Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Divisional Restricted View - Bulk Add

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Security -> General Settings -> Divisional Restricted Views -> Bulk Add Tables window -> Divisional Restricted View - Bulk Add

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Security -> General Settings -> Divisional Restricted Views -> Details window -> BULK ADD button -> Divisional Restricted View - Bulk Add

This utility can be used to establish the Division access (All, Own, or Divisions) by data module, for new Access Codes setup in Divisional Restricted Views or to add additional records to an access code without deleting any existing access records.

The prompts are:


Check this box to include all tables in the new Access Code. Then specific tables can be removed as required.

Uncheck this box to individually select the tables to include for this Access Code.


This field is only active if tables are being selected individually.
 In the window select the data tables to be included for this code, using the buttons available to ADD ALL, DELETE, and ADD individually.
 A window is provided to select from valid files.


This value determines the divisions accessible for these modules, to operators having this Access Code.
 Select a Division option from the drop-down list as explained below:

 Causes all divisions to be accessible for these modules.

 Restricts the operator to only his division as assigned in Operators.

 Permits a selection of divisions to be specified, by opening a window where multiple eligible Division codes can be listed.

Division Code:
 Allows a single Division to be entered or selected from the window.


Click ACCEPT to accept the selection, or CANCEL to abort.

Access security can be reviewed in Access Values where changes can be made by adding additional records, or by deleting records and re-entering them as required.

Topic Keyword: DSAV02