Customer Information
Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Information
Accounts Receivable Menu -> View Customer Information -> Customer Information view only
The Customer Information file is the main storage location for standard information about each customer.
It does NOT store the customer's individual invoices. Customer invoices can be viewed through Customer Account Inquiry.
Security Roles and a password can be set to control access to the Customer file.
Refer to Module Passwords for further details. The module code controlling access to the Customer Information file is ARCF01.
For more information on this security feature refer to System Security Overview.
If this is a new system complete A/R Start-Up Sequence in preparation for entering Customers first.
The Export/Import Customer Information utility can be used to update and correct information for existing customers.
In Customer Information the <TAB> key may be used to move quickly through the data input fields only stopping at fields which require data.
The customer record fields include:
When creating a new customer record in Add mode, accept the number automatically assigned for this customer, or manually type in a preferred customer number.
If your customers already have numbers, type over the auto-assign number with your numbering system.
If a number exceeding 6 characters is entered, the first 9 characters will populate the Alternate Account number for the customer, and then the default auto-assigned number for the customer will be used for this primary customer number.
Note: Once the auto-assign numbering sequence exceeds 6 characters, it will utilize letters in the customer numbering convention.
To review an existing Customer record in Change mode, enter the desired customer number, or enter the first few characters of the customer's name (Alpha Key) to list matches in the search/selection pop-up, or use the search widow as outlined in Accounting Customer Search.
The customer that can be viewed and accessed are restricted by the Divisional Restricted Views assigned to the operator.
The alternate account number is a unique 7 to 9-digit alpha numeric that supplements the original 6-digit Customer number.
When creating a new customer record, if a number greater than six characters is entered as the Customer Number the lengthy number is moved to the Alternate Account number field, and the next available 6-digit auto-assign number in the sequence is applied to the Customer number field.
The Alternate Account number can also be manually entered, but must always be unique to that customer.
The Alternate Account number can be used similar to a barcode, where it is recognized in the Customer # entry fields.
A setting in the Support Application Parameters controls whether the Alternate Account number is always converted to the 6-digit Customer number in reports and screen displays, or whether it is the Alternate Account number that is reflected in the customer searches, documents, selected screens, and reports, in place of the original 6-digit customer number.
Window to view any Alternate Customer# change history records, as outlined in Customer Field Changes.
When the Alternate Account number is changed an informational messages is displayed if there are outstanding documents for the customer.
This free-form field can be used to assign an extra name or label or full legal name to the customer, using up to 60 characters.
Any part of the Trading As value can then be used in the selection filters of the "Keyword Search" to find the customer in the Accounting Customer Search and Document Customer Search utility.
This Trading As label is not reflected in the reports but it is exported in the XML output and is printed replacing the customer name on Jasper counter documents such as Reservations, Quotes, Invoices, Contract, Work Orders and Statements.
Note: This field is not applicable to the "blank" customer number and so it is left blank and is disabled.
This field should also be left blank for customers flagged as a source 'Customer # to Clone' in the Divisional Contract Parameters because this value will be transferred to the new customer and will print on documents and reports replacing the new customer's name.
In Add mode the name defaults from the "Trading As' name truncating at the field limit of 30 characters.
Accept the default or modify it or enter the customer's name as it should appear on customer statements and other printed reports using up to 30 characters.
Note: If any changes are made to the customer Name, Address, or Phone number for an existing customer, then when the Customer Information screen is accepted the option is provided to also update matching 'Billing Information' on any Open documents.
This feature is explained in more detail at the end of the Customer Information page.
This field controls the filing of the Customer Names in alphabetical order.
For example, if the customer's name was 'Arrow Construction Company', enter ARROW as the alpha key.
If the customer's name was 'John Hamilton', enter HAMILTON as the alpha key.
? - Customer Physical Address:
If the customer's physical location is not the same as the Billing Address defined below, a Site associated with the customer can be flagged as being the Physical Addr in the Site Information.
Sites for this customer can be accessed by clicking the SITES button at the bottom of the screen.
When a different Physical Address does apply for a customer, a ? information icon is displayed beside the Alpha Key field.
Click on the ? icon to view the Site # assigned.
The Physical Address is reflected on reports such as the Customer Lists.
Enter the name of your contact person at the customer's firm.
This Contact name will be used in the salutation of system generated correspondence, such as Statement Letters.
Customer Billing Address:
A flag in the Support Application Parameters controls whether any changes made in document entry, to a customer's billing address information or primary phone number, apply only to that specific document or also update the permanent record saved in this customer file for Cash and/or Account customer types.
Enter the address to which the customer should be billed.
If more space is required, use Address Line 2, but always use Address Line 1 first.
This is a mandatory address field if your firm has activated the Texada Mobile service in the Logistics configuration.
Texada Pay impact:
The customer's 'Address Line 1' and 'Postal/Zip' code are the defaults for the Credit Card payments processed manually or on-file through Texada Pay when the "Address Verification" check is enabled.
It is important that these are accurate as these two values are validated against the values that the card issuer has on their file.
See Address Line 1.
Enter the city for the customer's billing address or select one from the City Search window, where the Tax information for the city can also be viewed.
Enter the province or state, to a maximum of 5 characters.
This is a free format field, but the Prov/State Search window is provided to view and select from standard province and state codes that should be used if your firm is using the Vertex or a third-party taxing software.
Enter the postal code or zip code.
A Required Document Information flag in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to ensure a valid Postal or Zip code is entered matching the mask format defined in the Currency Codes table for the Customer's currency.
Note: When this processing is active and a new customer is being entered, because the currency code has not yet been entered for the new customer record, the Postal/Zip code must match the format of the company currency as defined in Company Information.
Refer to Currency Codes for Postal/ZIP code mask for more information.
Texada Pay impact:
The customer's 'Address Line 1' and 'Postal/Zip' code are the defaults for the Credit Card payments processed manually or on-file through Texada Pay when the "Address Verification" check is enabled.
It is important that these are accurate as these two values are validated against the values that the card issuer has on their file.
To help with the accuracy, the mask for the Postal/Zip code needs to match the mask defined in the Currency Codes for customers assigned the company currency.
Enter the country code or select one from the drop-down list.
This is an optional field. If a country code is entered, and the city and province/state information is also stored, then the complete country name will print on the customer documents, statements, and lists.
Country codes can be added and deleted in the Country Code window in the "General Settings" parameters on the System tab of the Configure System Settings.
When Vertex tax processing is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters, this address of Street, City, Prov/State, and Postal/Zip is validated against the Vertex database.
If there is a discrepancy in the address information, a Vertex error is triggered, and the address must be corrected.
If only a partial address is entered (e.g. no Postal/ZIP ), Vertex attempts to find the tax area for the information that is supplied, but if multiple tax areas could apply a Vertex error is triggered, and more specific address information must be entered.
This field only appears if the Enhanced Tax processing is activated from the Company Taxing Parameters.
An optional geographical location code can be assigned to the customer to determine taxes to be charged and tax exemptions to be allowed.
A window is provided to search for the appropriate GEOCode as setup in GEOCode Search.
Refer to Tax Maintenance Overview for more information on the ENHANCED Tax feature and the Rules that determine which taxes apply.
Additional tax exemptions for this customer can be entered later in the Codes window.
Enter the area code and primary telephone number up to 12 characters.
Window to add any extra useful phone numbers as outlined in Alternate Phone Numbers.
These additional telephone numbers are also used in the lookup programs by Telephone#.
Enter the telephone extension number for the primary phone number, if applicable.
Enter the Fax number to a maximum of 16 characters.
Note: Type in the fax number, as it is to be dialled.
If the call is long distance, enter the 1 in front, e.g. 1-416-555-3400, to enable any auto-faxing programs to dial correctly.
Do not use spaces, but dashes are acceptable.
Assign a credit rating for the customer or window to access the detailed credit information screen for this customer.
If this credit Rating is changed, a record is always written to Override Report to track the change in the rating, the Operator, Customer #, and date.
Window to access the credit details for the customer as outlined in the Customer Credit Information.
Additional Security Options:
The Prompt for Clerk Changing Customer Credit flag in the Company Security Parameters can be set to prompt the operator for his clerk code when the Credit Limit or Credit Rating is changed as outlined in Clerk Confirmation.
For further security the Check Operator Password control can also be set to require password verification to make the credit information change.
A setting in the Company Security Parameters can be set to prompt the operator for a valid Reason Code for over-rides including changing the Credit Rating, as outlined in Prompt for Reason Code and a record is written to the Override Report.
The division is used in establishing Customer Regions for reporting.
Leave this field blank for Head Office if your firm does not separate customers into Divisions or Regions, or enter the Division for this customer, or select a division from the drop-down list.
If the "Operators by Division" feature has been activated, the customer's division defaults to the operator division. This can be over-typed as required.
Specific discounts percentages always given to this customer can be defined to default to the document.
Changes to Discounts assigned to the customer are tracked in the Audit Log.
The Apply Discounts To Search Results flag in the Company Inventory Parameters controls whether the rental and sales discounts defined on the document header are reflected in the inventory list results displayed in the Inventory Search.
The Rate Discount Tracking Report can be used to analyze discount reporting on Rentals.
The 'Post Document Discounts To General Ledger' processing can be enabled in the Company Posting Parameters to report discount transactions by the GL account separately from the revenue postings.
Note: A Rewards Program can not be assigned to a customer if the customer has already been assigned any rental or sale discount percents, trade discount percents, special pricing, special rates codes, tiered prices or rates, loyalty plan or delivery/pickup billing code.
These discount fields are disabled if a customer has already been assigned a Rewards Code in the Customer Codes window.
If this customer gets a set discount on rentals, enter the percent amount.
This discount will be utilized by the rental documents and invoice programs.
A discount of 10% should be entered as 10.00
Site specific rental discounts can be further defined in Customer Site Information.
The site discount can either replace the customer's discount or be added-to the customer's discount according to the company setting in the Company Billing Parameters.
Any Loyalty Plan discount over-rides both the customer and site rental discount on the document header.
Rental discounts will not be given on rental equipment that belongs to a product class flagged to not allow discounts in the "Additional Info" window of Rental Product Classes.
Note: Contract Customer discounts for a Customer Site can be set by Product Class, in Contract Customer Discount.
These job site discounts take precedent over other product and customer discounts on the contract.
A trade discount is a rental discount that can be given to regular customers such as contractors or builders, when payment is made within a specified time period.
The trade discount applies only to rentals, damage waiver, and taxes. Services and sales are excluded from this discount.
Leave this field blank if the customer is not eligible for a Trade Discount or enter the percentage to be allowed.
e.g. For 15%, type 15.00
When a Trade Discount is given at the time of payment the rental revenue, damage waiver, and taxes can be reduced by the discounted amount, if no Trade Discount G/L Account is defined in the Rental Product Class.
Refer to the discussion in Trade Discounts for detailed information on this feature.
If this customer gets a set discount on sales parts and merchandise, enter the amount here.
A discount of 10% should be entered as 10.00
Site specific sale discounts can be further defined in Customer Site Information.
The site discount can either replace the customer's discount or be added-to the customer's discount according to the company setting in the Company Billing Parameters.
Any conflicting price discount setup for specific products in the "Rental Rates & Pricing" parameters on the Operations tab of the Configure System Settings for Price Codes, over-rules the customer Sales discount.
Note: Sales discounts will not be given on sales parts that are flagged to not allow discounts in the "Re-Order Information" window of Sales Inventory.
The Contact Information window is provided to enter or view contact information for this customer, and to define the Contacts to receive emailed documents associated by Site for this customer.
A window is provided to view and update any notes or comments for follow up action for this customer as outlined in the Customer Follow Up utility.
Using this feature timely email reminders can be generated to a Salesman or Division contact.
This single line free-form field is used for comments about the customer.
In the Texada SRM system this comment line is displayed in red at the bottom of the header screens and the bottom of the totals screens on the documents. It is also displayed on the Deposit entry screens and in several Customer Inquiries.
These comments do NOT print out, and your customers CANNOT see them, unless your monitor screen is visible to them.
Customer Notes & Collection Comments:
Window to access the additional notes and collection comments for this customer as outlined in Customer Comments and Collection Comments.
The Account balance is maintained automatically when payments are entered and when invoices are posted to the customer's account.
The balance is display only, and includes all currencies and any outstanding child invoice amounts. No conversion is applied.
This running balance total does not necessarily reflect the customer's current account balance if future dated invoices or checks have been posted.
Note: If the account balance becomes out of sync and needs to be reset, a warning indicator is displayed on the screen.
Click on the ? for an explanation and reset the account balance as instructed.
For more information on resetting these running balances refer to Reset Customer Balances.
This prompt only appears if the processing to Include Current Invoices in Customer Account is activated in the Company Security Parameters.
Unposted invoices will then also be included in inquiries and listings.
The total of the unposted invoices that are to be charged on the customer's account including any unposted child invoices displays.
A window is provided to view the specifics of the invoices as outlined in View Customer's Un-Posted Invoices.
Credit Card On File Status
When Texada Pay processing has been activated and a Credit Card is entered in the Capture Card/Check on File utility and saved in the Customer Credit Card table for future payment.
The Texada Pay payment fields can be viewed on the expanded detail line of Customer Credit Card.
The following two flags indicate whether the customer has valid payment information stored on their file:
This box is checked if there is one or more active Credit Cards with valid Texada Pay payment information saved for this customer for future payments.
This box is also checked if there is one or more active Credit Cards saved for this customer for future payments and the auto-pay flag is checked as captured in Capture Card/Check on File.
The sales LTD (Lifetime to Date) totals will be maintained automatically by the software.
All currencies are included. No conversion is applied.
Window to view the Monthly or Annual sales totals for this customer, as outlined in LTD Revenue.
Note: Invoice amounts entered through A/R Invoices are also reflected in the Sales LTD value.
The rentals LTD (Lifetime to Date) totals will be maintained automatically by the software.
All currencies are included. No conversion is applied.
Window to view the Monthly or Annual Rentals totals for this customer, as outlined in LTD Revenue.
The services LTD (Lifetime to Date) totals will be maintained automatically by the software.
All currencies are included. No conversion is applied.
Window to view the Monthly or Annual Rentals totals for this customer, as outlined in LTD Revenue.
This field only applies to On Account customers when the Rewards Program processing is activated in Custom Processing, and a Rewards Code has been assigned in the Customer Codes window.
The Reward Dollars value is the current total Usable amount that can be applied against the customer's account.
This Usable amount is updated when invoices earning the Reward Dollars are fully paid within the Maximum Payment Days set in the Reward Program assigned to the customer, and no Rewards Dollars were used to make that payment.
Until the invoice that earned the Rewards Dollars is paid, the Rewards Dollars are considered Pending.
If the Reward Program expires because of lack of activity, all Reward Dollars are lost and if an invoice is not paid within the Maximum Payment Days defined for the Reward Program, Reward Dollars for that specific invoice will expire.
A window is provided to view Reward Dollar History for this customer including parent and child earnings, and regardless of pending, usability, or posting status.
This Pending value represents Rewards Dollars that have been earned on posted invoices but are not yet eligible to be used as payment because the invoice has not been paid in full.
The Pending amounts are upgraded to Usable Reward Dollars that qualify to be applied against the customer's account, only when the invoice earning the Reward Dollars is fully paid within the Maximum Payment Days set in the Reward Program assigned to the customer, without applying Reward Dollars to pay it.
Only a 'Parent' account can use Reward Dollars earned by either parent or child, but the 'Child' accounts display the Reward Dollar totals for the 'Parent' for information purposes.
Window to view monthly credit history statistics for this customer as outlined in Credit History.
The average collection is the average number of days the customer takes to pay off invoices.
It is updated when customer payments are posted.
Knowing how long a customer takes to pay his account will assist in setting credit limits and credit ratings. A customer that pays within 45 days is generally perceived as a good customer.
The Average Collection statistic appears in the following programs:
Account Inquiry - in the Document Details window
Print Call List
Log Calls
Update Customer Credit Information
Check this box if this customer is allowed to charge invoices On Account.
Customers defined as a Parent account must be On Account.
Uncheck this box if this is a cash customer only.
Note: Because Cash customer contracts usually have a blank Billing Day, when a customer's status is changed from Cash to 'On Acct' a Billing Day Code should to be assigned to any existing Contracts to ensure those contracts are included in the appropriate Cycle Billing run.
If the customer record is updated to 'On Acct' and the customer has open contracts, when the customer record is saved the operator is prompted to update the Billing Day Codes on the open contracts.
PARENT/CHILD Relationship
For Accounts Receivable purposes, a customer can be identified as a dependant branch of another customer.
Using this parent/child relationship any rental, sale, or service charges that a child customer generates are automatically always billed and then paid, directly through the parent customer account.
Note: All rental and sales history information is still maintained for the child customer separately from the parent.
To establish a parent/child relationship, access the child customer record in Customer Information and assign the parent customer number.
Click on the People icon to access the Parent or Child designation field as follows:
The Parent field is blank in the window if no parent as been designated for the customer.
If this customer should always be billed through a different customer, enter the parent customer number or search for it in the window.
The Parent customer cannot be a Cash customer.
The prompt for a Reason Code can be generated if the parent customer is changed.
This is controlled in the Company Security Parameters and Reason codes can be setup in Override Reason Codes, and the over-ride records print from Print Override Reasons.
For more information on this security feature refer to Override Security Overview.
A warning is triggered when the Customer Information screen is closed if the 'Division', 'Terms', 'Credit Rating', 'Special Pricing' and/or 'Tax Codes' of Parent and Child are not the same, and if it is a Parent customer record that is being accepted, the option is provided to change the values of all associated Children to match the Parent's.
If pricing is updated on the child accounts, a record is written to the Audit Log for Customer Pricing changes.
Note: Operator Security Role Permissions restrictions NOT considered Child records are updated as the object of this action is to synchronize Parent/Child data.
If this customer has already be designated as a parent, then the window displays any child customers with the numbers and names.
A window is provided on the Details column to drill down to the customer information of the child customer.
Note: Any A/R totals posted or unposted, are included only in the parent balances, and do not display for the child. All A/R activity is processed and tracked through the parent account.
A warning is triggered when the Customer Information screen is closed if the 'Division', 'Terms', 'Credit Rating', 'Special Pricing' and/or 'Tax Codes' of Parent and Child are not the same, and if it is a Child customer record that is being accepted, then the values need to be changed manually if required or using the Update Customer Children Settings utility.
Parent/Child rules and restrictions include:
A parent can have multiple children, but a child can have only ever have 1 parent.
A child cannot be assigned to a parent, if the child has any outstanding unpaid invoices.
A child cannot be assigned to a parent, if the child has any 'Rewards Dollar' history.
A child cannot be a parent to another child.
All parent customers must be flagged as "On Account" customers.
The parent rental value and credit limits are applied to any child invoices.
The child account assumes the Reward Program of the parent.
This field defaults from the company values in Company Information.
Check this box to bill finance charges on overdue invoices for this customer when Calculate Finance Charges program is run and the charges are posted using Post Finance Charges.
Uncheck this box if finance charges should NOT be calculated for this customer.
Note: When setting up a new company, if finance charges are not currently being charged, but there is a possibility of applying finance charges in the future, assign them NOW, otherwise later this field will need to be changed individually for every customer on your list.
This value defaults from the company values in Company Information, but can be changed as required. The options include:
•Select Print or Fax if this customer is to receive either a faxed or printed statement when the account balance is not zero.
Customers with this Statement Output flag may also receive emailed statements if the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration and the customer or site has a Contact with a Primary or Alternate email address and is flagged to receive statements in Contact Information.
Note: The fax date of the last faxed statement for this customer can be accessed by clicking on the configuration icon to the right.
This date can be removed if that last statement was not faxed successfully, as when there is no date that matches the generate Customer Statements date, a printed statement will be generated.
If there is no last faxed date or if the date is removed, the icon is not displayed.
In the event that the entire fax run failed and a printed statement is required instead, the last faxed dates for all customers can be cleared using the Reset Customer Faxed Statement Flag utility.
•Select Print Only if a printed or emailed statement should always be generated for the customer and the customer should never be faxed through the automated statement fax process. Faxes can still be manually sent.
e.g. Incompatible fax machine issues
•Select Suppress if this customer should NOT receive a faxed, emailed, or printed statement.
This customer will be skipped when running the standard statement programs.
Note: A statement can still be generate using the option to Force Statements that is provided in Customer Statements, if the customer has unpaid invoices past a specified number of days.
Select one of the following options:
•Select Yes if this customer requires a Purchase Order Number on all invoices issued by your firm, so that during Quote, Reservation, Contract, Invoice and Work Order entry, the software will require the staff to enter a P.O. number in order to complete the document.
•Select No if a Purchase Order is not required for this customer.
An optional P.O.# can still be entered on the document, but the field is not mandatory.
•Select Hold if this customer requires a Purchase Order Number on all invoices, but the contract, invoice, etc. can still be entered without the P.O.#.
Instead, any invoices for this customer without P.O.#s are identified in Daily Close 1 on a P.O. required report, and are given a HOLD status to prevent posting.
Later the identified invoices can be assigned a P.O.# in Miscellaneous Invoices and released from Hold status using Hold/Release Current Invoices, to become eligible for posting in the next DBR.
The P.O. Required Invoice Report can also be printed at any time to list any current invoices requiring a Purchase Order#.
•Select Yes/Warn if the Purchase Order Number is mandatory on the documents including Quote, Reservation, Contract, Invoice and Work Order, and that when the Contract is billed in Bill A Single Contract or in Rental Return the operator has the option to update the PO# in the Customer P.O. Warning window.
An optional Purchase Order number can be entered to be used as a default in P.O. fields for this customer.
The blanket default P.O.# can always be over-typed in the document.
The Site file also carries a P.O.# that defaults from this P.O.# when the site is first created but can be over-typed.
Note: If the blanket P.O.# for the customer is changed, it does not automatically change the P.O.# stored in Customer Site Information.
Select one of the following options for this customer:
•Click Yes if this customer should be charged a waiver when equipment is rented on a rental document.
Note: Even if a customer is flagged to be billed for Damage Waiver, no waiver amounts will be charged on the rental document, if the document division has been flagged NOT to Charge Waiver in the Division Contract Parameters.
•Click No if this customer should not be billed waiver charges.
This is a default and can be over-ridden on the document.
•Click Optional to force the operator to respond to the Waiver prompt in Contracts and in Counter Worksheet when prompted.
This does not apply in Reservations and Quotes, as the customer's preference may not be known yet.
Damage Waiver Defaults on New Customers:
•The Damage Waiver flag assigned to new customers added "on-the-fly" from the Customer Search window, always defaults to match the DW flag setup for the division's 'Clone Cash Customer' defined in Division Contract Parameters.
•When a new customer is added directly in Customer Information the default Damage Waiver is based on how the Company Waiver Code Maintenance table is setup for the "blank" Damage Waiver code, as follows:
oIf there is a Percent value defined in the Company Waiver Code Maintenance table for the "blank" Code, then the default Damage Waiver flag for new customers added in Customer Information is set to Yes.
oIf there is no or zero Percent value for the "blank" Code record or if there is no "blank" Code record in this Company Waiver Code Maintenance table, then the default Damage Waiver flag for new customers added in Customer Information is set to No.
Either default can be over-typed in Customer Information as required.
Changing the Damage Waiver on an Existing Customer and Auto-Updating Open Documents:
If the Damage Waiver flag for a customer with existing open documents is changed in Customer Information, one of the following actions can occur:
•Change to No - when this Customer Information screen is accepted the operator is prompted whether to also remove the Damage Waiver flag and remove any Waiver charges on all open Contracts even if partially returned, open Reservations excluding honoured ones, and Quotes.
•Change to Yes - when this Customer Information screen is accepted the operator is prompted whether to also add the DW flag and recalculate the DW amount on all open Contracts even if partially returned, open Reservations excluding honoured ones, and Quotes.
Update Waiver Exceptions:
oDocuments in a division that is flagged not to Charge Waiver in the Divisional Contract Parameters settings are not updated when the customer's setting is changed from No to Yes.
oProducts in a class that is flagged not to Charge Damage Waiver in the Rental Product Classes are not included when the waiver charge is re-calculated when the customer's setting is changed from No to Yes.
•Change to Optional - documents are not changed.
Note: This 'Update Document' action is suppressed with the Standard DW Calculation option, when the Use Damage Waiver Per Item Value Limits feature is activated in the Company Standard Waiver Settings, as open documents cannot be updated automatically when changes to the DW flag or Waiver percent are made in the Customer Information.
Damage Waiver Options
There are two approaches to calculating the Damage Waiver on rental documents which can be activated in the Company Contract Parameters.
•Standard DW Calculation:
Using the Standard DW Calculation option, multiple waiver codes can be setup in Waiver Codes with G/L posting account and tax information, that can then be assigned a rate to bill as a percent of eligible rentals, at the company, division, and/or at the customer level, where any division rate over-rides the company rate for the same waiver code, and a customer specific rate over-rides both company and division rates for the same waiver code.
Then when multiple waiver codes could apply to a document (e.g. loss, damage, etc.), a window is triggered in the rental document header to allow the operator to choose the waiver code for the document.
Refer to Company Standard Waiver Settings for more information on this process.
Features of the Standard DW Calculation include:
oDamage Waiver Limit Restriction:
If the Use Damage Waiver Per Item Value Limits feature is employed as activated in the Company Standard Waiver Settings window of the Company Contract Parameters, and the customer does not pay Damage Waiver, then this customer can not rent equipment with a value greater than the Customer Waiver Minimum set for On Account or for Cash customers in Company Standard Waiver Settings, without sufficient current insurance coverage to cover the Replacement Cost of the equipment.
oOver-riding Damage Waiver Defaults on the Document:
The customer defined charge waiver default can only be over-ridden on the rental document if the Use Damage Waiver Per Item Value Limits feature is NOT activated in the Company Standard Waiver Settings window of the Company Contract Parameters.
If the Use Damage Waiver Per Item Value Limits feature is activated then the customer flag will be enforced for Cash and On Account customers, so that only customers flagged as 'Optional' have the choice to accept or decline the Damage Waiver on the document.
The rate to be charged can only ever be over-ridden on the document if the parameter to Allow User Access to Waiver% in the Divisional Contract Parameters is activated.
This divisional control is set according to the division of the document, regardless of the operator division.
oRespect Waiver Codes By Customer:
Click the icon to access the Customer specific settings for Customer Waiver Rates as follows:
If the feature to Respect Waiver Codes By Customer has been activated in the Company Standard Waiver Settings, rates specific to this customer can be setup in the Waiver Codes by Customer window.
Customer waiver rates over-ride both company and division rates for the same code.
Note: The FIFO Rental Return feature is not allowed for a customer who has been charged varying Waiver rates, as the percent of rental to charge may not be consistent across the contracts.
•Alternate DW Calculation:
This DW formula uses either a base value or uses the extended rental charge on each product detail line, times one of two different waiver percent rates defined by the product Group, to determine the DW amount to charge by product on the document.
Refer to Company Alternate Waiver Settings for more information configuration and use of this process.
Click the icon to access the Customer specific settings in the Customer Damage Waiver Settings window.
Window to access the codes assigned to this customer to setup special pricing, and define the customer's currency, terms, customer type, salesman, taxes, etc., as outlined in Customer Codes.
There are two possible directions offered in this window depending on your company configuration:
•Window to access the additional information parameters for this customer, including licenses, insurance, delivery and billing controls, etc., as outlined in Additional Information.
•If the Telematics processing has been activated in the Software Integration this window provides the following choices:
Window to access the Internet information for this customer that can be setup to control email communication, and access to your Portal website, as outlined in Internet Information.
Note: A customer that has been defined as the Clone customer for standard documents or for quotes in Divisional Contract Information is a generic customer and cannot be allowed Website Access nor assigned a Website Password.
Service charges such as a tax or maintenance expense associated with a specific product according to Group, Sales Product Class or Rental Product Class, can be automatically charged to the customer on an invoice when that product is rented or sold.
Refer to Group Service Codes and Product Class Service Codes for more information and setup of this feature.
Uncheck this box if this customer should be eligible and charged for any relevant Auto Service billing.
Check this box if this customer should not be automatically billed for all services associated directly associated with a specific product or group, and define which services should be exempt using one of the following settings:
•Type ALL if this customer should not be charged for any Auto Service billings.
•Enter the Service code or select one from the Service Search window if this customer is exempt from only a single specific Auto Service.
Service Codes are listed with the Type designation.
•Type SEL to build a list of selected Auto Service that this customer should not be billed, as outlined in the Select Service Codes window.
Note: These exempt flags only apply when the services are billable as an "Auto Service" so the customer is not exempt from the same service if it is manually added to a document.
Note: If the customer is changed on an existing document such as a Contract, the Ignore Auto Service Charges for the new customer is NOT respected on services already included/omitted on the document per the original customer's requirements.
Manual adjustments would be required.
Multiple external documents or images can be associated with this customer when setup in the File Attachments window.
This field is disabled if there is no attachment directory defined in Company Miscellaneous Parameters.
Click ACCEPT to save the changes to this customer record, or CANCEL to abort.
Update Customer Information On Open Documents: If the customer Name, and/or any Address information, and/or the primary Phone number, has been changed in the Customer Information, the option is now provided to also update the name, address, phone, in the 'Billing Information' on any Open documents, such as contracts, orders, reservations, quotes, and current unposted invoices.
Closed, filled, and posted documents will not be updated.
Note: Only documents with name, address, phone information that exactly matches the original field values in the Customer Information prior to the change, will be updated.
This protects the document billing information from being changed, if it had been deliberately over-typed on a document.
Update Billing Day Code On Open Contracts: This option is triggered if the customer has been updated from 'Cash' to 'On Acct' and the customer has any open contracts with a blank Cycle Billing Day.
This is useful because Cash customer contracts usually have a blank Billing Day and a Billing Day Code should to be assigned to any On Account Contracts to ensure those contracts are included in the appropriate Cycle Billing run.
If this action is accepted a spreadsheet is generated listing the open contracts for the customer with the Date Out and the Billing Day Code associated with this contract out date, and then the Contract is automatically updated to this Billing Day.
If this action is declined the Cycle Billing Day code will not be changed on the contracts and manual updates will be required.
Parent/Child Customer Discrepancy Warnings:
If this customer is a 'Parent' or a 'Child' of another customer, a warning is triggered when the Customer Information screen is closed if the certain values of Parent and Child are not the same.
•Parent/Child Customer Credit Rating/Terms/Division/Salesman Check:
If this customer is a 'Parent' or a 'Child', this warning is generated if the Credit Rating, the Terms, the Salesman and/or the Division do not match.
If this is a Parent customer record that is being accepted, the option is provided to change these three values of all associated Children to match the Parent's.
If it is a Child customer record that has been accessed and is being closed, then the values need to be changed manually if required.
Parent/Child Customer Special Pricing/Tax Codes Check:
If this customer is a 'Parent' or a 'Child', this warning is generated if the Special Pricing and/or the Tax Codes do not match.
Note: If Enable Multi-Tiered Pricing is activated in the Company Rate Parameters then pricing differences are ignored.
If the Enhanced Taxes feature is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters then tax differences are ignored.
If this is a Parent customer record that is being accepted, the option is provided to change the pricing and tax values of all associated Children to match the Parent's.
If pricing is updated on the child accounts, a record is written to the Audit Log for Customer Pricing changes.
If it is a Child customer record that has been accessed and is being closed, then the values need to be changed manually if required.
Note: Operator Security Role Permissions restrictions are NOT considered Child records are updated as the object of this action is to synchronize Parent/Child data.
The Update Customer Children Settings utility can also be used to identify discrepancies and to synchronize these Parent/Child values.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Customer Information screen include:
•Delete Customers:
It is not recommend to delete any customer records from your system, since the information may be needed at some point.
However if the customer is a duplicate or is not required, the customer record can be deleted.
The DELETE button is only active when the role assigned to the operator in Operators has permission to delete customers.
The role permission is setup in Security Roles on the Security tab of Configure System Settings.
To delete an existing customer, click the DELETE button before selecting the customer to be deleted, and proceed as outlined in Delete A Single Customer.
This program ensures that the customer records are not active within the software, before it deletes them.
Merge Customer Records
Sometimes, the same customer gets setup in the customer file under two different customer numbers. In order to merge the two customers into one, follow these steps:
1.Decide which customer number has the most accurate customer information. This is the number that will be kept, and the other number will be eliminated.
In the Customer Information confirm that the customer # to be kept has been updated with all address, and payables information.
2.Use Customers to Merge to define the customers to be merged.
3.Delete the old customer in Customers to Delete.
•View Driver's License Image:
The VIEW SCAN button is only enabled when the ID scan image processing has been activated in the Divisional Contract Parameters, and a scanned image of the driver's license has been generated, as outlined in Driver's License Scan.
Note: This feature is not supported in a Web App or in Open Client.
•Access Sites Associated with Customer:
Click the SITES button to view and update Site Information through Site Search.
Topic Keyword: ARCF01