Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Audit Log

Reports Menu -> Security -> Audit Log Report

This utility can be used to review selected audit records of changes made to the data in SRM, by category and date range, that can be viewed in the Audit Log Details inquiry or output the data to a spreadsheet.

An Audit Log Category can be selected from the drop-down box including:

 This option reports on address and phone number changes made permanently in Customer Information, because of changes made on a document header.
 The ability to updated the Customer Information is controlled by the Change Customer Info From Document Header Info setting in the Support Application Parameters.

This option also reports on address changes made permanently in Customer Information, from the Export/Import Customer Information.

 With the audit log, the data can be filtered by using a text search, or by the exact customer number search.
 The Search For This Text can be used to search by the customer name, number, note/message, document type or number.

 The resulting data for a change from a document header, displays the date and time of the change, with a note whether the address or phone was changed.
 The expanded record displays the division, operator, customer number, customer name, the document type and document number.

The resulting data for an address change from Export/Import Customer Information displays the date and time of the change, with a note saying the address 'Address Updated'. The expanded record displays the division, operator, customer number, customer name, and the document type displays 'Customer Export/Import'.

 This option reports on any change made to the Depreciation Method assigned to a Depreciation Class, because of the impact on the calculation of any subsequent depreciations by the new method in the same year.
 When an existing Depreciation Method is changed on a Depreciation Method the 'YTD Number of Depreciations' and the 'YTD Depreciation Dollars' for all Asset Tags assigned this Depreciation Class are reset to ZERO.

 With the audit log, the data can be filtered by using a text search, or by product, or by tag.

 The resulting data for a Depreciation Method change includes the date and time of the change, with a note listing the Depreciation Class that was changed, the old and new Depreciation Methods, the previous YTD dollars and the previous YTD number of depreciations that have now been set to zero.
 Each audit record also indicates if the reset was made to the Alternate Depreciation information, rather than the Standard.
 The expanded record displays the division, operator, product number, and Fixed Asset Tag number.

 This option reports on rate updates that have been affected on contracts, using the Update Contract Rental Pricing utility or by making changes to the rates in the Rental Rates window on the Contract Details.

 With the audit log, the data can be filtered by using a text search, contract# search, and/or product detail transaction number search.
 The Search For This Text can be used to search by a rate, a date, a product number, etc.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the increase (this is not the effective date), with the rate code, the old rate and the new rate to charge at this level.
 The expanded record displays the operator, contract number, and the product detail number.

 This option reports on discount, rate or pricing changes made for a customer, including Rental, Sales and Trade Discount percents set in Customer Information, special rate, rental matrix, and special pricing changes set in the Customer Codes window, and any Loyalty plan, Discount plan or Rewards Program code changes assigned in the Customer Codes window.
 If the pricing is updated on the Child accounts in Customer Information or in the Update Customer Children Settings utility using the option to match the Child and Parent pricing, a record is written to the Audit Log to track the changes.

This option also reports on special price or rate code changes made permanently in Customer Information, from the Export/Import Customer Information.

 With the audit log, the data can be filtered by using a text search, and a customer search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change, with the field that was changed and the value before and after the change.
 The expanded record displays the operator, and customer number.

 When interim invoices are generated either manually from Cycle Billing or automatically from Automatic Reporting the contract numbers with resulting invoice numbers are written to this Billing Log.

 With the audit log, the data can be filtered by using a text search, contract# search, and/or invoice# search.
 The Search For This Text can be used to search by a rate, a date, a product number, etc.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the billing, with the contract and resulting invoice numbers.
 The expanded record displays the operator, contract number, and the invoice number.

 Changes made to Standard Tax Code 1 or 2 on the header, details, services, or damage waiver of counter documents including Contracts, Quotes, Reservations and Invoices, are written to the Audit Log.
 Standard Tax code changes made to counter documents using the Standard Tax Change Utility are also written to the Audit Log.

 With the audit log, the data can be filtered by using a text search, document# search, and/or document type (INVOICE, CONTRACT, QUOTATION, RESERVATION, WORK ORDER or SALES ORDER) search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change to the tax code, whether it was Tax code 1 or 2 in the Header/Detail/Service and the old value & the new value.
 The expanded record displays the operator, document number, and the document type.

 When the URL mapping information in the Mapping Tools fields of the Address Tools tab in the Software Integration is updated or modified an audit record is written.

 With the audit log, the data can be filtered by using a text search, and/or URL.
 The Search For This Text can be used to search by a rate, a date, a product number, etc.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change, with the URL information.
 The expanded record displays the operator, and which URL was changed.

 This option can be used to report on when a tab-delimited text file is imported to update GEOCodes and tax rates using the Import GEOCode Taxes utility.

 The resulting data displays the date and time of the import, with the file name that was loaded and the operator.

 This option can be used to report on when the operator generates a Purchase Order from a Contract and the product or service cost is greater that the price or rate on the contract in the Purchase Order Information window.

Refer to Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview for details on this feature.

 With the audit log, the data can be filtered by using a text search, product, and/or location search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the over-ride, the Contract number with the product price or rate on the contract, and the P.O. cost.
 The expanded record displays the operator, product number, and location.

 When an Operator password is changed an audit record is written.

 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change. The Note indicates where the change was made as follows:

Password Changed on Expiry - indicates that the password had expired according to the number of days defined in the Password Controls as was changed accordingly at sign in, as outlined in Password Expired.

Operator Changed Password - indicates that the operator voluntarily changed his password as outlined in Set Password.

Administrator Changed Password - indicates that the operator password was changed directly in Operators.

Global Password Change - indicates that the operator voluntarily changed his password for multiple divisions as outlined in Change Password in All Divisions.

The expanded record shows the operator that made the change, division and the operator code that was changed.

 When changes are made to the 'Personal Property Security Register' information that are accessible in the PPSR Contract Detail Additional Options window on the expanded Contract detail line, an audit record for RSCH02 is written tracking the date and operator.
 Audit records are also written when the Discharge Date is entered or changed in Rental Return for RSCD04C or in Exchange By Contract for RSEX01.

 With the audit log, the data can be filtered by using a text search, contract# search, and/or customer# search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change, with the function, message, operator, contract#, and customer#.
 Changes to the Customer's Government ID, Australian Customer#, or the product VIN# are not logged.

 When the house keeping utility Purge Warehouse Receiving is run for a specific product by cut-off date and location, an audit record is written for each receiving transaction number deleted.

 With the audit log, the data can be filtered by using a text search, product# search, and/or location# search.
 The Search For This Text can be used to search by a date, a vendor number, receiving transaction number, etc.
 The resulting data tracks the deletions with the date of the purge run, noting the vendor#. date of the receiving, received quantity and receiving transaction number.
 The expanded record displays the operator, receiving location, and product number.

 This option can be used to report on when the "Liquidation Values" was changed in a Group manually or by an import from the Update Group Information or the Restructure Class/Group//Rates/Tag utility by Group Cost.

 With the audit log all data in the date range can be viewed or data can be filtered by using a text search, and/or group# search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change or import, operator, group and the old and new field values.

 This option can be used to report on when the "Replacement Cost" was changed in a Group manually or by an import from the Update Group Information or the Restructure Class/Group/Rates/Tag utility by Group Cost option.

 With the audit log all data in the date range can be viewed or data can be filtered by using a text search, and/or group# search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change or import, operator, group and the old and new field values.

 This option can be used to report on when the "Useful Life in Months" was changed in a Group manually or by an import from the Update Group Information or the Restructure Class/Group/Rates/Tag utility by Group Cost option.

 With the audit log all data in the date range can be viewed or data in the date range can be viewed or data can be filtered by using a text search, and/or group# search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change or import, operator, group and the old and new field values.

 This option can be used to report on when the "Product Class" was changed for Rental Inventory or for Sales Inventory in Update/Product/Class/Group/Vendor, Change Class on Product, Exchange Product Class, Transfer Rental to Sale, Asset Reclassification, or by an import from Data Import or the Restructure Class/Group/Rates/Tag utility by Product Class/Group option.

 With the audit log all data in the date range can be viewed or data in the date range can be viewed or data can be filtered by using a text search, and/or product# search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change or import, operator, old and new Product Class, and product number.
 The function that generated the change to the Class is included in the spreadsheet output.

 This option can be used to report on when the Sales Product "Cost Type" was changed in Sales Inventory or in Update Sale Item Cost Type or from Data Import.

 With the audit log all data in the date range can be viewed or data in the date range can be viewed or data can be filtered by using a text search, and/or product# search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change or import, operator, old and new Cost Type, and product number.
 The function that generated the change is included in the spreadsheet output.

 This option can be used to report on when the "Date In Service" was changed in the Make/Model and Re-Order Information for non-bulk equipment either manually or by an import from the Restructure Class/Group/Rates utility by Product Cost option.

 With the audit log all data in the date range can be viewed or data can be filtered by using a text search, and/or product# search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change or import, operator, product, and the old and new dates.

 This option can be used to report on when the "Group" was changed for Rental Inventory or for Sales Inventory in Update/Product/Class/Group/Vendor, Change Group on Product, Exchange Group#, Transfer Rental to Sale, Asset Reclassification, or by an import from the Data Import, or Restructure Class/Group/Rates/Tag utility by Product Class/Group option.

 With the audit log all data in the date range can be viewed or data in the date range can be viewed or data can be filtered by using a text search, and/or product# search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change or import, operator, old and new Group, and product number.
 The function that generated the change to the Group is included in the spreadsheet output.

 This option can be used to report on when the "Inventory Y/N" was changed in Rental Inventory or for Sales Inventory or in Update Inventory Y/N Flag.

 With the audit log all data in the date range can be viewed or data in the date range can be viewed or data can be filtered by using a text search, and/or product# search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change or import, operator, old and new flag value, and product number.
 The function that generated the change is included in the spreadsheet output.

 This option can be used to report on when the "Replacement Cost" was changed in a Rental Inventory manually or by an import from the Restructure Class/Group/Rates utility by Product Cost option.

 With the audit log all data in the date range can be viewed or data can be filtered by using a text search, and/or product# search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change or import, operator, product, and the old and new Cost values.

 This option can be used to report on when the "Historic Unit Cost" was changed in a Asset Tag Detail manually or by an import from the Restructure Class/Group/Rates/Tag utility by Tag Cost import action.

 With the audit log all data in the date range can be viewed or data can be filtered by using a text search, product# search, and/or tag# search.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change or import, operator, product, tag and the old and new field values.

 This option can be used to report on when the data tables was changed in a Data Import utility and whether existing tables were cleared first or not.

FIX TAX: Document Type
 This option reports on records corrected by the FIXTAX utility which would have been run by Texada Support staff if your data experienced database sequencing issues with tax transactions.

 This option tracks any records modified in the FXMENU utility by Texada Support staff when they are required to debug and correct errors.
 No audit record is written to the Audit Log for re-sequencing corrections as no changes were made to the data.

 This option can be used to report on when the "Vendor number" was changed on an unposted invoice using the Change Vendor# on Unposted A/P Invoice utility.

 With the audit log all data in the date range can be viewed or data can be filtered by date, a text search, invoice# and/or vendor#.
 The resulting data displays the date and time of the change, the operator, invoice number, the old and the new vendor numbers.

Topic Keyword: AUDIT01