Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Purge Old Revenue History

Data Management Menu -> Purge Old Revenue History

This option uses a Cut-Off Date to select Revenue History for deletion.
 All products can be included, or a specific product range can be selected.

Prior to Clearing Revenue History:
 Sales History can be reviewed in:

Revenue History

Sales History can be printed from:

Customer Revenue Report
 Product Revenue Report

A printed Revenue Report of the products, prior to deletion, could be useful to store for reference.

Once Revenue History is deleted, the products will no longer be reflected in these inquiries or reports.
 When Revenue History is deleted using this utility, an audit record is written to the Delete Log for the Function INSH99A for the product the Cut-Off Date.

Note: Be advised that once executed, this operation cannot be undone.
 Hence, prior to running this request, verify in the play environment that the results obtained from running this operation are as expected.

Topic Keyword: INSH99