Inventory Bill of Materials
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Inventory -> Inventory Bill of Materials
The Manufacturing Module can be used to construct products using existing parts and components, building sales merchandise for stock or to be immediately invoiced to a customer in the Manufacturing Receiving utility.
Refer to the Manufacturing Overview for the process flow.
This Bill of Materials table is used to define the parts required to build the new sales product with the associated quantities and costs.
Each component part can be listed individually, or if a 'standard' build is often used, the component parts can first be defined in a BOM list using the Bill Of Material Codes.
The resulting BOM Code can then be included in this Bill of Materials table to include all its components in the new sales product build.
An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Operations - Bill of Materials in order to access this table.
This role permission also controls the operator's ability to add new BOM codes in Bill of Material Product Codes and to assign the products used by those codes in each Bill of Materials by Code table.
The prompts are:
Enter the number of the sales product do be constructed, or lookup the product number in the Inventory Search window.
The product must exist already in Sales Inventory.
Select one of the sort options for the sequence to display any existing component parts:
•Select Product# to list the component parts in product number sequence.
•Select Description to list the component parts alphabetically by description.
This prompt appears only if Sales Item Average Cost By Location processing has been activated in the Support Application Parameters.
Enter the location from which the components will be relieved or select one from the drop-down list.
The component costs will reflect the average costs of this location.
Materials Used in Manufacturing:
In Change mode any existing components and BOM codes are listed on the screen in the Sort By sequence.
In Add mode new parts used in the manufacturing of this product can be entered.
Multiple components and BOM Codes may be used in building the new sales product.
The Total Cost of the components used is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen, but excluding costs of parts that are included in a BOM code.
Enter the product number of the sales part used to build the new sales product, or enter the BOM Code preceded by an asterisk (*).
A Manufactured Product can be assigned as a component in the build of another Manufactured Product.
A window is provided to lookup the product numbers in the Inventory Search window or the BOM Codes in the Bill Of Material Search window.
Note: BOM Codes must be preceded by an asterisk (*) to distinguish them from component parts.
The description of the sales part or BOM Code displays.
Enter the quantity of this component part or BOM Code to be used in building one new product.
Availability checking is applied if the part is associated with a Group that is flagged to do so.
The cost each for this component displays.
This does not apply to BOM codes.
Note: For serialized sales parts, it is the average cost that is displayed, however when the specific serial number is selected it is always the cost defined for that unit this is used in Manufacturing Receiving for the manufacturing costs and postings, regardless of the Cost to Post for Sales of Sales flag in the Company Posting Parameters.
The extended cost (Quantity * Cost) for this component displays.
This does not apply to BOM codes.
Use of SWL:
An SWL value can be used to include overhead, service work and even labor costs in the cost of the manufacturing build.
To use an SWL cost component in the Bill of Materials, SWL must be setup as a product number in Sales Inventory with an average cost, but with the "Inventory" flag unchecked.
This SWL part can then be used as a component to cover these overhead costs in the manufacturing of the new product.
Product Build:
Use Manufacturing Receiving when the new Sales part has been completed, to sell it or receive it into inventory, and to relieve the parts used from stock.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Inventory Bill of Materials screen include:
•Create BOM Codes:
Click the ENTER BOM CODES button to setup the Bill of Material Codes to group parts to be used in the construction of the new sales part as outlined in Bill of Material Product Codes (BOM).
•Assign the Component Parts to be Included in a BOM:
Click the ASSIGN PRODS TO BOM CODE button to assign the component parts to the BOM Code along with product quantities, as outlined in Bill of Materials by Code.
Topic Keyword: INBM01