Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Authorization Required

Document Totals Summary entry -> On Account Payment for Cash Customer -> Authorization Required

A Cash customer with insufficient cash to fully pay for a sales or rental invoice can be permitted to charge a one time invoice against his account, if the controls for this feature are activated in the Company Invoice Parameters.

Only operators with Security Role permission as defined in the Company Invoice Parameters, can flag the invoice as charged On Account for the Cash customer.
 If the operator does not have a Security Role that enables Allow on Account as defined in the Company Invoice Parameters, this pop-up window is triggered prompting for the password.

Any unpaid Customer Balance that has previously been charged on account by this customer is displayed along with the current Customer Credit Rating.
 This is information only, and is provided to aid the operator or manager in deciding whether to authorize the over-ride.

If the Allow On Account Password set in the Company Invoice Parameters, is entered the amount of the invoice identified as On Account will be posted to the customer's account.

Topic Keyword: PASSCHK2