Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Selection Criteria for Customers

Customer Contact Menu -> Select Customer Records -> CLEAR/SELECT button -> Select Customers action -> Selection Criteria for Customers

This utility can be used to define the filters and selection criteria to build a list of customers matching the selection criteria, and to replace or add to the list of customers in the Select Customer Records table, for later use in producing various lists and reports.

There are six categories or tabs that can be used in the selection.
 Only customer that match all the selection criteria defined on these tabs will be included in the list.

The Selection Criteria tabs and filters include:


The sort option is used to define the Sort Key assigned to the selected customers on the Select Customer Records table.
 Select one of the following sort options:

Click Name if the 'Sort Key' for customers selected in this run, should use the first 10 characters of the customer's "Alpha" name for sequencing.

Click Name if the 'Sort Key' for the customers should use the customer number.

Note: This field applies to all tabs for this selection run.


Check this box if any existing customer records in the Select Customer Records table should be removed and replaced with only the records matching the criteria from this selection run.

Uncheck this box if the customer records from this selection run should be added to the Select Customer Records without deleting any existing records.

If adding to an existing list and a customer qualifies a second time, any records for the same customer and having the same Sort Key will remain on the list and will reflect the original selection criteria in the Selection Criteria window in Select Customer Records.

Note: This field applies to all tabs for this selection run.

By Customer Tab:

This tab can be used to select and filter the customers to include in the list using information stored in the Customer Information .
 Filters include:


Uncheck this box if the customer information is not relevant to this selection process.

Check this box to specify the customer information that must be matched in order for a customer record to be included in this selection list.
 If Customer Information data is to be used in the selection criteria, the following filters become active:


Divisions can be setup Divisions and assigned to customers in Customer Information.
 To select customers by division use one of the following:

Type ALL to include all divisions in the selection criteria.

To include only a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.

Type SEL to select several specific divisions or divisions by customer region to be included, as outlined in Division Select By Region.


Salesman codes can be setup and assigned to customers in Salesman Codes.
 To select customers by salesman code use one of the following:

Type ALL to include all Salesman codes in the selection.

To include customers for only a single salesman enter the appropriate Salesman code, or select one from the drop-down list.

Type SEL to make a selection of Salesman codes to include in the report, as outlined in Select Salesman Codes.


Customer types can be setup in Customer Type Codes and assigned to customers in the Codes window of Customer Information.
 To select customers by type code use one of the following:

Type ALL to include all customer types in the selection.

To include only a single type of customer, enter the appropriate type code or select it from the drop-down list.

Type SEL to make a selection of customer types to be included in the report, as outlined in Select Customer Type Codes.


Special rental rates can be setup in the "Rental Rates & Pricing" parameters on the Operations tab of Configure System Settings in Special Rate Codes, and assigned to customers in the Codes window of Customer Information.
 To select customers by rate level use one of the following:

Type ALL to include customers with all rate levels in the selection.

Leave this field blank to include only customers with standard rates, or select a specific rate level from the Special Rate Level Search window to include only customers assigned that special rate.

Type SEL to make a selection of rate levels to be included in the report, as outlined in Select Special Rate Levels.


Special price levels can be setup and assigned to customers in Price Codes.
 To select customers by price level use one of the following:

Type ALL to include customers with all price levels in the selection.

Leave this field blank to include only customers with standard prices, or select a specific price level from the Special Price Codes Search window to include only customers assigned that special pricing.

Type SEL to make a selection of price codes to be included in the report, as outlined in Select Special Price Codes.


To filter the customer selection by account type, select one of the following options:

SelectCash to just include customers flagged as Cash only in Customer Information.

Select On Account to include only customers flagged as On Account in Customer Information.

Select Both to include all customers regardless of the Account Status flag.


Click on any Tab to save this selection information and to further specify different selection criteria, or click ACCEPT to accept the selection on all tabs and exit to the resulting Select Customer Records list, or click CANCEL to abort the current selection criteria and to return to the previous Select Customer Records list.

Note: Clicking ACCEPT will accept all tabs.

By Follow Up Tab:

This tab can be used to select and filter the customers to include in the list using information stored in the Follow-Up window of Customer Contact Information.
 Filters include:


Follow up information can be entered for a customer in the Follow-Up window of Customer Contact Information.
 Uncheck this box if the follow up activity is not relevant to this selection process.

Check this box to specify the follow up requirements that must be matched in order for a customer record to be included in this selection list.
 If Follow-Up data is to be used in the selection criteria, the following filters become active:


Select one of the following activity status options:

Click Completed for follow up comments flagged as Completed.

Click Incomplete for follow up comments flagged as Incomplete.

Click All to include all follow up comments.

Click Lost for follow up comments flagged as Lost.

Click Follow Up Later for follow up comments flagged to Follow up later.


Accept the default date to include follow up comments from the "beginning" or enter a preferred start date for the selection range.


Accept the default date to include follow up comments up until today's date or enter a preferred end date for the selection range.


Accept the default to include all dollar values, or enter a starting dollar value to narrow the selection range.


Accept the default to include all dollar values, or enter an ending dollar value to narrow the selection range.


Click on any Tab to save this selection information and to further specify different selection criteria, or click ACCEPT to accept the selection on all tabs and exit to the resulting Select Customer Records list, or click CANCEL to abort the current selection criteria and to return to the previous Select Customer Records list.

Note: Clicking ACCEPT will accept all tabs.

By Profile Tab:

This tab can be used to select and filter the customers to include in the list using the Customer Profile Information assigned to customers in the Customer Contact Information.

Filters include:


Profile information can be setup in Profile Classes and in Profile Codes, and then assigned to customers in the Customer Profile Information window of Customer Contact Information.

Note: Default Profile Class/Codes that are defined by the primary Customer Type are added to any new customers given that Type automatically, but are only added to existing customers when the Customer Profile Information window is accessed and if no other profiles already exist.

Uncheck this box if the customer Profile information is not relevant to this selection process.

Check this box to specify the Customer Profile Information that must be matched in order for a customer record to be included in this selection list.
 If Profile data is to be used in the selection criteria, the following filters become active:


Uncheck this box if customers should be included if they match any of the selected Profile Class/Codes combinations selected, but not necessarily all Profile Class/Codes combinations.
 Check this box if only customers that match ALL the Profile Class/Codes in the selection criteria should be included in the list.


To select customers by profile use one of the following:

Type ALL to include customers with any profile classes in the selection.
 Customers with NO profile classes and codes setup, will always be excluded.

To only include customers with a specific profile class, enter the class or select it from the Profile Class Search window.

Type SEL to select multiple profiles by class in the Select Profile Classes window.


Type ALL to include all profile codes for the classes already selected.

To only include customers with a specific profile code, enter the code or select it from the Profile Code Search window.

Type SEL to select multiple profiles by class and code in the Select Profile Class/Codes window.


Click on any Tab to save this selection information and to further specify different selection criteria, or click ACCEPT to accept the selection on all tabs and exit to the resulting Select Customer Records list, or click CANCEL to abort the current selection criteria and to return to the previous Select Customer Records list.

Note: Clicking ACCEPT will accept all tabs.

By Revenue Tab:

This tab can be used to select and filter the customers to include in the list based on the customer sales and rental Revenue History information.
 Filters include:


Revenue transactions can be viewed in Revenue History.
 The customer LTD totals, YTD totals, variances, and variance percents, can also be viewed in Customer Contact Information.

Uncheck this box if the customer revenue history is not relevant to this selection process.

Check this box to specify the customer rental and sales history information that must be matched in order for a customer record to be included in this selection list.

 This is the date range for the report using posted monthly history (RSMH).


Accept each of the month and year fields for the current fiscal month and year start as defined in the Summarize G/L Settings in the Company Posting Parameters, or enter the correct starting 2 digit month and 4 digit year.


Accept each of the month and year fields to accept the current fiscal month and year end, or enter the correct ending month and year.

Customers can be selected by rental revenue generated in the Revenue Period.


Accept the default to include customers with any monthly rental revenue dollar value, or enter a minimum customer rental revenue amount for the reporting period.


Accept the default to include customers with any monthly rental revenue dollar value, or enter a maximum customer rental dollar amount for the reporting period.

Customers can be selected by sales revenue generated in the Revenue Period.


Accept the default to include customers with any sales revenue dollar value, or enter a minimum customer sales revenue amount for the reporting period.


Accept the default to include customers with any sales revenue dollar value, or enter a maximum customer sales dollar amount for the reporting period.

The rental dollar variance amount is the difference between rental revenue for the Revenue Period this year and last year.


Accept the default to include all customers regardless of the variance in rental dollar values, or enter a minimum rental variance dollar amount for customers in the reporting period.


Accept the default to include all customers regardless of the variance dollar values, or enter a maximum rental variance dollar amount for customers in the reporting period.

The merchandise dollar variance amount is the difference between sales revenue this year and last year, for the selected Revenue Period.


Accept the default to include all customers regardless of the sales variance dollar values, or enter a minimum variance in sales dollars for customers in the reporting period.


Accept the default to include all customers regardless of the variance dollar values, or enter a maximum variance in sales dollars for customers in the reporting period.

This option selects customers based on the rental dollar variance as a percent.


Accept the default to include all customers regardless of their rental variance percents, or enter a minimum variance percent for rentals in the reporting period.


Accept the default to include all customers regardless of their variance percents, or enter a maximum variance percent for rentals in the reporting period.

This option selects customers based on the merchandise dollar variance as a percent.


Accept the default to include all customers regardless of their sales variance percents, or enter a minimum variance percent for sales in the reporting period.


Accept the default to include all customers regardless of their variance percents, or enter a maximum variance percent for sales in the reporting period.


Click on any Tab to save this selection information and to further specify different selection criteria, or click ACCEPT to accept the selection on all tabs and exit to the resulting Select Customer Records list, or click CANCEL to abort the current selection criteria and to return to the previous Select Customer Records list.

Note: Clicking ACCEPT will accept all tabs.

By Class/Group:

This tab can be used to select and filter the customers to include in the list based on the customers' specific sales and rental product Revenue History information.
 Filters include:


The customer sales and rental product details can be viewed by class and by group in Revenue History .
 Uncheck this box if the product information is not relevant to this selection process.

Check this box to specify the product classes and groups utilized by the customer in the selected time frame, in order for a customer record to be included in this selection list.


To select customers by use of product class use one of the following:

Type ALL to include products from all Product Classes in the selection criteria.

Enter a specific class, to only include customers that have used products from a specific product class or select a Product Class from the Product Class Search window.

Type SEL to select a combination of Product Classes to be included as outlined in Selected Class List.


To select customers by use of product group use one of the following:

Type ALL to include products from all Groups in the selection criteria.

Enter a specific Group, to only include customers that have used products from a specific group, or select a Group from the Group Search window.

Type SEL to select a combination of Product Groups to be included as outlined in Group Selection window.


Accept each of the month and year fields for the current fiscal month and year start as defined in the Summarize G/L Settings in the Company Posting Parameters, or enter the correct starting 2 digit month and 4 digit year.


Accept each of the month and year fields for the current fiscal month and year end, or enter the correct ending month and year.


Click on any Tab to save this selection information and to further specify different selection criteria, or click ACCEPT to accept the selection on all tabs and exit to the resulting Select Customer Records list, or click CANCEL to abort the current selection criteria and to return to the previous Select Customer Records list.

Note: Clicking ACCEPT will accept all tabs.

By Competitor Tab:

This tab can be used to select and filter the customers to include in the list based on the Competitor Information stored in the Customer Contact Information.
 Filters include:


Uncheck this box if the competitor information is not relevant to this selection process.

Check this box to specify the competitor information that must be matched in order for a customer record to be included in this selection list.
 If Competitor Information data is to be used in the selection criteria, the following filters become active:


Leave this field blank to include all competitors, or select a specific competitor from the drop-down list, as setup in Competitors.


Leave this field blank if dollar volume is not relevant to the customer selection, or enter a starting dollar amount to filter customers according to the estimated volume defined for them in the Competitor Information of Customer Contact Information.


Leave this field blank if dollar volume is not relevant to the customer selection, or enter an ending dollar amount for the range.


Click on any Tab to save this selection information and to further specify different selection criteria, or click ACCEPT to accept the selection on all tabs and exit to the resulting Select Customer Records list, or click CANCEL to abort the current selection criteria and to return to the previous Select Customer Records list.

Note: Clicking ACCEPT will accept all tabs.

After the customer list has been generated using one or any combination of the selection tabs from this Selection Criteria utility, the list can be reviewed and edited in Select Customer Records, where a convenient window is provided to display the selection criteria that was used to qualify each customer.

Note: Only customer records that match all the selection criteria will be included in the list generated and saved in Select Customer Records.

Topic Keyword: CMCF03