Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Posting Identification Deletion Inquiry

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Posting Identification -> Posting Identification Deletion Inquiry

This option only appears on the IC Utilities Menu when the Post by Inventory by Customer Type feature has been activated in the Support Application Parameters.

This inquiry tracks any deleted transactions or documents, that may have updated the Posting ID code for a non-bulk rental product.
 This utility is for information only, providing an audit trail of the deleted records.
 Deletion records are written to this file when Daily Close 2 is run.

Resulting Deleted Posting ID Records:
 The record information displays the division, product number, type of document (Contract or Invoice), document number, sequence number of the product on the document, date and time of the deletion, and the operator code.

Topic Keyword: GLRH01