Update Customer Credit Information
Accounts Receivable Menu -> Collections -> Customer Credit Information -> Update Customer Credit Information
This utility can be used to update the customer's credit limit and other credit information, by individual customer.
This credit information impacts the customers' ability to do business and can be used to trigger the Print Call List.
At each prompt, accept the current information or over-type it with the updated information.
This information is stored in Customer Information.
Enter the customer number or select it from the Accounting Customer Search window.
Note: The customer selection is restricted by the Divisional Restricted Views assigned to the operator and the division assigned to the customer in Customer Information.
The current credit information for the selected customer is displayed, as follows:
The customer's current unpaid account total is displayed.
The average days taken before payment is made by this customer is displayed.
Accept the current limit or over-type it with the new account limit.
If the Credit Limit is changed an audit record is written to Override Report.
The Prompt for Clerk Changing Customer Credit flag in the Company Security Parameters can be set to prompt the operator for his clerk code when the Credit Limit or Credit Rating is changed.
For further security the Check Operator Password control can also be set to require password verification to make the credit information change.
A setting in the Company Security Parameters can be set to prompt the operator for a valid Reason Code for over-rides including changing the Credit Limit, as outlined in Prompt for Reason Code.
The date of the last credit review will display. Accept this date or over-type it with the new credit reviewed date.
Accept the existing rating code, or over-type with the new credit rating, or select a rating from the Credit Rating Search window and if the Credit Rating is changed for a Parent customer then all the associated Child customer records will also be updated.
If the Credit Rating is changed an audit record is written to Override Report.
The Prompt for Clerk Changing Customer Credit flag in the Company Security Parameters can be set to prompt the operator for his clerk code when the Credit Limit or Credit Rating is changed.
For further security the Check Operator Password control can also be set to require password verification to make the credit information change.
A setting in the Company Security Parameters can be set to prompt the operator for a valid Reason Code for over-rides including changing the Credit Rating, as outlined in Prompt for Reason Code.
Accept the name for the primary payables contact for this customer or over-type it with the correct contact name.
Accept the second payable contact name or over-type it with the correct contact name.
Accept the number displayed or over-type it with the correct number.
Accept the comment displayed or over-type it with a new comment line.
This comment line is displayed at the bottom of the screen during contract/invoice entry and also appears in several customer inquiries.
This comment does NOT print on the document, and your customers CANNOT see it, unless they read your monitor screen.
Click ACCEPT to accept this information and to update Customer Information or CANCEL to abort and any changes will not be saved in the customer record.
Topic Keyword: ARCF41