Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Group Delivery/Pickup Rates

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Information -> "Additional Information" -> Group Delivery/Pickup Rates

The prompts to setup customer defined delivery and pickup charges by group are:


Delivery/Pickup charges can be set for a specific Group, or a Freight Code representing multiple Groups can be assigned.

Enter the group number to be assigned the customer's Delivery/Pickup rate, or enter a Freight Price Code precede by a ~ symbol, or window to the following search options:


Window to look for the Group in the Group Search window.


Window to look for a Freight Price code in the Freight Code Search window.


The group description or the freight code description displays.


Enter the delivery charge for products in this Group for this customer.
 This customer Group defined rate over-rides the delivery charge assigned in Equipment Group when products in this group are rented to this customer.
 This customer Group defined rate also over-rides the Freight Price Code if the customer is assigned a Freight Price Code that contains the same Group.

If there are no Customer/Group/Freight codes that apply, the charge setup in Services Codes is applied.

Note: This delivery rate does not apply for Freight codes, as they consist of multiple groups with varying charges, as setup in Freight Price Codes.


Enter the pickup charge for products in this group for this customer.
 This is similar to the Delivery Charge, as it over-rides any other pickup charge for the same group, for this customer.

Note: This pickup rate does not apply for Freight codes, as they consist of multiple groups with varying charges.


Leave this field blank if no minimum freight charge applies or enter the minimum freight charge that should apply to accumulated charges.
 The minimum charge is useful for piece items like scaffolding.

Note: This minimum does not apply for Freight codes, as they consist of multiple groups with varying charges.

The Delivery/Pickup Rate is then charged for accumulated or flat freight charges as defined in Equipment Groups.

These rates occur only when a new document is entered.
 Changes to the details of an existing document do NOT automatically change the Delivery/Pickup service charges.

Note: A Rewards Program can not be assigned to a customer if the customer has already been assigned any rental or sale discount percents, trade discount percents, discount plans, special pricing, special rates codes, tiered prices or rates, loyalty plan or delivery/pickup billing code.
 The fields are disabled if a customer has already been assigned a Rewards Code in the Customer Codes window.

Topic Keyword: AREF01