Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Credit Card Inquiry By Customer

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Credit Card Inquiry

This utility displays Credit Card numbers per information saved in Customer Information.

Note: Credit cards are stored for each customer with asterisks representing all but the last 5 characters of the credit card number.
 e.g. ********54321

The prompts are:


Leave this field blank to view all customers or to generate the inquiry by credit card number, or enter the first few letters of the alpha key for the customer.


This field is skipped if the inquiry is by a Alpha Code.

Leave this field blank to view information for all credit card numbers, or enter the credit card number for the search.

Note: The number entered must be greater than 5 characters and be an exact match.

Resulting Card List:
 The resulting list of Credit Cards is listed with the Customer #, Customer Name, Phone#, Card number, Card Type, and Card Expiry date.
 Click the EXP/CON button to view the Contact name for the customer, and the Name on the Credit Card.

Topic Keyword: ARCC25