Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Update Customer Salesman

Utilities Menu -> Accounts Receivable Utilities -> Update Customer Salesman

This program can be used to easily update Salesman Codes stored in the customer record in Customer Information.
 The prompts are:


Leave this field blank to display all customers, or enter a starting customer # for the display, or select a customer from the Accounting Customer Search window.

Resulting Customer List: The customers starting with this number list on the screen in customer number order with the following information:


The customer number displays.


The customer name displays.


The customer's city displays.


The customer's Postal Code or Zip Code displays.


The current Salesman Code assigned to this customer displays.
 This code can be changed as required by entering the new code, or selecting a Salesman code from the drop-down list, as setup in Salesman Codes.

Expanded Record

Click EXP/CON or press <F9> to view more detailed information about this customer, including contact name, address, account balance, comments, and terms.

Finished ?

Click ACCEPT to accept the Salesman Code changes and to exit.

Topic Keyword: ARCF57