Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Print Internal Transfer Packing Slips

Inventory Control Menu -> Internal Branch Transfers -> Internal Transfer Console -> PRINT button -> Print Internal Transfer Packing Slips

An Internal transfer packing slip can be printed for a range of transfers to the same location. Closed and open transfer slips can be printed.
 Space is provided on the report to write any quantity to be Shipped.
 The Weight Shipped & Total Weight, plus Tools Shipped & Total Quantity for the entire transfer are printed.

Internal branch transfer slips can be generated, by clicking on the PRINT button on the Internal Transfer Console.

The prompts are:


Leave this field blank to print a packing slip for all products on open transfers going to the selected location, or enter the starting transfer number, or window to select a specific transfer as outlined in Internal Transfer Search.

Note: Although completed transfers can be printed from History, closed transfers are not included in the Internal Transfer Search window.


Leave this field blank to a print packing slip for all products on open transfers going to the selected location, or enter the ending transfer number, or select one from the window.


Enter the FROM transfer location, or select one from the drop-down list.


Enter the To transfer location, or select one from drop-down list.
 The From and To locations cannot be the same.


Check this box to print only products that have been entered to transfer and have not yet printed on a Transfer Slip.
 Only open Current transfers can then be printed.

Uncheck this box to include all eligible products even if they have previously been printed on a Transfer Slip.
 Transfers can be printed from Current and History.


Check this box to include products with both Held and not held status.
 Uncheck this box to exclude items that have a Hold status and are not ready for shipping.


Check this box to print the transfer notes with the Transfer records.
 Uncheck this box to omit the transfer notes.


Check this box to list all eligible items on the Transfer records.
 The Transfer value lists the original quantity to be transferred, and the Shipped value lists the quantity that has been shipped even if it has not yet been received.

Uncheck this box to list only the quantities that have not yet been shipped.
 Only open Current transfers can then be printed.


Select one of the following options:

Click Current to only print open transfers.

Click History to only print completed closed transfers.

Click Both to print both open and closed transfers.


Check this box to sort the items by Group with a sub-total quantity for each Group.
 Uncheck this box if items and quantities do not need to be sorted by Group.


A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.

Topic Keyword: INDH10