Purge Old Purchase Orders
Data Management Menu -> Purge Old Purchase Orders
This is a housekeeping program designed to delete old Purchase Orders from the system.
It prompts for a Cut-off Date. Purchase Orders with Order Dates older than the cut-off date will be deleted, only if all items on the Order have been received and invoiced in A/P Invoices or A/P Invoices by P.O. (The A/P invoices do not have to be posted yet.)
No P.O. list report is printed but the number of deleted Purchase Orders is displayed when the task is completed, however deleted Purchase Orders are included in the Purchase Order Modification Journal.
Note: Be advised that once executed, this operation cannot be undone.
Hence, prior to running this request, verify in the play environment that the results obtained from running this operation are as expected.
Purchase Orders in the Range but were Not Deleted:
If a Purchase Order has not been invoiced or if the Purchase Order still has active products on it and is considered backordered, it will not be deleted.
•In order to delete old Purchase Orders that were never fully received and never will be, use Purchase Order Report to identify the old open P.O.s, and then delete them one at a time in Purchase Orders using the DELETE button.
An audit record is written to the Delete Log for the function RSPO01
•For P.O.'s that have been received but do not and never will need to be invoiced from the supplier, the Purchase Order can be manually deleted and the audit record is written to the Delete Log for the function RSPO01.
The reporting utility O/S Warehouse Receipts can also be used to close received warehouse transactions that do not need to be invoiced. This then makes them eligible to be deleted using this purge utility.
When a P.O. is deleted in this utility or is entered or modified in Purchase Order the actions are logged in a Purchase Order audit file.
Changes are tracked for the following P.O. header fields:
Date, Vendor, Ship Via, Layout, Clerk, Division, Terms, Instruction, Shipping Name/Address Information
Changes are also tracked for the following P.O. detail fields:
Description, Qty Ordered, Cost, Delivery Date, Order Balance, O/V, Order Rec'd, Type, Category, Exchange, Duty, Freight, Order Conversion, Order Unit Of Measure
Audit Tracking
When Purchase Orders are deleted using this housekeeping utility, an audit record is written to the Delete Log for the Function INPH99A for the Cut-Off Date and for the Function INPH99B for each deleted Purchase Order number.
Posting Control
The Purge Old Purchase Orders program is designed to be run by one operator at a time.
Locking will occur if another operator attempts to run the program at the same time, or if the first operator did not exit the posting program correctly.
A Posting Control Information warning will appear on the screen preventing the second operator from proceeding, and only operators with Security Role permission to reset the Purge Old Purchase Orders flag will have access to the RESET button that unlocks the program.
Whenever the posting control flag for Purge Old Purchase Orders is reset, a record is written to the Delete Log for the Function INPH99C.
Topic Keyword: INPH99