Divisional Logistics Settings
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Company Parameters -> Software Integration -> Logistics -> Divisional Logistics Settings
This screen can be used to activated the On Demand and/or WinRoute and/or Texada Web for the Delivery/Pickup or Work Order service processing by division or store.
This information can be accessed company-wide from the Software Integration.
The prompts include:
All the divisions in the Divisions table, are listed.
The division name is displayed as defined in Divisions.
Enter the location name assigned to this division by On Demand and WinRoute.
Multiple divisions can have the same location name if they all ship from a central yard.
e.g. Equipment Yard Guelph
The Descartes Location must be filled in if On Demand or WinRoute is checked and must match the location configured in Descartes.
Multiple divisions can have the same location name if they all ship from a central yard.
The boxes in this column are only enabled if Texada Web has been activated in the Logistics settings.
Check this box if this division is to utilize the "Delivery/Pickup Ticket" feature in Texada Web.
Uncheck this box for divisions that do not use the Texada Web "Delivery/Pickup Ticket" feature.
The boxes in this column are only enabled if Texada Web has been activated in the Logistics settings and 'TW D/P' option has been activated for the Division.
Check this box if this division requires the Drivers to capture the Meter units and Fuel usage on Delivery and Pickup tickets.
Meter and Fuel readings associated with Delivery and Pickup tickets are then sent to Texada Web to display on the mobile device, where readings can be captured by the Driver to update the data in SRM.
Uncheck this box for divisions where the Drivers are not concerned with and should not be prompted for meter and/or fuel on Texada Web delivery and pickup tickets.
The boxes in this column are only enabled if Texada Web has been activated in the Logistics settings.
Check this box if this division is to utilize the "Work Order Service" feature in Texada Web.
Uncheck this box for divisions that do not use the Texada Web W.O. feature.
Leave this field blank if the company Purchasing Agent setup on Logistics should receive parts purchasing requests from Texada Web tasks for this division, or enter the specific Purchasing Agent email for this Division to receive parts purchasing requests from Texada Web tasks.
The Purchasing Agent recipient can then create the appropriate Purchase Orders.
Expanded Detail Line for Descartes:
This second detail line and the boxes in it are only accessible if On Demand has been activated company wide in the Logistics settings.
Check this box if this division uses the On Demand processing for scheduling delivery and pickup tickets.
Uncheck this box for divisions that do not use On Demand.
Check this box if the division uses the WinRoute processing.
Uncheck this box for divisions that do not use WinRoute.
Topic Keyword: GLISD01