Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Salesman Commission Types

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Customer Management Tab -> General Settings -> Commission Types

The purpose of commission types is to provide the ability to build a sliding scale commission percentage for sales representatives based on contract discounting and override pricing.
 This allows Sales reps who do not discount heavily to be rewarded with a higher commission, and reps to be penalized with a lower commission rate when they discount too much.
 Commission types can be applied to rentals, sales and services., and exceptions can be managed to provide different commission percentages based on inventory class and service code.

Once the salesman commission plans are defined with the appropriate base commission percentages, the Commission Types can then be assigned to the various sales representatives in Salesman Codes.
 The commissions report based on these percentages can be generated from Commission Report By Commission Type.

An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Customer Management - Salesman Commission Types in order to access this table.


The prompts to setup a Commission type are:


The sequence number tracks the records in the file.


Enter a type code of up to 10 alpha/numeric characters to identify this Commission plan.


Enter a description for this commission type or plan.


This is the commission percentage which is the base or standard commission.
 i.e. If the sale rep receives a 10% commission across the board then this is the base.
 The commission percentage is then increased/decreased from the base based on discounting or rate overrides.

 Enter the Base commission % to be applied to rentals.


This base can be adjusted (+ or -) based on rental discounts given to the customers, as outlined in the Commission Adjustments window.

Note: When entering a new 'Commission Type' record in Add mode, the Commission Adjustments window for each of Rentals, Sales, and Services, opens after the Base Service% field.
 In Change mode press <F4> on each of the Base% fields to access the corresponding adjustment window.

 Enter the Base commission % to be applied to sales.
 The SALES COMMISSION ADJUSTMENTS window can be used to adjust the commission based on the sales discounts given to the customers, as outlined in Commission Adjustments.

 Enter the Base commission % to be applied to services.
 The SERVICES COMMISSION ADJUSTMENTS window can be used to adjust the commission based on the services discounts given to the customers, as outlined in Commission Adjustments.


Window to define any commissions exceptions by Product Class in Commission Exceptions by Class and by Service in Commission Exceptions by Service.

These commission types can now be assigned to the salesman in Salesman Codes for use in calculating the Commission Report By Type.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Salesman Commission Types screen include:

Delete A Salesman Commission Type:
 Click the DELETE button and select the commission type to be deleted from the drop-down list, and click ACCEPT to delete.

If the commission type is not in use, the type is deleted and the remaining Commission Types are displayed.

A warning will be displayed if the commission type is still assigned to a salesman, a VIEW button is provided to see the associated salesman codes.
 The commission type must be removed or changed for each of these salesman before the commission type record can be deleted.

Topic Keyword: ARSCT01