Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Sales Order Details

Order Entry Menu -> Sales Orders -> Sales Order Details

After the order header has been completed in Sales Orders the product details on the order can be entered.
 The Sales Order # and the Customer number and name are displayed.

The LTD Figures are displayed at the top right of the screen if the feature to "Display LTD Figures" has been activated Divisional Contract Parameters.

Note: If a Purchase Order was created from the Order and any sales product details are deleted or changed on that Order, the associated P.O. will also be updated.
 Refer to Purchase Order from Sales Order Overview for details on this feature.

The prompts to add products to the order include:


The sequence number tracks the product detail records on this order.


Enter the product number, or use a barcode scanner to read the product barcode label, or look for the product in the Inventory Search window.


After the product number has been selected and entered on the document, the description displays as it will print on the invoice.
 Alternate customer language is respected.

If the operator has been given Security Role Permissions in the "Document Access Fields" to change product descriptions in document entry, this product description can be over-typed if required.
 Over-typing the description changes the description only for this order and does not make any permanent changes to the product description stored in the Sales Inventory.


A window to view the View Equipment Specifications is provided on this field.


A flag in the Divisional Inventory Parameters can be set to automatically pop-up a window on document entry, displaying the customer's posted sales activity for this Sales part as outlined in Sales Product History .

If the automatic display of sales history is suppressed this information can still be viewed on the product detail line on the document by windowing on the Unit field, and then in the resulting Special Pricing table, click on the SALES HISTORY button.


Enter the quantity the customer is ordering for this product.
 The quantity currently available will display at the bottom of the screen.

Negative product quantities can be entered to return parts to stock and to generate a credit for the customer.

Note: The specific serial numbers for sales items are selected during Bill Sales Order.

The 'Include Sales Order Qty In Availability Checking' flag in the Company Invoice Parameters controls how part quantities impact availability on Miscellaneous Invoices.


This is the selling price for each unit sold.
 If a special price applies, it will display automatically according to pricing setup in the Price Codes.

Window to view and select from any Special Price codes setup for this product as outlined in Special Pricing Search.

If the unit price is changed, the override is automatically written to a report Print Override Report so that management will be aware of when price changes have been made by a clerk.
 For tighter security, a reason can be required in order to change a price as outlined in Prompt for Reason Code.


Accept the discount % entered on the header for the Sales Orders, or over-type it with the correct discount allowed for this product.
 To set a discount to zero, type 0

Discount Exceeds your Allowable Limit:

This warning is triggered if the operator has been assigned a Security Role Permission with a cap on the Maximum Discount% for Sales, and the percent manually entered as an over-ride, exceeds the defined limit.
 The option to get over-ride approval from an operator with permission to assign this high a discount rate, is provided:

Click NO to abort the discount over-ride and to revert back to the previous discount value (even if the previous value exceeds operator maximum).

Click YES to trigger the Discount Authorization window for over-ride approval and operation verification.

If the discount is changed, the override is automatically written to a report Print Override Report so that management will be aware of when discounts have been given by a clerk.
 For tighter security, a reason can be required in order to give a discount as outlined in Prompt for Reason Code.

To automatically calculate the correct discount %, enter in the desired Net Price in the next field.


The Unit Price less the Discount equals the Net Price each.

If the Net Price each is over-ridden, the discount percent is recalculated so that the mathematical formula is still accurate. This provides the ability to set an exact price when if required.
 A reason can be required in order to change a price as outlined in Prompt for Reason Code.

Note: If the Net Price each is less than the cost each, a warning will display to alert the operator that a loss will be taken unless the Unit Price is over-typed.


The extended amount is the total charge for this item.
 This is information only.

(Net Price - Discount) * Ordered = Extended

 This window is triggered if a Sales Part has been flagged to prompt for the cost.
 In Sales Orders and Work Orders, this capture cost prompt is not restricted by the operator's Security Role Permission flag that controls the "Prompt for Cost in Invoice Entry".

Expanded Record

Click EXP/CON or press <F9> to expand the product detail records to access the product notes, tax, cost, and discount amount fields, as follows:


A notes window is provided for this product.
 Multiple lines of notes can be entered, each with a print flag as outlined in Product Notes on the Document Detail.


Note: This Tax window does not apply if the Vertex Tax feature is active.

Standard Tax window:
 The standard tax codes default according to the Rules as outlined in Tax Maintenance Overview.
 The tax codes can over-typed if required.

Note: The Tax Code NTX over-rides any other code at any level.

To always check the tax codes (GST, PST, State Tax etc) for each order, set the feature to open the tax window automatically in the Company Taxing Parameters.

Enhanced Tax window:
 The taxes and exemptions to be applied are displayed as explained for Enhanced tax processing in Taxes and Exemptions.
 The tax codes can deleted in the window and the exemptions can be modified as required.


The unit cost is displayed for information only.


The discount amount is calculated as the Unit Price * Discount Percent.
 This amount cannot be overridden.
 If changing the Discount % does not yield the desired Extended Amount, set the discount percent to 0.00 and change the Net Price each amount to the desired amount.


The sort values used in the sorting sequence of the product details, are displayed in the third detail line.


Click ACCEPT twice, once for the current line and once for all of the order details.


The product details can remain in the sequence that they were entered, or they can be re-sorted to display on the screen and to print on the document in a preferred order.
 Refer to Document Sort Preference for more information about this divisional controlled feature.

The document summary totals screen is displayed as outlined in Sales Order Totals screen.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Sales Order Details screen include:

Link a File to this Document:
 Click the ATTACHMENTS button to review and set any File Attachments associated with this document.
 Links to attachments from a source document such as a Sales Order will be passed on to any resulting documents such as the Order Invoice.

Topic Keyword: OEOH02