Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Tax Codes By GEOCode

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Accounting Tab -> Accounts Receivable -> Tax Codes -> ADVANCED button -> Tax Codes By GEOCode

Tax codes can be setup by geographic area in the Tax Codes By GEOCode window by clicking on the ADVANCED button in the Tax Codes.

It applies only to the Enhanced Tax processing, as activated in the Company Taxing Parameters.
 It can be accessed by clicking on the ADVANCED button at the bottom of Tax Codes to access the Enhanced Taxing utilities.

GEOCodes represent unique geographical areas, and can be assigned to Sites, Customers, and Divisions, in order to determine the correct tax combinations to be charged on the documents and allow for the appropriate exemption considerations.
 For ease of setup GEOCodes can be defined for each relevant state using the Load Startup GEOCodes utility.
 Refer to Tax Maintenance Overview for the ENHANCED Tax Rules that determine which taxes apply.

The prompts to create a GEOCode and assign it to a geographical location are as follows:


The GEOCode itself is usually comprised of a code for the Province or State, the County, and the City, and must be 9 characters (excluding the dashes).

In Add mode a GEOCode can be entered directly in this field or can be created using the New GEOCode mask window.

In Change mode the GEOCode Search window is provided to lookup an existing code.

Note: Additional GEOCodes can also be imported with associated tax information using the Import GEOCode Taxes utility.


Enter a description or region that applies to this GEOCode.


Enter the province or state code or name for this GEOCode, or select one from the Prov/State/Region Codes window.
 This code or name is used in the GEOCode search utilities.


Enter the county for this GEOCode.
 This is an optional information only field.


Window on this field to view, create or modify a list of cities that are associated with this GEOCode.
 A window is provided to search for existing cities as outlined in City Search.
 The city names are used in GEOCode search utilities.


Enter a starting postal or Zip code that applies to this GEOCode.
 This is an optional information only field.


Enter the same or ending Postal/Zip code in the range for this GEOCode.
 This is an optional information only field.


The tax codes and exemption flags can be entered for this GEOCode in the window as outlined in Taxes and Exemptions.


Click ACCEPT to accept.

Note: If there is no GEOCode on the document or the GEOCode on the document has no valid taxes, then the taxes for the Ship To City apply as setup in City Tax Codes.
 If no taxes are defined for the city either, then the taxes for the Postal/Zip code apply as setup in Tax Codes By Postal/Zip.

Topic Keyword: DCTXGC01