Receive Internal Transfers
Inventory Control Menu -> Internal Branch Transfers -> Internal Transfer Console -> RECEIVE button -> TRANSFER# button -> Receive Internal Transfers
When inventory is received at the end order location from an inventory transfer or from the central purchasing and distribution location, this program can be used to enter the products received from the transfer.
An 'Inventory Transfer Receipt' can be printed.
Internal branch transfer records can be received, by clicking on the RECEIVE button on the Internal Transfer Console.
The following options are then provided if the transfer record was shipped by Purchase Order from Ship Internal Transfers by Purchase Order:
•Click P.O.# to receive the products transferred by Purchase Order as outlined in Receive Internal Transfers By Purchase Order.
•Click TRANSFER# to receive by Transfer# as explained below.
As items are received at the new location, product quantities are updated and an Inventory Location Transfer record is generated with the details of the quantities transferred that can be accessed in Inventory Branch Transfers.
When all the products on an internal transfer are received, the transfer is closed and deleted.
When the transfer records are posted in Post Inventory Transfers, the corresponding G/L transactions are created to move the inventory value to the new division.
Status Code Update:
As non-bulk rental items are received the Status Code can be automatically updated to control whether the equipment is available or not for rent, as defined by the Status Code pre-set when the transfer was initiated in Internal Branch Transfer.
This feature can be activated by Two-Step Transfers Update Status Code in the Divisional Inventory Parameters.
When the product Status Code is changed on receipt of a non-bulk rental product, an audit record is written to Status Code Change History for INDH04.
For details on this feature refer to the Status Code Update on Branch Transfer explanation in Internal Transfer Console.
Location Security:
•The Allow Edit/Receiving of Internal Xfr From Other Divisions flag in the Company Security Parameters can be set to allow or restrict operators from receiving transfer records into a location other than the current login in location, or other than the location assigned to the operator in Operators.
•The operator is still restricted from receiving transfer records into another location if the Prompt for Location flag in Operators is NOT set to YES.
•The location must be included in the Divisional Restricted Views for the operator currently signed into the session.
•If the Allow Overrides On Location Quantities flag is set to No in the Company Security Parameters then to avoid negative quantities at the source Location, the quantity received cannot exceed the RSIL quantity available On Hand at the "From" Location.
The prompts are:
Enter the transfer number or look it up in the Internal Transfer Search window.
The operator is only required if the Prompt For Clerk on Inventory/Internal Transfer flag in the Company Security Parameters.
Accept the operator code or select one from the drop-down list, as outlined in Prompt for Operator.
Accept today's date or enter the correct receiving date for the transfer.
Date Range Control:
If the operator does not have the ability to over-ride the current date range, the transfer date will be checked to make sure the date is valid against the date ranges set as acceptable for module RSTH in Date Range Control.
The Purchase order number from the transfer record displays if applicable.
The from location from the transfer record displays.
The product quantity will be transferred out of this location.
The end re-order location displays.
The product quantity will be transferred to this location.
Window to view any transfer notes from entering the Internal Branch Transfers.
These notes are carried over from Ship Internal Transfers and print on the "Internal Transfer Receipt Slip".
Additional notes cannot be added or changed here.
Select a default 'Received' flag value for items on this transfer record, from the following options:
•Click No Items to default the flag to not to receive for all products that have been shipped on this transfer record.
Products that are being received can then be selected individually on the resulting paging screen.
•Click All Items to default the flag to receive for all products that have been shipped on this transfer record.
Individual products that are NOT being received must then be unchecked on the resulting paging screen.
•Click By Product to select or scan specific products to receive, each with a default quantity of 1.
Any other products on the transfer will not be flagged to receive, but they can be individually selected to receive in the resulting paging screen.
Enter each specific product number from this transfer that is being received, or scan each in with a barcode, or select them from the Inventory Search window.
The cursor focus returns to return this field to enter the next specific product to receive, and a running total of the number of products entered or scanned is displayed in the Total Scanned count.
Each product must be listed as having been shipped on the transfer.
When all the individual products have been entered, leave a blank in the Product field and press ENTER to move on to the Sort By radio group input field.
A quantity of one for each scanned product will be flagged to be received in the resulting paging screen.
Any other products on the transfer that were not individually scanned will be listed but will not be flagged to be received.
Each "receive" flag and the quantity for each product can be changed as required.
Select a sort option from the following:
•Click None to list the products on the resulting paging screen without changing the order they were listed on the source Ship Internal Transfer.
•Click Product# to list the products in the product number sequence on the resulting paging screen.
•Click Description to list the products alphabetically by product description on the resulting paging screen.
Receiving Product Details:
The sequence numbers are assigned automatically to each product detail on the original transfer and so receiving records may not appear in numeric order depending on the sort option for the screen and on the products previously shipped or received.
Detail lines may NOT be added or deleted in receiving.
The product numbers that have been shipped and not yet fully received on the transfer, are displayed.
The primary product description for each record is displayed.
The default received flag displays as determined from the transfer header selection, but can be changed individually as required.
Confirm that any products being received are checked, and products not being received at this time are unchecked.
This count is the outstanding quantity that has been shipped from the central distribution or source location on this transfer and that is waiting to be received at the end re-order or target location.
This is information only.
The quantity to be received at the end target location on this transfer is displayed, as defaulted from the receiving header.
This quantity can be changed as required but cannot exceed quantity shipped. Negative quantities are not allowed.
If the Allow Overrides On Location Quantities flag is set to No in the Company Security Parameters then to avoid negative quantities at the source Location, the quantity received cannot exceed the RSIL quantity available On Hand at the "From" Location.
The remaining quantity that has been shipped but not yet received at the end or target location is displayed.
This is information only.
Expanded Product Detail record
Click on the EXP/CON button to view the serial number for any serialized Sales parts on the transfer.
Click ACCEPT to proceed or CANCEL to abort the transfer.
Product Count:
The product count is listed on the top right portion of the header screen, including:
The Total Products is the number of product records on the transfer.
The Total Received is the number of product records flagged as received on this transfer.
The Total Scanned is the number of product records individually scanned in using the By Product option to choose the items to be received.
Note: These counts do not reflect the unit quantities.
CONFIRMATION SCREEN to Process Transfers:
Select one of the following options:
•Select Receive Products to accept the transfer information on the screen, exit the screen, and to proceed with the transfer.
•Select Receive Products and Print Transfer Receipt to accept the transfer information on the screen, and to print the transfer slip to the selected printer.
Print Items not Received?
This pop-up is triggered to provide the option to print items that have been shipped but have not been received on the transfer.
•Select Return to Details to return to the details to make further changes.
•Select Abort Receiving to abort and exit the transfer without making any changes.
"Transfer WO's of non-bulk rentals where possible?"
This prompt is only displayed if the option to"Prompt For WO Transfer Upon Internal Receiving" has been activated in the Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters and is only enabled when the product receiving has been accepted.
When this transfer Work Order option is selected, the Location on all open eligible Work Orders for non-bulk rental products on the transfer will be updated to match the receiving Location of the Inventory Transfer.
A warning message log is generated and Work Orders will not be transferred if:
•The Work Order has been completed in Texada Web though it has not yet been billed in SRM.
•The Work Order has been assigned to a Mechanic in Texada Web.
•The product being transferred and on the W.O. is a bulk product.
•The Work Order already has Parts, Labor or Services added from the original Location.
•The Work Order is partially completed.
•The Work Order is already at that Location.
The Division on the Work Order does not change.
Topic Keyword: INDH04