Purchase Order Search
Search window -> P.O. # field -> Purchase Order Search
The ability to search for an existing Purchase Order is provided in the document number field on the P.O. entry program in Change mode, The P.O. receiving, in the print document selection programs, the reporting options, and the P.O. inquiries.
Multiple search filters can be used to narrow the list of Purchase Orders that are returned from the search.
When a filter data field is left blank or ALL, then no restriction is applied on that search category.
Note: The search selection fields are date sensitive.
The prompts are:
Enter the first few characters of the vendor name from the document and press <ENTER> to move to the Purchase Order Status prompt in the window.
Note: This is not the Alpha Key from the vendor information file. This is the actual supplier's name on the existing P.O.
Accept ALL vendor numbers in the search, or window to lookup a vendor number using the Vendor Search.
Accept the date displayed as a starting date for the P.O. list, or over-type it with a more specific starting date for the search.
Accept today's date as an ending date for the P.O. list, or over-type it with a preferred ending date.
•Type ALL to include all divisions in the search.
•To search for a P.O. in a specific division enter the code, or select the division from the drop-down list.
•Type SEL to search in several specific divisions or divisions by accounting region, as outlined in Division Select By Region.
Note: The search results respect the operator's Divisional Restricted Views.
Leave this field blank for all products or enter the first few characters of the description for the product as stored in the product file.
Accept ALL product numbers or window to select a specific Rental or Sales product by description.
Click EXP/CON or press <F9> to expand the product list to view the alternate language descriptions.
Accept ALL Groups, or window to lookup the Group using the Product Group Search.
Accept ALL Product Classes, or window to lookup the class using the Product Class Search.
Select one of the following options:
•Select Open to list only the Purchase Orders with one or more items that have not yet been received as well as Purchase Orders with no line items on the order.
•Select All to include all Purchase Orders regardless of open, closed, invoice or cancelled status.
•Select Cancelled to include only the Purchase Orders that have been cancelled.
•Select Received Not Invoiced to list only Purchase Orders that have been fully received but an invoice has not yet been entered in A/P Invoices by P.O.
•Select Closed and Invoiced to list only Purchase Orders that have been fully received and the invoice has been created in A/P Invoices by P.O.
Purchase Orders are considered 'Closed' when all products have been received in the Warehouse Receiving even though the A/P invoice may not yet have been entered.
Note: Closing a Warehouse Receipt transaction without invoicing it through the Outstanding Warehouse Receipts utility will not change the status of the P.O. from "Received not Invoiced" as that is still true, and the P.O. will be included in the "Received not Invoiced" category for the Search parameters.
Click ACCEPT to initiate the search or CANCEL to abort.
Search Results:
The resulting list of Purchase Orders displays the document number, vendor name, date, Purchasing Agent code, and PO Status.
Documents that are displayed are limited to the Divisional Restricted Views assigned to the operator.
A Purchase Order is flagged as closed when all details on the P.O. have a balance of zero, with the exception of Purchase Orders for re-rents that were ordered using a P.O./Contract link as outlined in Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview. These re-rent Purchases are considered open to allow for continued billing from the supplier in A/P Invoices by P.O., until the Re-Rent Balance is set to zero at the time the final A/P invoice is entered.
Only Closed P.O.'s will be eligible for deletion in Purge Old Purchase Orders.
Note: This closed status can be re-calculated using Recalculate Qty on P.O.
The document list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the column heading.
Columns can also be dragged and dropped to temporarily reposition them as required.
Click on the DETAILS button to drill down to view the document header information, and the product details, as outlined in View Document Information.
To select an invoice from the list, double-click on the appropriate record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.
Topic Keyword: INPHSEL