Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual


System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System Tab -> Company & Divisions -> Divisions

A division represents a store, branch, or location within the company.
 Separate address and taxing information can be maintained for each division.

This Divisions information can be accessed in the "Company & Divisions" parameters on the System tab of the Configure System Settings.
 An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the System - Division in order to access this table.

Texada SRM requires at least one division setup - division (blank) for Head Office. This blank (Head Office) division comes pre-loaded into your system.
 Refer to Add Division Overview for information on how the division is setup and utilized throughout the software.

In Change mode, review the Head Office division record and enter your proper name and address information for the location.
 If the blank Head Office division is not available in Change mode, click the ADD button to set it up now.

If your firm has other divisions or branches besides Head Office, they also need to be setup as follows.
 The prompts include:


Type in up to 3 characters for the division code.
 e.g. 1 for Division 1.

In Change mode, select an existing division from the drop-down list.

Note: The values 'SEL' and 'ALL' cannot be assigned as Division codes or Alternate Division numbers in the Division Information table or when importing new division information through the Standard Data Imports, as these two values are used for unique search actions by the standard selection filters.
 The value HQO also cannot be assigned as a Division code or Alternate Division number in the Division Information table or when importing new division information through the Standard Data Imports, as this value is restricted for SmartEquip Head Office use.


This prompt only applies if the option to utilize an alternate 4 character division number is activated in the company wide Support Application Parameters.

Enter the Alternate Division using a maximum of 4 alpha numeric characters.
 This Alternate Division code will be displayed and printed in place of the standard division in selected areas and reports including Counter documents.

Note: An Alternate Division can not be assigned for the "blank" division for Head Office.


Type in the official name of this division.

Window to access the "Print Division Name" that is used on customer documents as outlined below.

Division Addresses
 Two addresses can be maintained for each division/location.

1.DIVISION NAME - primary
 The address on the main division screen is used to determine the store location for:

oIt is used for Tax calculation purposes when using Enhanced or Vertex tax processing.

oIt is also the default 'Ship To Address' used on the header of the Purchase Orders as it is the physical location. This can be modified as required on each P.O.

oIt prints on Customer Statements and Batch Statements as the company address if the statement selection is by Division and the option to print company information is used.

oThis primary Division address prints on the documents if the 'Print Company Name on Forms' option is activated in the Divisional Printing Parameters and if there is no alternate division name and address defined in the "Print Division Name" window on the "Division Name" field.

Enter the primary address lines as follows:


Enter the shipping or mailing address of the division.


Type in the name of the city where the division is situated.


Type in the Province or State where the division is situated.


Enter the Postal Code or Zip Code for this division.

Vertex Validation:
 When Vertex tax processing is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters, this division address of Street, City, Prov/State, and Postal/Zip is validated against the Vertex database.
 If there is a discrepancy in the address information, a Vertex error is triggered, and the address must be corrected.
 If only a partial address is entered (e.g. no Postal/ZIP ), Vertex attempts to find the tax area for the information that is supplied, but if multiple tax areas could apply a Vertex error is triggered, and more specific address information must be entered.

 The window on the "Division Name" field is provided to edit/view an alternate Print Name and Address that could possibly be setup as the "Remit To" address.
 This address is used when printing Customer documents including Statement Letters.
 If your firm uses a standard format for Contract, Invoices, Reservations, Quotations, Orders, etc, and requires the software to print the company name and address on these customer documents, enter the division name and address in this window as it should appear on the header of all documents.
 Five lines of address and phone number information can be entered. They will be printed on the documents and reports.

If your firm has preprinted forms, and does NOT require the software to print the complete name and address on the documents, leave all or the appropriate lines in the window blank.

PO Address:
 The option to flag this alternate Name and Address to also print on Purchase Orders is provided.
 If this box is not checked the primary Division address will print on P.O.s for this Division.


Enter the telephone number for this division.


If this division has a fax number, enter it here.


For Canada and New Zealand, enter the GST Registration number for this division.
 Leave blank this field blank for other companies as it does not apply.

A flag in the Company Contract Parameters can be set, causing the GST number to print on documents such as contracts, reservations, invoices, etc.
 The "Print GST Asterisk on Documents" setting in the Company Contract Parameters then causes items that are GST exempt or do not have GST as 'Tax Code 1' to be identified with an asterisk (*).


In Australia only, enter the Australia Company number that applies to your firm.
 Leave blank this field blank for other companies as it does not apply.


The ability to change the Tax Codes is controlled by operator permission setup in Security Role Permissions.
 The Division Standard tax fields are always accessible when initially adding a new division.

The prompts that are displayed for Division Tax controls, depend on the tax processing activated for your firm.
 Texada SRM offers three separate tax process options as follows:

 Refer to Tax Maintenance Overview to review the regulations determining the tax selection using the Standard taxing method.
 The division prompts displayed for use with the standard tax processing are:


Enter the division default tax for Code 1 or select one from the window, as setup in Tax Codes.


Enter the division default tax for Code 2 or select one from the window.

 The purpose of the Enhanced Tax feature is to allow more than two tax codes to be charged and tracked according to location, on products, services, and Damage Waivers, and to allow for tax exemptions on any or all of these charges.
 Enhanced Tax processing can be activated from the Company Taxing Parameters.
 Refer to Tax Maintenance Overview to review the regulations determining the tax selection using the Enhanced taxing method.
 The division prompts displayed for use with the Enhanced tax processing are:


An optional geographic location code can be assigned to the division to determine tax and tax exemptions to be charged.
 A window is provided to lookup the appropriate GEOCode as outlined in GEOCode Search.

Leave this field blank if your firm does not utilize GEOCodes to determine tax areas with the Enhanced Taxing calculation.

Note: If a GEOCode is setup or selected anywhere in the system, this activated a GEOCode requirement and GEOCodes become mandatory on every document.


A flag in the Company Taxing Parameters can be set to cause Site, Customer, and Division exemptions to all apply, else only the first exemption identified applies using the search sequence of Site, then by Customer and finally by Division.

Enter any additional tax exemptions for this division as explained in Tax Exemptions By Division, where this information can also be accessed a and updated.

 The third-party tax software called Vertex can be activated from the Company Taxing Parameters.
 All exemptions, and certificates information are controlled within Vertex software.


With Vertex software this tax code is always interpreted as Y regardless of what is displayed.


With Vertex software the second tax code is always interpreted as NTX because it is not utilized in the Vertex calculations and all taxes are combined in the Tax 1 value.


Select one of the following default tax source options:

Select Division to default the taxes used in Contracts, Invoices, etc, to the tax codes assigned to the Division.

Select Customer to default taxes used in Contracts, Invoices, etc, to the tax codes assigned to the individual customer in Customer Information.

Note: When the Vertex or Avalara tax processing feature is activated the division address is used in the calculation, and this Tax Code By value is automatically set to C as the Customer tax area is also used.

For a detailed explanation of how the taxes are selected on a document, refer to the "Tax Default Rules on the Document" as outlined in Tax Maintenance Overview.


Leave this field blank if this division is not associated with a Customer Region, or enter the default Customer Region to be used for 'Customer Search' screens such as in Customer Information, or select an A/R region from the drop-down list, as setup in the "Company & Divisions" parameters on the System tab of the Configure System Settings.

Note: A Default Inventory Region to apply in the 'Inventory Search' window on counter documents can be defined for this division in the Division Inventory Parameters.


Access Codes provide security by division.

If appropriate for the division, open the window and enter the security Access Codes applicable to Operators in this division. A lookup window is provided to select from codes as setup in Divisional Restricted Views.
 Multiple codes can be assigned, i.e. to Head Office, giving broader access if required.


Select one of the following division function types options:

Select G/L Division if this division is only used as a posting division for accounting and should NOT be used as an inventory location.

Select Inv. Location if this division is just for use as an inventory location, and should NOT be used as a posting division for accounting. e.g. an inventory location at the counter on Invoices, Contracts, Quotes, Orders, etc.

Select Both if this division can be used as both an accounting division and an inventory location.

Select Neither if this division is not used for accounting or for inventory.

Product searches using the Inventory Search tool will return records if there is a location (RSIL) record in the Locations window even if that Location is flagged as Type "G/L Division" only or "Neither" in this Divisions table.
 Group searches will not return records for Locations flagged as Type "G/L Division" only or "Neither" in the Divisions table.

Note: Only Divisions that are flagged as a G/L Division can utilize the Logistics tools.


This is an information field only.

Check this box to identify this division as a franchise.
 Uncheck this box if this division is corporate owned and does not qualify as a franchise.


Select one of the following:

Click Yes if this division should be accessible on the website in Division selection options.

Click No to prevent this division from showing on the website.

Click System Default if the display flag should default from the value set in Show on Website Default in Presentation Themes.

When multiple divisions are using Portal, but sometimes for easier processing only one division in the rental store is actually handling the requests, the Portal divisions can be linked to the internal division using the Division Mapping information file in Presentation Themes.


Click the ACCEPT button to accept and exit, or click the CANCEL button to abort.

Operators by Division:
 When adding a new Division and the Operator by Division processing has been activated in Company Information, a window opens prompting for an operator and password.
 A new operator must be added or the new division cannot be accessed. Further operators can then be added later in Operators.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Divisions screen include:

Copy Operators to a Division:
 Click the COPY OPR button to copy all operators from one division to another, as outlined in Copy Operators by Division.

Delete a Division:
 To delete an existing division, click the DELETE button, then select the division from the drop-down list.
 Divisions in use on any unposted document as a division or location, or assigned to a customer, an Asset Tag, or used as an Inventory quantity location (RSIL), cannot be deleted, and a Information Log is triggered to list any modules where the division is being used with the number of records using it.
 If the division is eligible for deletion, confirmation is required to complete the delete action.

Note: Divisions on posted documents can be deleted as there is no risk, and the division can always be re-added if required.

 The VSIFax program uses the Division Name and Address from the window on the Division Name field.
 If there is no division Name in the window, the program defaults to the division Name of the main screen for that division.
 If there is no Address on the first line in the window, the program defaults to the complete address from the main screen for that division.

Topic Keyword: GLDV01