Business Report
General Ledger Menu -> Reports -> Business Report
The Business Report is a versatile program that offers control over the contents and layout of financial reports, such as a Sales Performance Report, or Cash Position Report.
Unlike the Balance Sheet and Income Statement programs, this program does NOT require that the General Ledger be summarized before printing the report.
Therefore the step Summarize G/L For Financial Statements can be skipped and because this step is omitted, the ratios and period comparisons cannot be calculated, but the report is faster.
For confidential purposes, special Security Roles can be defined, limiting access to this report through Menu Security.
Setting Up the Layouts
Each Business Report requires that a statement layout be designed in Statement Layouts before the report is generated.
Note: All Business Reports must be setup as Type "O" (Other).
Cash Position Report
To produce an accurate Cash Position Report, begin at date 01/01/1901 and print up to the current date. The date range selected is very important to the interpretation of the report.
The Business Report can be generated at any time, for any date range and for any layout.
The prompts are:
Enter an existing layout code or select from the eligible layout codes in the drop-down list as setup in Statement Layouts.
Only Type O (Other) layouts can be used for this report.
Note: Report layouts that have been designed as divisional layouts in Statement Layouts cannot be used for this business report.
The layout description will print on the financial document as the report title.
•Type ALL to include all divisions in the report.
•To print the report for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.
•Type SEL to select several specific divisions or divisions by accounting region to include in the report, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
Note: This G/L report does not respect divisional restrictions set by operator Divisional Restricted Views.
Accept today's date or enter the beginning date for the report.
Accept today's date or enter the ending date.
Uncheck this box to skip the budget amounts.
Check this box to print the budget amounts for each G/L account in a column to the right of the Actual amounts, as defined in Budgets.
Uncheck this box to suppress the G/L Account numbers on the PDF or spreadsheet output.
Check this box to print the G/L Account numbers as defined in Chart of Accounts.
EVENT window:
If the event management processing has been activated in the Company Rate Parameters, the report can be generated by event transactions.
Click OK to close this window if the report is not related to event management, or select the relevant Site, Location, and Event, as outlined in the Location and Event Information window.
Select one of:
•Click Current use the posted transactions from the current GL file.
•Click History to use the transaction detail from the GL history, created when the GL was compressed.
This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.
Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.
Topic Keyword: GLGL50