Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Profile Classes

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Customer Management Tab -> Customer Contact -> Profile Classes

The Profile Classes are categories in which to classify your customers or documents for reporting purposes.
 An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Customer Management - Profile Classes in order to access this table.

Multiple Profile Codes can be assigned to each class to further group the customers.

Customers with selected profiles can then be retrieved into a list using the By Profile tab on the Selection Criteria utility.
 The list of customers can then be edited in Select Customer Records and various lists produced.
 Refer to Customer Contact Management Overview for further details on this module.

The Contract and Invoice documents can also be assigned a Profile Class in the "Additional Information" on the document header, to identify them for BI analysis reporting.
 This process is activated by division when the 'Profile Class' option is selected in the Contract Divisional Additional Information pop-ups.
 No Profile Codes is required for this document identification feature.

The prompts to setup a list of the Profile Classes are:


Accept the sequence number automatically assigned for this record.


Enter a Class category up to 5 characters.


Enter the description for this class up to 30 characters.


Click ACCEPT when all the profile classes have been entered.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Profile Classes screen include:

Delete a Profile Class:
 Click the DELETE button and select the Profile Class to be deleted as outlined in Delete A Profile Class.
 Confirmation is required.

When a Profile Class is deleted from this table, all reference will also be removed for all customers from the Customer Profile Information and from the Default Profile Codes table for customer Types.

Topic Keyword: CMPC01