inquiry to protect confidentiality.
 The note "Checking, Saving", or "Other" is displayed and cannot be changed if this record represents an electronic check and is based on the type of cheque.

Texada Pay & Auto Pay fields:
 When a Credit Card or Check is captured for future payment transactions using Texada Pay from the Capture Card/Check on File window, the following fields are populated:


SRM system automatically adds the note "Checking, Saving", or "Other" if this record represents an electronic check and the expiry date of the check defaults to 1299.


One of the following transaction types is auto-assigned at the capture and cannot be changed:

C - Credit Card
 A - ACH (US check)
 A - EFT (Canadian, Australian, New Zealand cheque)


This code is auto-assigned by Texada Pay and represents a "Card on File" so any card or check record with a 'Payer ID' can be re-used by Texada Pay.


This flag is set in Capture Card/Check on File and can be modified in this table if required for cards or checks assigned a 'Payer ID'.

Address Verification values:

When Texada Pay is active and the 'Address Verification' feature is enabled, customers can save on processing fees if the 'Address Line 1' and 'Postal/Zip' information fields are provided to the card issuers when completing a Credit Card transaction manually or on-file.

It is important that these are accurate as when a payment is submitted to the clearing house these two values are validated against the values that the card issuer has on their file.


When the Credit Card is entered manually or captured on file in Capture Card/Check on File the Postal/Zip code defaults from the value in the Customer Information and can be over-typed for this card trx but there is no format validation at that time.
 If the card is saved on-file to this table the Postal/Zip can be modified but must now match the Postal/Zip format defined in Currency Code for the customer currency when the customer uses the company currency.


When the Credit Card is entered manually or captured on file in Capture Card/Check on File the 'Address Line 1' defaults from the value in the Customer Information and can be over-typed for this card trx as required.
 If the card is saved on-file the 'Address Line 1' can always be modified in this table.

Updating Card/Check Data:
 The 'Type' and 'Payer ID' cannot be changed.
 Old cards can be delete when they expire, and new cards may be entered in this table but any cards & checks for use with Texada Pay must be entered in Capture Card/Check on File.

The Credit Card On File Report can be generated to export a list of cards captured for all customers or only card captured and flagged as Texada auto-pay.
 The Credit Card Expiry Report can be generated to warn when cards are due to expire.

For information on utilizing an automatic credit card authorization service, refer to the Texada Pay option in the Software Integration.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Customer Credit Cards screen include:

Delete Credit Card records:
 Highlight the Credit/Debit/Interac Card record in focus to be deleted and click the DELETE button to remove a record from this customers saved card information.
 Confirmation is required.

When a Texada Pay card is deleted an audit record is written to Delete Log for ARCC01 to track the date/time, operator and customer number for the deleted record.

Topic Keyword: ARCC01