Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Customers to Delete

Utilities Menu -> Accounts Receivable -> Customers To Merge -> DELETE LIST -> Customers to Delete

Old customer numbers that have been merged using Print And Merge Customers are automatically displayed in this list.
 This utility can be accessed if the operator has role permission to delete customers as defined in the Security Roles and there are customers from the Merge action that are flagged to be deleted, by clicking on the DELETE LIST button in the Customers To Merge screen.

Any customer numbers in this list that should not be deleted from the customer file should be removed from this list.

Customer numbers cannot be added to the list.
 If a customer is not on the list but should be deleted, use the Delete A Single Customer utility

Customers "In Use" cannot be deleted and the "In Use" information is printed on he 'Delete Customers Report'.
 When all customers on the list are eligible and the list is verified, click ACCEPT to delete the customers.
 Confirmation is required.

Note: Be advised that once executed, this operation cannot be undone.
 Hence, prior to running this request, verify in the play environment that the results obtained from running this operation are as expected.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Customers to Delete utility include:

Remove a Customer From the Delete List:
 Highlight the customer record by clicking on the associate sequence number and click the DELETE button to remove a customer from the proposed deletion list.

Re-Access the Merge Customer List without Deleting:
 Click MERGE LIST to return to the Customers To Merge screen to make changes before deleting the "old" customers.

Output the Delete Customer List to a Spreadsheet:
 Click the EXPORT button to generate a spreadsheet with the list of Customer numbers flagged to be deleted.
 This is for information purposes and cannot be re-imported into the SRM data.

Topic Keyword: ARCF96