Texada SRM Login
Sign On Screen -> Texada SRM Login
The Texada SRM (SRM) software application can be accessed in Open Client from a web browser, or to use MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class) to access the SRM software application, selected the program from the Texada SRM folder or click on the icon on your desktop.
The logon screen is displayed with your company name displayed in the banner at the top of the screen as defined in Company Information.
The text in the banner at the top changes to reflect the program in use, as the operator moves through the software.
Note: When the external 'Authentication' feature is enabled in the Texada Support Parameters this SRM "Sign In" screen signs directly into Texada Web.
SRM can then be accessed from Texada Web's User Management Menu.
When the external 'Authentication' feature is not enabled the user can switch to Texada Web by clicking the blue TEXADA WEB button on the right of this sign in screen
The Log On dialogue box prompts for the operator login information.
For ease of user identification, after signing in the User name and the Division will always be displayed on the narrow stripe at the bottom of the screen, in place of the copyright information that is initially displayed.
The prompts are:
This sign-in prompt only appears if your company has deployed the "Operations by Division" feature activated in Company Information.
By utilizing this feature, multiple separate stores or divisions can be setup to operate independently within the same company and security controls can be setup to share or hide data between divisions.
A default division can be defined for an operator according to the Operating System login name, that eliminates the need for the operator to manually enter a Division code.
This information can be setup in Auto Login By Login Name.
The default can always be over-typed if required, or a new division can be selected from the drop-down list.
Enter your two or three letter operator code as configured in Operators Codes.
Note: The Operator code and the Operator password are case sensitive.
A default operator code can also be defined according to the Operating System login name.
This information can be setup in Auto Login By Login Name.
The default can always be over-typed if required.
Open Client Double Layer Security
When a new computer or device first attempts to sign-in to the Texada SRM application through an Web App or an Open Client session, a secure password is required to validate access.
Refer to Open Client New Device or Login From a New Browser for instructions.
Enter your password up to nine characters.
(This does not display on the screen.)
Passwords are maintained in the Operators Codes.
Click the LOGIN button with the mouse, or using the keyboard press <ENTER> or the ALT_L key combination to accept the sign in codes and to login.
The Date Range control is a security feature meant to help prevent users from making accidental Date errors or from posting into closed accounting periods, where the current period of acceptable dates is set in Date Range Control.
A flag in the Operator Codes can be set to allow an operator to temporarily over-ride the date restriction which would allow that operator to post correcting transactions outside the current date range.
When date range over-ride has been set for an operator, at next login to SRM the 'Date Range Override' is automatically disabled again and a warning is displayed.
When an Open Client session is dropped, it can be recovered when an operator re-accesses the Login screen using the same type of browser and on the same device, by clicking on the View and Resume Sessions option on the Login screen.
A list of all sessions opened in the same browser on this device, current and dropped is displayed with the current function name, date, time and pts ID.
This list is constantly refreshed and any unrecovered sessions will drop off after 2 hours.
Because session information is stored in your web browsers “local storage”, only sessions that were initiated from your web browser on this device are displayed.
This means if the operator uses both Chrome and Edge to start sessions Chrome would see the Chrome sessions, and Edge the Edge sessions.
To recover and re-open a dropped session click on the description of the specific session in the "Recoverable Sessions" portion.
Note: If there are Play or other Company sessions that have been opened on this device, they may display as "Logging in" as the description and the Session ID may show as unknown.
They will however recover the session in that company anyway.
A system wide message can be set up to alert operators at sign in of upcoming events such as a software upgrade.
This System Notification window can be an optional alert or can be flagged that it must be accepted before the login is accepted.
Window on the Operator ID field to open the window to view the System Information.
•This reset licensing utility is provided for single user systems only.
This License Violation utility is useful when a single user Operator is "thrown out" of the software, or exits incorrectly, and the user ID is still counted as occupying the User License. This utility clears the user licenses.
Refer to Clear Current Users for details on this process.
•In LINUX or Windows network systems when an operator signs in causing the number of users to be exceeded, the system will automatically delete all 'INVALID' users that are detected under Clear Current Users, and will try to sign in again.
Time Clock In/Out Checking can be set to prompt the employee for the time, whenever he/she logs into and out of the SRM Software. This feature can be activated in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters and can be setup by employee in Operators.
For more information on this feature, refer to Time Sheet Overview.
Refer to Enter Time Clock Start Time for information on the prompts to "Clock In" at sign on.
Note: When the external 'Authentication' feature is enabled in the Texada Support Parameters this SRM "Time Clock Sign In" screen only requires the Operator code and not the operator's password.
To help manage user license usage, a maximum number of sessions can be set for operators in the Session Restriction screen, and when an operator attempts to login more sessions than allowed by this maximum the Session Restriction Exceeded window is triggered to allow previous sessions to be cleared.
It is passing in and out through this screen that tracks the number of workstations and sessions per workstation, using Texada SRM at any given time.
The Peak License Usage Details utility can be used to view and track the highest license count usage for a twelve month period.
Note: Play Company sessions and Live Company sessions are both included in the license usage count.
If the Licenses are all in use, when another operator attempts to sign in on another workstation, the screen displays the Licensed Number of Users, and the Current Number of Users signed in, as outlined in the user License Violation Detected.
Each license allows four sessions per registered license on the same workstation, and a similar session License Violation Detected screen is triggered if the operator attempts to exceed sessions per license.
Sessions can be cleared to release locked licenses using the Clear Current Users utility.
Note: LINUX systems may require one session reserved for the Background Processing.
If any problems or concerns arise, contact Texada Support for further details on Runtime Licensing.
When an operator signs into a session using the MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class) Client, a check on the version of the SRM Client Software and Utilities is run.
If the PROIV Client version being used on the workstation is a major version and is out of date (e.g. V7 client and V8 kernel) a Version Warning is issued displaying the Utility version & Client install version.
The operator will be forced to log out and will be required to load the compatible Client version to continue.
This version control does not apply to Open Client sessions.
Texada Software offers regular release updates, and after a period of several years no longer supports out of date versions.
An Information warning is generated to each user once a day at logon, if the version is approaching (within 90 days) or is past the pre-defined end of life for support.
Click the OK button to acknowledge the warning, and the software will continue to operate, however this is a warning that Texada Support will not support a retired software version.
Contact Texada Support to schedule a version upgrade.
Each operator has a password to access the software, and the date each password was last changed is tracked in Operators.
For security purposes, each user password should be changed regularly. The number of days before passwords expire and need to be reset, can be defined in Company Information.
If a user's password has expired, at logon he will be prompted to confirm his identity with his old password, and then to enter a new password and repeat it to verify it, as outlined in Password Expired.
If this is a new system, or the fileserver hardware has been updated, or the software has expired and a new PROIV key is required. The Software Expiry Warning dialogue pop-up box is generated providing the ability to register the new key information.
Contact Texada Support for assistance with this registration.
If your firm is using a very old version of the software, you will be missing out on many new features. This older version may no longer be supported and may not be eligible for updates.
An alert warning will be triggered the first time every day when an operator logs in to a division.
Contact Texada Support for assistance with implementing an upgrade.
If the login action has been disabled because the Texada SRM Data Check is still running, refer to File Integrity Check for instructions on enabling the logins.
Topic Keyword: PASSWD11