Allocation of Stock To Branches
Inventory Control Menu -> Inventory Branch Transfers Menu -> Allocation of Stock To Branches
This program can be used to generate Internal Branch Transfers, shipping selected available stock quantities out of the warehouse, for delivery to specified branch locations to meet the min/max location quantity requirements.
This process applies to Sales Products only.
The "Source" location is considered to be a warehouse, from which all available stock quantity is to be distributed to the selected branch locations as required.
The stock transfer list can be generated for all locations, or selected locations, by class, group, or by product range. This list is displayed on the screen and can be edited before being accepted. Suggested Transfer amounts are calculated only for products with min/max requirements.
Once edited, and accepted, stock transfer records are created that can be viewed in Internal Transfer Console and can then be shipped from the warehouse and received at the branch.
The prompts to generate the list of stock transfer records are:
Enter the source location from which the inventory should be transferred, or select it from the drop-down list.
This Source location is considered to be the warehouse, from which available stock quantity is distributed to the branches as required to meet the location min/max quantities.
Any min/max amounts on the source location are ignored as this location is used for warehousing and distribution only.
•Type ALL to include all locations in the report.
•To print the report for a single location, leave this field blank for the Head Office, or enter the specific location code, or select a location from the drop-down list.
•Type SEL to select a range of Inventory locations to include in the report, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
Leave this field blank for all Product Classes, or type in a beginning Sales Product Class number, or select one from the Product Class Search window.
Leave this field blank for all classes, or type in an ending Sales Product Class number, or select one from the window.
Leave this field blank for all groups, or type in a beginning group, or select one from the Group Search window.
Leave this field blank for all groups, or type in an ending group, or select one from the window.
Leave this field blank for all products, or type in a beginning Sales part number, or select one from the Inventory Search window.
Leave this field blank for all products, or type in an ending Sales part number, or select one from the window.
Uncheck this box to include all products in the range selection that have a min/max quantity, even if a Required Transfer amount is NOT calculated.
Suggested Transfer amounts are not calculated when there is sufficient quantity already at the location, or the location quantity already exceeds the maximum, or there is zero quantity available at the source location.
Any products in the range that have a negative "On Hand" quantity at the location/division, are also displayed even if they have no min/max values. A Required Transfer quantity is recommended, but because there is no min/max, the Suggested Transfer quantity is not calculated.
A Suggested Transfer amount can be entered manually if there is quantity available to be transferred from the source location.
Check this box to display only the records for products, for which a Required Transfer quantity has been calculated.
Additional records can be added to the list displayed.
Click ACCEPT to accept, or CANCEL to abort.
Resulting Edit List
The edit list displays the eligible stock in product number order.
The display includes the Product Number, Location, the On Hand quantity at the location, the Minimum, and the Maximum quantity requirements for that location.
It also displays any quantity Committed on a W.O., Contract, etc., and the current quantity Available at the source location, the quantity Required to meet the location max requirements, and the Suggested quantity to transfer.
Click EXP/CON or press <F9> to view any quantity In Transit to this location on an open inventory transfer transaction.
The Suggested transfer value is the quantity recommended to be transferred from the source location to the branch location. This quantity is calculated on the following criteria:
•Any Commitments are fully met in division order, first.
•Minimum location quantities are met for all divisions, by prorating available source quantities, distributing them proportionately to the requirements, for each division.
•If all the Minimum requirements are met for a product, it fills the Maximum location requirements for all divisions, also by prorating available quantities to each division.
The Suggested Transfer quantity can also be manually adjusted, but the location transfer total can never exceed the Available source quantity.
Complete transfer records can be deleted and additional records can be added.
Lookup windows are provided on the Product # and Division fields, when adding a new product record.
Note: Serialized Sales parts are excluded from this process.
When all items on the edit list have been reviewed, click ACCEPT.
Confirmation is required to proceed as outlined in Confirmation Screen.
Transfer Window
When the edit list is accepted, a single inventory transfer transaction as of the current date, is generated for each branch location.
These are displayed in a Allocation of Stock to Branches window, with the Transfer#, and Receiving Location.
Window on the Details to view the product numbers, descriptions and quantities being transferred to that Receiving Store for the transfer transaction.
Click OK to exit the window.
The transfer transactions can also be viewed in Internal Transfer Console and can then be shipped and received.
Posting Control
This Allocation of Stock To Branches program is meant to be run by one operator at a time and to prevent conflicts cannot be run while being run on another workstation.
Locking will occur if an operator did not exit the posting program correctly.
A Posting Control Information warning will appear on the screen and only operators with Security Role permission to reset the Allocation of Stock to Branches flag will have access to the RESET button that unlocks the program.
Whenever the posting control flag is reset, a record is written to the Delete Log for the Function INDH12.
Topic Keyword: INDH12