Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Transfer Customer Payments

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Payments -> TRANSFER button -> Transfer Customer Payments

This utility can be used to transfer an unapplied posted or unposted payment amount from one customer account to other customer accounts of the same currency and as of the original payment date.
 Unapplied credit amounts from "open balance invoices" that were generated from an overpayment, can also be transferred.
 Any fully applied payment or credit invoice cannot be transferred, as no dollars remain undistributed.

This Transfer program can be accessed by clicking on the TRANSFER button before selecting a customer in Customer Payments.
 This button will only be active if the operator has role permission as defined in Security Role Permissions and if the Reward Dollar feature is NOT activated.

When a transfer is processed, the original or 'source' payment is shown as reduced by the transferred amount in the Customer Account Inquiry, and displays the transfer record information in the Payment Details window.
 Transferred amounts are identified in the history window of the associated payment with a document number of XFR and with reference to the new customer #.

The new payments generated from the re-distribution of a payment by transfer can be viewed in Customer Account Inquiry for the new customer and the source information is displayed in the expanded record with the original customer #, check #, and date.

Note: Any payments generated from a transfer cannot be reversed in Reverse Customer Payments.
 This means if an error is made in a transfer, another transfer must be made to correct it.

The prompts to transfer a payment are:


Enter the source customer number or search for the customer in the Accounting Customer Search window.


Enter the source check # or search for it in the window.

A credit invoice # can also be entered, but only if was created from an overpayment in Customer Payments that was then converted to an open balance credit invoice.


Only posted or unposted payments that have not been fully applied, or open credit invoices that have been converted from an overpayment, are listed in the window with dates.
 Only payments and open credit invoices paid in the same currency defined for the customer in Customer Information are displayed for selection, as exchange rates are not considered.

The Check/Invoice Search lists the document number, type of Credit, date, original amount, amount used, any discounts already taken, and the outstanding balance on the Credit Invoice or Check.
 The list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading.
 Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.

To select a record from the list, double-click on the appropriate record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.

Note: Negative dollar checks usually caused by an "overpayment" of the check, cannot be selected for transfer and are not reflected in this search window.


Enter the original document date.
 If a check or invoice was selected from the Check/Invoice Search window, the date defaults accordingly and cannot be changed.


Select one of:

Select Invoice if the source document is an open balance credit invoice.

Select Payment if the source document is a open payment.

If a check or invoice was selected from the Check/Invoice Search window, the type defaults accordingly and cannot be changed.


The unapplied balance from the source document displays.


The Division from the selected payment or open credit invoice is displayed for reference and cannot be changed.

This is the Division that will be credited for the 'A/R Control Account' with the amount being transferred out of the source payment, if the feature to Activate G/L Posting By Division has been activated in Support Application Parameters.
 This is information only if this post by division feature is not activated.

Resulting Customer Transfer Distribution List:

Multiple transfer payment records may be entered to various customers of the same currency for this payment, as follows:


Enter the customer # to receive the transferred payment or search for the customer in the window.
 Multiple "To" customers can be entered if the transfer amount should be split between several customers.

Customer Transfer Restrictions:

Payment amounts cannot be transferred to a 'child' account, and after the warning the account is automatically changed to the associated 'parent' account.

Payment amounts cannot be transferred to a customer who has been assigned a different currency in Customer Information, as no currency exchange rate is consider in this direct transfer action.


The customer's name displays.


The source document number displays.
 This will be used as the new transferred payment number and can be over-typed as required.

This document number cannot have already been assigned to an existing payment for the same date, on the new customer's account.


The date of the original source payment displays
 This will also be used as the transferred payment date, and can NOT be changed as it must match the payment date in the G/L.


Enter the dollar amount of the payment to be transferred.

Note: Negative dollar amounts cannot be transferred.


The Division for the payment defaults to the new customer's division as defined in Customer Information, but can be over-typed with a valid accounting type division as required.

Division Posting in the General Ledger:
 Adjustments to the divisions of the transferred amounts in the G/L for the "A/R Control Account" are as follows:

If the Activate G/L Posting By Division feature is activated in Support Application Parameters, posting adjustments may be required to update the division of the transferred amount for the "A/R Control Account" in the General Ledger.
 When there are division changes a journal is created to move the transferred amount to the appropriate Divisions during the next Daily Close 3: Post Invoices with the Rental Journal Transactions action.
 The posting change is a Credit to the Division of the source check for the full transfer out amount, and Debits for the transfer in amounts to the Divisions of each of the newly distributed check Divisions.

If the divisional posting feature is not activated then the "A/R Control Account" there is no posting impact by a Division change in the General Ledger and no posting is required as the balance in the "A/R Control Account" to the Head Office remains the same.

Note: The division is not limited to the operator's Divisional Restricted Views.


This running balance displays the total amount that has been listed to be transferred.
 The transfer will NOT be processed if the Total Distributed exceeds the Balance from the source document, that is displayed on the screen above.


Click the ACCEPT button when all the distribution payment records have been entered.
 The Distributed Total cannot exceed the unapplied Balance from the source document.

Confirmation Screen

Select one of the following options:

Click Process Details to accept the payment transfer and to update the customers' accounts.

Click Return to Details to return to the transfer details screen to make any further changes.

Click Abort Changes to abort and the transfer.

If accepted, the payment transfers are reflected in Customer Information, Customer Information Inquiry, Customer Account Inquiry, and A/R Payment History.

Topic Keyword: ARCH04