Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Sales Orders

Order Entry Menu -> Sales Orders

The Order Entry module can be used to list the products ordered by the customer, create a Picking Ticket to fill the order from available stock, record the quantity filled or on back-order, and invoice the customer for the parts sold and shipped.

For information on the suitability and process flow, refer to Order Entry Overview.
 For information on setup required, refer to Order Entry Start-Up Sequence.
 For information on the feature to generate a P.O. from the Order refer to Purchase Order from Sales Order Overview.

The 'Include Sales Order Qty In Availability Checking' flag in the Company Invoice Parameters controls how part quantities on a Sales Order impact quantity availability checking on Miscellaneous Invoices.

The prompts to create a Sales Orders include:


Accept the order number automatically assigned (AUTO ASSIGN), or type in the order number assigned to the order.
 When entering the number, numbers and letters can be used.
 Examples include: 4533-C, 4533/2, 4533A.

The ability to over-type the document number is controlled by the "Allow Custom Document#" flag for the document type defined in Last Used Transactions.
 A warning is generated if the number has already been used.

A Sales Order Search window is provided to review existing orders, with the ability to drill down to document details.

Note: When reviewing an existing order, if a Purchase Order was created from the order but the P.O. number is no longer valid, the operator will be prompted to REMOVE the P.O. number and flag, before re-accessing the order.


Enter the division that applies to this Order, or select it from the drop-down list.
 The division defaults to the operator's division assigned in Operators.

All income, revenue, and expenses are tracked by the division, and posting to the correct G/L accounts for that Division is automatic.
 Special Rates can also be setup for the division in the Special Rate Codes table.


The location entered determines from where the parts inventory is taken.
 Product Booking and Availability is impacted by the location selected.
 The location defaults according to the operator location defined in Operators.

G/L transactions to update inventory costs always post to the G/L Location from which the inventory was relieved.


Enter the customer number to be billed for the invoice, or look up the customer in the Document Customer Search window.

All On Account customers should have their own customer number.
 New customers can be added on-the-fly during document entry if required, in the Document Customer Search window.

For walk-in business, instead of assigning a new customer number to each customer, the Cash customer can be used for any customer not On Account.
 When prompted for customer number, accept the default Cash customer number as set in the "Customer# to Clone" field for the division in Divisional Contract Parameters and complete the Bill To fields with the customer's name and address.

Customer Billing Information:
 When a Customer number is selected for the document, the billing information including the customer name and address is displayed as entered into Customer Information.
 These fields can be over-typed if required.

If any part of the customer's address is over-typed, the changes will print on the document, however, the original customer information remains unaltered.
 For CASH customers, type in the name, address and phone number, so that this information prints on the contract.

The customer billing information fields include:


Accept the customer name as displayed or enter the customer's name to print on the contract.

Adding a Cash Customer:
 If an existing customer is not selected for the document and the Add Cash Customers feature is activated in the Division Contract Parameters then a new customer record will be created, assigned a customer number and permanently added to Customer Information.
 When a new customer is added they are automatically given website access with a default password that matches their new customer number and a default email address that matches their new customer number@GW.COM
 This web access information can always be modified in this Internet Information window or in the Portal Customer screen later.
 Other customer values and flags will default to match those setup for the division's "Clone" customer as assigned in the "Customer Settings" of Divisional Contract Parameters.
 For information about adding full details for a new customer record, refer to Customer Information


Enter the customer's billing address.

 A window in the first Address field is provided to access the Document Instructions window where 2 lines of notes may be entered.
 A flag can be set in the Additional Pop-Up Windows, in the Divisional Contract Parameters to control whether the Document Instructions window opens automatically in Add mode after the header information is completed.


Enter the second line of the customer's billing address if required.


Enter the city where the customer is located.
 A City Search window is provided to view cities and the default tax codes. Additional cities can be added in this window as required.

A flag in the "Required Document Information" in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to ensure that this Bill To City is a valid city registered in City Tax Codes.
 When the Bill To City is mandatory on documents, if there is a 'Prov' and/or a 'Postal' code associated with the city in the City Tax Codes table then these Province/Postal values will default to the Billing address when the city is entered on the address.


Enter the province or state where the customer is located.
 This value defaults from City Tax Codes if Bill To City is mandatory and the City has a Prov defined.


Enter the postal or zip code of the customer.

A flag in the "Required Document Information" in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to force the operator to enter a valid Postal or Zip code to match the mask format as setup for the customer's currency in Currency Codes.
 This value defaults from City Tax Codes if Bill To City is mandatory and the City has a Postal code defined.

When Vertex tax processing is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters this address of Street, City, Prov/State, and Postal/Zip is validated against the Vertex database.
 If there is a discrepancy in the address information, a Vertex error is triggered, and the address must be corrected.
 If only a partial address is entered (e.g. no Postal/ZIP ), Vertex attempts to find the tax area for the information that is supplied, but if multiple tax areas could apply a Vertex error is triggered, and more specific address information must be entered.


Enter the customer's telephone number.


If the customer's Account Balance has exceeded the Credit Limit, a Credit Limit Warning will display, showing the Credit Limit, and the Account Balance with the percent over the limit.
 A window is provided to view the unpaid account details.

A flag in the Company Security Parameters can be set to prevent a customer number from being entered on a document if the customer's Credit Limit has been reached or exceeded.


This Credit Rating Warning window is triggered if the customer has been assigned a Credit Rating level that is flagged to generate a warning when new documents are entered.
 A window is provided to view the unpaid Account and aging details.

After the warning is acknowledged, the operator may be able to continue to enter the document, depending on the credit warning flag in Credit Ratings.


Confirmation of accepting the Credit Warning and continuing can be required:

Password Authorization:
 If your firm requires stricter controls on overriding the credit limit, a Password Authorization Requirement can be setup.

Reason Code:
 Over-ride Reason Code tracking can also be activated for the clerk to explain why it was overridden, as outlined in Reason Code for Override.


This complete customer information window which is also accessed and explained in Customer Information Inquiry can be generated automatically or suppressed, according to the divisional "Display LTD Figures" flag in the Divisional Contract Parameters.


Enter an open site# or lookup a global or a customer site in the Site Search window.
 If valid sites are not mandatory, a new one-time site can be manually entered in this first Site Information window that applies only to this order.
 This site is not saved for the customer.

The site address information displays as it will print on the document.

A flag in the Additional Information for each customer can be set, forcing the operator to enter a valid site code on each document for this customer, with the exception of Point Of Sale Invoices.
 A flag in the "Required Document Information" in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to ensure that this Ship To City is a valid city registered in City Tax Codes.
 When the Ship To City is mandatory on documents, if there is a 'Prov' and/or a 'Postal' code associated with the city in the City Tax Codes table then these Province/Postal values will default to the Shipping address when the city is entered on the address.
 Customer and global sites are setup in Customer Site Information.

The Site window can also be set to open automatically.
 This is controlled by the division flag in the Additional Pop-Up Windows, in the Divisional Contract Parameters.
 Select a Global or customer site, or add a site in the window as outlined in Site Search.

Shipping Information:
 Each document allows for two addresses, the 'Bill To' address and the 'Ship To' address.

The 'Bill To' address is stored in Customer Information and indicates where the invoice should be sent.

The 'Ship To' address or Site indicates where the equipment will be used.

If a Site is not selected for the document, the 'Ship To' address defaults to the 'Bill To' address since equipment is often used at the same place as it is billed.
 When relevant over-type this address to reflect actual Ship To information, which will print on the order.
 Alternatively the prompts for Ship to Name, Address, City etc can be ignored and just type in any delivery message.

The Ship To fields include:


Enter the location to receive the order.


Enter the Shipping address.


Enter the Shipping address.


Enter the city where the ordered items will be delivered or select one from the City Search window.
 The Tax codes for this order, then default from any tax codes attributed to this city.


Enter the province or state of the Shipping address.


Enter the postal or zip code of the Shipping address.
 A flag in the "Required Document Information" in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to force the operator to enter a valid Postal or Zip code as determined by the format mask in Currency Codes.


Enter the telephone number of the Shipping address.

Note: If the Sales Order is to be Drop Shipped directly from the supplier to the customer, this shipping address for the customer will also become the Ship To address on the Purchase Order and any changes made to the Site address on the Order will automatically update the Ship-To address on the associated Drop Ship P.O.
 Refer to Purchase Order from Sales Order Overview for details on this feature and the process flow.


This window only appears if the event management processing has been activated in the Company Rate Parameters and it has not been de-activated for the operator's division in the Additional Pop-Up Windows, in the Divisional Contract Parameters.

Click the CANCEL button or the ESC key to exit this window if event rates do NOT apply to this document, or enter the event information as outlined in the Location and Event Information window.


Enter the discount percentage allowed for sales (including sales of rental equipment) on this contract.
 e.g. 10 for 10%

If the customer or site gets a regular sales discount, this can be permanently setup in Customer Information or Customer Site Information so that it will default automatically to the documents.
 The site discount can either replace the customer's discount or be added-to the customer's discount according to the company setting in the Company Billing Parameters.

Discount Exceeds your Allowable Limit:

This warning is triggered if the operator has been assigned a Security Role Permission with a cap on the Maximum Discount% for Sales, and the percent manually entered as an over-ride, exceeds the defined limit.
 The option to get over-ride approval from an operator with permission to assign this high a discount rate, is provided:

Click NO to abort the discount over-ride and to revert back to the previous discount value (even if the previous value exceeds operator maximum).

Click YES to trigger the Discount Authorization window for over-ride approval and operation verification.

Note: If a Sales part is identified in the Re-order window of Sales Inventory to Disallow Discounts, then any discount on that sales part will be disregarded.
 The price can still be over-typed on the Order detail if required.


Accept today's date, or type in the date the order was taken.

Date Range Control:
 The Order Date will be checked to make sure the date is valid against the date ranges set as acceptable in Date Range Control for OEOH

P.O. #

Enter the customer's Purchase Order if applicable for the order.

Some customers require P.O.'s on all documents. If this applies, the "Require P.O." flag can be set for the customer in Customer Information.
 An optional blanket P.O.# can also be assigned to the customer that defaults to all P.O. fields for the customer, but can be over-typed when required.


Type in the name of the person who placed the order.

If an Ordered By name is entered, this name will print on the Sales Order and resulting Sales Order Invoice comments as "ORDERED BY: Name".
 For standard documents and Crystal Forms the wording of the text preceding the name on the document can be customized for two languages in the Document Field Labels table.
 For Jasper documents refer to "Jasper Appearance and Formatting" window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.


Enter the date when the customer expects to receive the goods.
 This defaults from the Order Date but can be over-ridden.


Enter the Ship Via code that indicates how the customer is to receive the goods ordered, or select the code from the drop-down list as setup in Ship Via Codes.

Note: If the Sales Order is to be Drop Shipped directly from the supplier to the customer, this shipping method for the order will also become the Ship Via method on the Purchase Order.
 Refer to Purchase Order from Sales Order Overview for details on this feature and the process flow.


Accept the terms for payment of this order as setup for the customer in Customer Information, or select the terms from the drop-down list.
 e.g. NET 30, C.O.D. etc.


This tax information window only applies if the Vertex Tax feature has been activated from the Company Taxing Parameters.
 It controls whether the tax on the document is based on the Billing or the Shipping address, as outlined in Vertex Information.


The appropriate Vertex rate for the tax area is displayed.
 This is an information field only and is calculated based on the address region.


This field only appears if the Enhanced Tax processing is activated from the Company Taxing Parameters.

A window is provided to search for the appropriate GEOCode as outlined in GEOCode Search.

Note: If the GEOCode or the Taxes are changed on an existing document a warning is triggered that the details and services taxes need to be changed manually if required.

Refer to Tax Maintenance Overview for more information on the ENHANCED Tax feature and the Rules that determine which taxes apply.


If the customer has been identified as a Bad Risk a warning is generate as outlined in Customer Bad Risk with the relevant notes.
 If the customer has been flagged NOT to "Allow Further Activity" then your staff will not be able to proceed with the order for this customer.


This is the operator's ID used to sign into this Company.

If the flag to prompt for the clerk code is NOT set in the Company Security Parameters then the current operator code will automatically display and the field will be skipped.
 If this flag is set to require a code, a valid clerk code must be entered in this field.


A further flag can be set in the Company Security Parameters to require the clerk's password to confirm.
 Three attempts to enter the correct password are allowed before the operator is refused access.


Accept the salesman code as assigned to this customer in Customer Information or select the salesman from the drop-down list.
 All billed orders are tracked by salesman to produce commission reporting.

A flag in the "Required Document Information" of the Company Contract Parameters can be set to make the salesman as setup in Salesman Codes a mandatory field on all documents.


This field does not apply when a Sales Order is first created.

A Purchase Order number is only displayed with the relevant vendor name, on reviewing an existing Sales Order if the order has been flagged in the Order Totals screen to generate a Purchase Order to the supplier ordering all the items on the Sales Order.
 Refer to Purchase Order from Sales Order Overview for details.


Window in this field to access the additional information options as detailed below:

 Comments are view only in this window and only in Change mode as outlined in Sales Order Comments.

 Window to review and set the Default Tax Codes.

 Window to review and set the Business Source for this document.

 Window to review and set any File Attachments associated with this document.
 Attachments linked to a source document that was converted to create another document are also reflected in the File Attachments window.
 e.g. sales order billed to create an order invoice


Click ACCEPT to accept the product list, or CANCEL to abort.


The Document Instructions window opens automatically in Add mode after the header information is completed if the feature is activated in the Additional Pop-Up Windows, in the Divisional Contract Parameters.

These Instructions can also be accessed in the window on the first Address field.


If this customer has anyone setup on the "Name Check List" in Customer Information, or if this is a mandatory field, then the Name Check Select window will open displaying a list of individuals related to this customer.
 The operator can check if this person is allowed to charge rentals for this firm, or if this is a mandatory field, the operator must select a "valid renter" to associate to the document.

If a name is selected in the window, this name will print on the document comments as "PICKED UP BY: Name".
 This wording printed preceding the name on the document can be modified for standard documents and Crystal Forms in Document Field Labels.
 For Jasper documents refer to "Jasper Appearance and Formatting" window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.


Any comments or notes entered can be entered with a print flag as outlined in Document Comments.

Product Order Details:
 Refer to Sales Order Details for information on defining the products on the order.

Order Services and Summary:
 Refer to Sales Order Totals for information adding services and completing the order.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Sales Order screen include:

Delete an Order:
 The DELETE button is only active when the role assigned to the operator in Operators has permission to delete sales orders.
 The role permission is setup in Security Roles on the Security tab of Configure System Settings.

To delete an existing order, click the DELETE button before selecting the document number, as outlined in Delete Sales Order.
 This delete utility makes permanent deletions of the entire order selected.
 If an order is deleted, an audit record is generated tracking the Operator and the Date when the document was deleted. This can be viewed in Delete Log for function OEOH01.

Print Orders:
 Prior to entering a Sales Order # click the PRINT button to print a single or a range of orders as outlined in Print Picking Tickets.

Accept a Deposit on an Order:
 Prior to entering a Sales Order # click the DEPOSIT button to add additional deposit amounts to a Sales Order, as outlined in Add Order Deposits.

Generate Billing for an Order:
 Prior to entering a Sales Order # click the BILL button to generate an invoice for selected products on the Sales Order, as outlined in Bill Sales Order.

Topic Keyword: OEOH01