Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Convert Quote to a Sales Order

Counter Menu -> Quotations -> Sale Approval Quotes -> CONVERT button -> Convert Quote To Sales Order

Use this option to convert a sales quote to an order.
 Before converting the quote, the Not OK to Rent file is checked to ensure that this customer is not a poor credit risk file, and listed in Bad Risk Customers.

Sale Approval Quotes cannot be converted to a Sales Order without the Customer Credit Approval.
 For more details on this feature refer to Sale Quotes Pending Approval.

To convert the Sale Quotation to an Order, the prompts are:


Enter the quotation number to be converted or look it up in the window as outlined in Sale Approval Quote Search.

A warning is triggered if this quote has not been fully approved and so the convert not allowed.

Sales Orders Created From this Quote:
 A warning is triggered if this quote has already been converted to a Sales Order, but the Quote was not deleted and it is now being converted to a new Sales Order. Any Sales Orders previously created from this Quote are listed in the Sales Orders Created from this Quote pop-up window for reference.


This window only appears if the customers has been flagged as high risk.
 Comments can be displayed to help explain the problem to the counter staff, and the ability whether or not to allow further activity can be set.
 The customer is identified by checking for a match in one of several predefined fields as outlined in Customer Bad Risk Warning.


Accept the auto-assigned order number or type in the desired number.

 The ability to over-type the document number is controlled by the Allow Custom Document# flag for the document type defined in Last Used Transactions.
 A warning is generated if the number has already been used.


Accept today's date, or type in the correct date for the order.

Date Range Control:
 If the operator does not have date range override permission, the document date will be checked to make sure the date is valid against the date ranges set as acceptable in Date Range Control for OEOH.
 The date control feature helps prevent data entry errors.


Accept today's date, or type in the correct shipping date for the order.


Uncheck this box to default the items on the quotation to NO
 Check this box to default the items on the quotation to Shipped.


Check this box to delete the quotation after it is converted.
 Uncheck this box to save the quotation so that it can be re-submitted, re-approved and re-converted to an Invoice or Sales Order again.

When a Quote is deleted, an audit record is generated tracking the Operator and the Date when the document was deleted. This can be viewed in Delete Log for function OEOD03B.

Product Details

The products on the quote are listed with the product number and description.
 The Ship flag can be modified, and when the Ship flag is checked the Shipped quantity, Unit price, Discount% and Net fields can also be modified.
 The Discount and Extended values reflect any changes.

A warning is triggered if the product cost is less than the Unit price.
 This cost can be adjusted in the expanded product detail record on the resulting Order.

Confirm the correct items in the detail screen are flagged to be converted to the order and have the correct values.
 Click ACCEPT to accept the selection or CANCEL to abort.
 Confirmation is required.

Confirmation Screen

Select Process Convert to convert the quote to an order.

Select Return to Details to return to the product details and make further changes.

Select Abort Convert to abort the process and not convert the quote.

Prompt for Cost:
 If a sales item that has been flagged to prompt for the cost has been included on the quote, a window opens prompting for the cost per unit.
 The ability to enter a cost is controlled by Security Role permissions assigned to the operator.

The new order is created and the screen displays the order as in to Sales Orders.

Topic Keyword: OEOD03