Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Manufacturing Receiving

Inventory Control Menu -> Manufacturing Receiving

This program can be used to complete the manufacturing process, relieving parts used and receiving the manufactured product when the construction of the new sales part is completed.
 The ability to immediately generate an invoice selling the newly constructed product to a customer is provided and will post in the next Daily Close run.
 Product costs and quantities are updated in Sales Inventory.

The component parts used in each product build, with any SWL costs and any optional BOM codes must first be setup in the Inventory Bill of Materials tables in the Configure System Settings.
 Refer to the Manufacturing Overview for the process flow.

Note: Because the costs of parts used is rounded to 2 decimal places, a "Manufacturing Rounding" account must be setup in the Additional Accounts window of Default Accounts.

The prompts are:


Enter the product number of the sales product that has been manufactured, or select the product from the Product Search window which only returns products setup for manufacturing.


Accept the default date of today or of the last entry, or type in the preferred date to receive the completed product into inventory.
 This date field respects the date range allowed for RSIA as set in the Date Range Control table.


The sequence number tracks the manufacturing records for each day.


Enter the location of the inventory, or select one from the drop-down list.
 Only a location setup and flagged in Divisions as an Inventory Location can be used.

Components used will be relieved from this location, and the new sales products constructed will be added to this location.
 Costs by location will be used if the Sales Item Average Cost By Location processing has been activated in the Support Application Parameters.


Enter the quantity of the newly constructed sales product to be received at this location.
 If this is a serialized sales part, only one can be received at a time.


This window lists all the parts including BOM parts, with the total quantities used in the construction of the new product as defined in Inventory Bill of Materials.
 The quantity may be changed.
 Parts details may be deleted by sequence number or component parts may be-selected by changing the SELECT check box.

No availability checking is applied.


This window appears only when a serialized Sales Part is being used in the product build to select the relevant items.
 The fields are:


The serialized sale part number used is displayed with its description.


The sequence number is assigned to track the entries in the file.


Enter the new serial number of the sales part that has been used or select it from the Select Serial Numbers window.

The Model number, Make, Cost, Engine number and Engine Make display if applicable.

Finished ?

Click ACCEPT to accept and exit the window.

Note: If there are insufficient serials numbers at this location clicking CANCEL will abort the manufacturing entry.


The extended cost (unit cost * quantity) of the components used in the construction of the new sales products, displays.
 This may be over-typed if a different cost is required on the product file.

This Total Unit Cost does not include the labor costs entered in the SWL Cost field.


The cost of the components to manufacture a single unit before SWL is displayed for information.


The SWL cost is the cost attributed to labor services and overhead in the construction.
 This defaults from any value entered in Inventory Bill Of Materials but can be over-typed as required.


This field is disabled if the Location defined for the newly manufactured product is not a valid G/L Division as defined by the division types in Divisions.

Uncheck this box if the newly constructed product should be moved to inventory stock.
 The quantities are immediately relieved in Sales Inventory for parts used and quantities are added for the new sales product created, but the costs are not posted to the G/L until they are posted on the Rental Journal Transactions Report with the next Daily Close 3.
 The Inventory Quantity Change history shows the Doc Type as INRM, the Doc Number as the newly manufactured product, and the Function Info as INRR01.

Check this box if the newly created product is being sold to a customer and the product should be billed on a counter invoice.
 The quantities are immediately relieved in Sales Inventory for parts used, the quantities are added for the sales product created but that count is reduced again for the manufactured sales product sold.
 The invoice and costs will be posted with the next Daily Close run.
 The Inventory Quantity Change history shows the Doc Type as RSIH and the Doc Number as the sales invoice number but the Function Info will be INRR01G.
 Components used to create the manufactured product are listed in the Notes of the sale product detail on the resulting invoice.


This window appears only when a serialized Sales Part has been built, to capture the unique product information.
 The fields are:


The serialized sale part number displays with its description.


The sequence number is assigned to track the entries in the file.


Enter the new serial number of the sales part that has just been built.


Enter the Model number if applicable.


Enter the Make if applicable.


The cost defaults from the components used, and can be over-typed if required.
 Note: It is always the cost defined for the specific serialized unit this is used in Manufacturing Receiving for the cost and posting, regardless of the Cost to Post for Sales of Sales flag in the Company Posting Parameters.


Enter the Engine number if applicable.


Enter the Engine Make if applicable.

Finished ?

Click ACCEPT to accept and exit the window.


This window is only triggered if the newly created product is immediately being sold to a customer.
 The prompts are:


"AUTO ASSIGN" displays, as the invoice number will be assigned when the invoice information has been entered.


This defaults to the location that was entered for this manufacturing receiving.


This defaults to the location that was entered for this manufacturing receiving.


This defaults to the manufacturing receiving record date, but can be over-typed if required.
 This date field respects the date range allowed for RSIH as set in the Date Range Control table.


Enter the number of the customer being invoiced for the new product or select the customer from the Document Customer Search window.
 Bad Debt checking does apply to the selected customer.


Accept the information and generate an invoice or / to cancel the invoice and leave the new product in stock.


Using the sequence numbers enter any comments with the appropriate print flags, related to the invoice, or select from the standard comments in the window.

Invoice Details screen

The standard counter Invoice Details screen displays with the new invoice number, selling the new sales part at the list price stored in Sales Inventory.
 The components used to create the sales part are stored in the Notes window of the expanded product detail and are flagged to print on the invoice. The print flag can be changed.
 If this is a serialized sales part, the serial number created is also displayed in the expanded product detail.

The prompts to complete the invoice are the same as the standard counter invoice as outlined in Invoice Details and Invoice Totals and Services.

G/L Posting:
 Only the quantities are updated in the Inventory sub-ledger when the Manufacturing Receiving transaction is initially entered and accepted.
 When inventory is received from manufacturing the cost adjustments for the parts used, and the products made are automatically included in and posted with the Rental Journal Transaction Report generated from Daily Close 3.
 When serialized sales parts are used, it is the cost of the selected serial number that is posted.

The invoice created from the immediate sale of a manufactured product is posted in the next Daily Close run.

Note: Parts costs are rounded to 2 decimal points for posting. The rounding difference is posted to the G/L account defined for Manufacturing rounding in the Additional Accounts window of Default Accounts.

Receiving Errors:
If a product is received in error, it cannot be deleted.
 A negative quantity can be entered to reverse the product quantity received and to return the component quantities used back to stock.
 The costs are adjusted in the G/L when the Daily Close 3 is posted, however costs in the product file are NOT adjusted back.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Manufacturing Receiving screen include:

View the MF Products that use a Component Part or BOM Code:
 Click the BILL OF MATERIALS INQ button to view a list of the manufactured products that use a selected component of BOM is the build along with product quantities, as outlined in Bill of Materials by Component Inquiry.

Generate a Receiving Report by Component or by MF Product:
 Click the RECEIVING REPORTS button to output a list of the products that have been manufactured by:

ocomponent used in the build as outlined in Receiving Report - by Component

omanufactured date and location, with costs and quantities, as outlined in Receiving Report - by Manufactured Product.

Generate a list of MF Products with Required Components & Costs:
 Click the BILL OF MATERIALS RPT button to output a list of the products that can be manufactured, with the components and BOM codes required in the build, including costs and quantities, as outlined in Bill of Materials Report.

Generate a list of MF Products with Required Components & Available Quantities:
 Click the BOM REORDER RPT button to output a list of the products that can be manufactured, with the components and BOM codes required in the build, including availability of quantities, as outlined in Bill of Materials Reorder Report.

Topic Keyword: INRR01