Replacement Value of Equipment On Rent
Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Information -> Credit Rating window -> Rental Value Limit$ window ->
Counter Menu -> Contracts -> Contract Details -> Exceeded Rental Value Limit -> DETAILS ->
This window displays the Rental Replacement Value details of the Rental Equipment currently out on rent to this customer.
If this is a Child customer, the parent customer number and name are displayed at the bottom left.
The contract#, product#, description, quantity, and equipment value is displayed, with a total value currently on rent to this customer.
Click on the EXP/CON button or press <F9> to view any P.O.# and the replacement value per unit.
A window is provided in the Details column to drill down to contract details.
Only rental equipment assigned a Replacement Cost value in Rental Inventory, and belonging to a Product Class that is flagged to be included in the Rental Value Limit in Rental Product Classes, is included in the value total list.
The Rental Replacement Value total includes equipment out on a Contract until it is entered on a Rental Return, including equipment that is Off Rent, On Delivery, and On Pickup.
For complete details on the Replacement Value Limit feature, refer to the section in the "Credit Rating" information in Customer Information.
Topic Keyword: ARCF14