Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Product Meter Information

Inventory Control Menu -> Rental Inventory -> window to Meter Reading

Inventory Control Menu -> Rental/Sale Transfers -> Asset Reclassification Utility Meter Reading

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Update Meter Prompt/Meter Reading -> Meter Reading

The meter information on a metered non-bulk Rental product can be viewed and updated as follows:


This is the maximum number of digits that this meter can track before the counter must be reset or rolled over and restarted.
 This can only be modified when a new meter is being setup or a meter roll-over or replacement is being logged.

An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the 'Update Meter Prompt/Meter Hours - Type & Digits' in the Document Field Access window of Security Role Permissions, in order to access the Meter Digits and to change this value.


The initial startup meter reading for the meter currently installed on this equipment displays. This is used to correctly track units used.
 This is updated when a new meter is installed or a meter rollover or replacement is logged.


The date that the initial meter reading was logged displays.


The current meter reading on the product displays. This may be over-typed if it is not correct.
 Any change in the meter reading is tracked in the Meter History viewable in the window on the LTD Meter field.

If the new meter reading value is less than the previous current reading, when the input screen is completed the operator will be prompted to select a reason code in the Meter Reason Code Search window and to enter any rollover/replacement information in the New Meter Update window as outlined below.

The “Bill Current Meter” feature can be activated in the Company Billing Parameters to automatically bill up to the current Meter count in the Cycle Billing process.


The date of the last meter update is initially displayed, but if the Current Meter value is updated then this date defaults to today's date but can be over-typed as required.
 The Meter History record will reflect the current system date in the log.


This count includes the total units logged from all meters utilized on this product, including any rollovers and replacements.
 Maintenance scheduling is based on this LTD count.

For a new product, the LTD would reflect the difference between the Initial reading and the Current reading.
 For a product which has had multiple meters over a period of time, the LTD is the sum of all meter units actually used.

A window is provided to view the transaction details in Meter History.

Correct LTD Meter Count:
 Click the REDUCE LTD button to correct the LTD meter reading on this product in the Reduce LTD Meter window.


Click OK to accept.

New Meter Update Window:

This update screen is triggered when a meter reading is entered that is lower than the original reading count and the Reason code selected for the decrease in the count is Type N, indicating that a new replacement meter has been installed on the equipment.

Note: Do not click the OK button until the meter update for the old and the new meter is complete, as the meter history record is written immediately.

Old Meter:
 The number of digits on the old meter is displayed with the current reading per the product file.
 Enter the Closing Meter reading to complete the Meter History, and LTD count.
 The increased unit count is displayed.

New Meter:
 The operator will be prompted for the number of Meter Digits on the new meter, the new meter's Initial Meter reading which is the starting point when the meter was installed, and the Current Meter reading

Note: The 'Meter Digits' Security Role Permissions restriction does not apply when a New Meter is setup for a non-bulk product as the operator has to be able to define the maximum digits.

 Click OK when the correct information is completed to update the product file, the Meter History, and LTD count.

Note: This information is not "undone" if the update is triggered from document entry and the product is deleted from that document.
 If the information is not correct manual adjustments can be made directly in the Rental Inventory.

Topic Keyword: MTRREAD