GEOCode Search
Search window -> GEOCode field -> GEOCode Search
GEOCodes represent unique geographical areas, and can be assigned to Sites, Customers, and Divisions, in order to determine the correct tax combinations to be charged on the documents and allow for the appropriate exemption considerations.
Refer to Tax Maintenance Overview for the ENHANCED Tax Rules that determine which taxes apply.
Note: If a GEOCode is setup or selected anywhere in the system, this activated a GEOCode requirement and GEOCodes become mandatory on every document.
GEOCodes can be imported with associated tax information using the Import GEOCode Taxes utility.
Search for the appropriate GEOCode as follows:
Enter the Province or State or select one from the Prov/State Search window.
To view all GEOCodes for a Province or State leave this field blank and click the SEARCH button, else enter the first few characters of the city or geographic zone description before clicking SEARCH.
Search Results:
The resulting list of GEOCode areas is displayed as matched from Tax Codes By GEOCode, with description, the province or state, the county, and the tax percent for that GEOCode.
To view the Tax Codes and percents that make up that GEOCode, click on the GEOCode record to focus on it and then click the TAX DETAILS button.
The list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading. Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.
To select a value from the displayed list, double-click on the appropriate record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.
Topic Keyword: DCTXGC02