Update Inactive Customer Credit Rating
Utilities Menu -> Accounts Receivable Utilities -> Update Inactive Customer Credit Rating
Use this program to identify and flag customers with no activity in the selected time frame.
The options are provided to print the customer list and to update the credit rating code for the identified customers.
This utility can be accessed from the Utilities menu for Accounts Receivable operations.
The prompts are:
Enter the start date for the desired range.
Customers having no Accounts Receivable activity after this date and before the To A/R Activity Date will be considered eligible for the selection.
Enter the cut-off date for the desired activity range.
Check this box to include all credit ratings.
Uncheck this box to select specific credit rating codes.
This field does not apply if all Credit Ratings are to be included.
Select one of the following options to filter the codes:
•Select Include to select only credit rating codes to be included in the listing.
•Select Exclude to select credit ratings to be omitted from the list.
Depending on the selection chosen for Define Codes To this window provides the ability to select the Credit Ratings that should be included or excluded in the report.
Check the Credit Ratings codes to be included or excluded from the selection.
Click ACCEPT to accept the selection and close the window.
Enter the new proposed Credit Rating to be assigned to the selected customers, or select one from the drop-down list.
Click ACCEPT to accept the selection and generate the customer list, or CANCEL to abort.
Resulting Customer List:
A list of customer numbers and names, that have had no activity in the defined date range, and match the selected credit rating filters, are displayed on the screen.
The current old credit rating, and the new proposed credit rating with description are displayed.
The proposed credit rating can be modified for individual customers as required.
A drop-down list in the Rating field is provided to view and select from valid credit rating codes.
Click ACCEPT when the list is complete.
Confirmation Screen:
Check this box to print the list of Customers as displayed on the screen with the credit rating.
A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Uncheck this box if a report is not required.
Check this box to change each of the listed Customers to the new Credit Rating displayed, updating Customer Information.
Uncheck this box to leave the Credit Ratings for each Customer UNCHANGED and ignore the new Credit Ratings in the list.
Note: The update process will not update any locked customer records. The information log is displayed on the screen, providing the ability to print the messages as outlined in Information Log.
Identify Customers with No Activity:
To identify customers with no activity at all, run the utility with the From Date 01-01-1901 and the To A/R Activity Date today, and check Include All Credit Ratings.
The resulting customers displayed have no activity and can be deleted in Delete A Single Customer.
Topic Keyword: ARCF97