Meter Reason Codes
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Inventory -> Meter Reason Codes
Non-Bulk Rental equipment can be flagged in Rental Inventory to track and update Meter readings using the Update Product Meter Information window on Contract entry, equipment Exchange, Cycle Billing, Rental Return, Work Order service and maintenance, or in the inventory utilities.
A Meter History log is maintained of the changes that can be viewed in Rental Inventory.
A reason is required when a meter reading is updated and the new meter reading value is less than the previous reading. The operator is prompted to select a reason code from the Meter Reason Code Search window.
i.e. Rollover of the meter counter, or replacement of an old meter, or a correction, or a late entry of a document after the meter had been updated.
Meter units and Reason codes are also required in Power Kits and in Power Kit Components when metered components are added, exchanged, or removed on Power Kits.
Reason codes can be maintained in this Meter Reason Codes window in the "Inventory" parameters on the Operations tab of the Configure System Settings.
An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Operations - Meter Reason Codes in order to access this table.
The prompts to setup multiple Meter Change Reason Codes are:
The sequence number tracks the reason code records in the file.
Enter the reason code of up to 2 characters.
Note: Reason Codes CR for Component Rollover and C for Correction are mandatory with 'Documents' set to ALL and cannot be deleted or changed as these codes are used when the count is restarted or corrected on a meter.
Enter the description or reason for this code.
The Document category restricts where the reason code can be used.
A drop-down list is provided to select one of the following:
•Select C for Counter if this reason code is only to be used when the meter reading is updated on entering a contract, rental return, or invoice.
•Select RR for Rental Return if this reason code is only to be used when the meter reading is updated on a rental return.
This could be useful to apply to a Type 'A' correction which needs to correct both the Current reading and the LTD count when incorrect adjustments have been made to the count prior to the actual return.
•Select W for Work Order Menu if this reason code is only to be used when the meter reading is updated during maintenance on a W.O. or a Repair.
•Select I for Inventory Menu if this reason code is only to be used when the meter reading is updated in Rental Inventory or in Update Meter Prompt/Meter Hours.
•Select ALL for All Documents if the reason code can be used anytime the meter reading entered is less that the previous meter reading.
Note: Reason Codes CR for Component Rollover and C for Correction are always set to ALL and cannot be changed.
•Combinations of document codes can be used, as offered in the drop-down list.
e.g. CI would be valid for Counter documents & Inventory.
The Type of reason codes can be categorized.
A drop-down list is provided to select one of the following:
•Type R for Roll-Over:
This type of reason code would be used when a meter has reached its maximum count, and the meter reading count has been restarted.
i.e. For a 5 digit meter, when a R type reason code is used, the meter history will track the meter in at 99999 and restart the counter on the same meter with the new reading. The LTD count will be updated accordingly.
•Type L for Late:
When this type of reason code is assigned it writes a Meter History record, but does not update the LTD or Current meter reading on the product. The meter reading is only updated on the document.
i.e. It can be used to correct a meter reading on a contract for billing purposes, when the actual product meter reading has already been updated past this count.
•Type N for New:
This type of reason code is used when a new meter is replacing an existing meter on a product. The operator will be prompted for the "Old Meter Reading" and the "New Meter Reading" with the number of Digits on the new meter, to update the product file, the Meter History, and LTD count correctly.
•Type C for Correction to Current:
A reason code Type C can be used to change an incorrect Current meter reading without impacting LTD.
Because this code is only used to adjust the current meter reading without changing the LTD in Product Meter Information, no Meter Used units are recorded in the Meter History.
•Type A for Adjust Current + LTD: (only applicable to Rental Return corrections)
The Type A reason code can be used to change an incorrect current meter reading and also to update the LTD count at Rental Return of the metered equipment to ensure the correct billing is calculated which is based on LTD count.
To update the LTD, the negative Meter Used units are logged in the Meter History to lower the LTD count.
Because this reason code can only be used on a Rental Return, the Document value is automatically switched to RR.
If a Return is reversed, manual adjustments would be required using Update Meter/Prompt Hours.
Note: Because of the unique functionality that applies to the meter reason type, once the Type has been defined for a reason over-ride code, it cannot be changed.
If it is necessary to change it, deleted the Reason Code record and re-enter it with the correct Type.
Click ACCEPT to accept the reason list and exit, or CANCEL to abort.
Topic Keyword: MERC02