Last Used Transactions
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System Tab -> General Settings -> Last Used Transactions
This utility table defines and tracks the last used transaction numbers such as last contract number, last customer number, or last G/L transaction used.
It also tracks the running balances for relevant files.
This utility can be accessed from the "General Settings" on the System tab of the Configure System Settings.
An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the System - Last Used Transactions in order to access this table.
If your firms uses the Operators by Division feature, the records are tracked in Last Used Transactions By Division.
The values in these columns of this table are maintained the by the system and should never be manually modified unless specifically instructed by Texada Support.
Warning: Changing the Last Used or Running Balances could cause conflicts in sequencing and could prevent data from being accepted and saved.
The Allow Custom Document# column can be used to restrict or permit operators from assigning their own document numbers, according to the rental firms requirements.
The relevant Files that utilize this feature include:
•INDH - Internal Branch Transfer
•INPH - Purchase Orders
•OEOH - Orders
•RMAH - Return Material Authorizations
•RSCH - Contracts & convert Type C Worksheet to Contract with no Worksheet mask
•RSIH - Invoices
•RSLF - Leases
•RSQH - Rental Quotes & convert Type Q Worksheet to Rental Quote with no Worksheet mask
•RSRH - Reservations & convert Type R Worksheet to Reservation with no Worksheet mask
•RSVH - Sales Quotes
•WOWH - Work Orders and Estimates
•WSDH - Internal Branch Transfer Worksheet
Company document numbering exceptions include:
•RSWH - Counter Worksheets permission to manually is a company wide over-ride controlled by the "Prompt for Saved Worksheet#" flag on the Document tab of the Company Contract Parameters
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Last Used Transactions screen include:
•Flag All Documents to Allow Number Over-Ride:
Click the SET ALL to check the Allow Custom Document# for all types of documents.
Documents that should not permit number over-ride can then be unchecked as required.
•Prevent Any Documents from Allowing Number Over-Ride:
Click the CLEAR ALL to remove all checks in the Allow Custom Document# for all types of documents.
Documents that should permit the number over-ride can then be manually checked as required.
Topic Keyword: GLLR01